认证评论 - Journal of Energy Chemistry
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编辑 2023-03-10

Take a look at the rankings of this journal in four disciplines in WOS: JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY
Publisher Name
Journal Impact Factor ™
2021 13.599 Five Year 11.179
Journal Impact Factor Summary
JCR Category Category Rank Category Quartile
ENERGY & FUELS 11/119 Q1

编辑 2023-03-10

Little classmate, are you trying to cut off the editing work? Haha, without editing, the most crucial work and role would be gone (chuckles). All manuscripts need to be reviewed, which may lead to a situation where a manuscript needs to be reviewed by different journals, wasting your submission time and the time of the reviewers. Take a look at the articles published by JEC every year, look at the distribution of schools and funding, and then feel free to provide suggestions to the journal. To make a good journal, the editorial department and editorial board must listen to opinions from all parties, especially from authors and readers, which are extremely valuable! Also, from my perspective, I have never believed that funding influences the selection of an article. It is not easy to produce good work without funding, and editors should be more inclined to publish corresponding work! Similarly, for schools with limited equipment, producing high-quality research results is even more difficult, so there is no reason not to publish them! Taking this opportunity, on behalf of the JEC editorial department, I declare that we welcome teachers and students to discuss their submission experience and provide valuable feedback. We will carefully consider and promptly rectify any issues that need to be corrected, and continue to promote the areas where we excel.

mimi111 2023-03-06

If you don't provide the full text with the author, how can you publish it? Are you going to write "anonymous" when publishing? Any journal would surely go through the editing process first. Journals that dare to have external blind reviews will definitely select higher quality articles. Otherwise, sending a bunch of mediocre articles for blind review would be detrimental to their reputation. Of course, I'm not saying anything about the quality of the OP's article; maybe the editor still found some issues with it. JEC has very high standards overall, and the questions raised about my article were very detailed and professional. It almost got rejected, and the requirements are getting higher and higher (there is an advantage in submitting early). I have also submitted many articles to journals like Angewandte Chemie, ACS Nano, EES, and JEC is the one that asks the most detailed questions. Moreover, JEC is not like NSR and Sci Bulletin, which mainly consider the reputation of the authors. After all, even research groups that are not well-known can have their articles reviewed. That's all I wanted to say.

风风酒家 2023-03-05

If the full text is not submitted, how can it be published? If the manuscript fails the initial review by the editorial department, it is likely because it lacks competitive advantages compared to the received manuscripts.

LICHUYI 2023-03-05

Although it is a double-blind evaluation, it is only the external review that is blind. The power to submit for review still lies in the hands of the editor. When submitting a manuscript, it is required to simultaneously submit the original text with and without author information. The author, affiliation, funding, etc. can still influence the review process, but it simply means that the decision-making power has shifted from the reviewers to the editor.

LICHUYI 2023-03-04

Refusal without reason on the second day of submission.

LICHUYI 2023-03-04

Just submitted today, three hours later it entered the "with editor" status and was assigned a manuscript number. Looking forward to the review.

期刊试金石 2023-03-02

Blind peer review, my friend, with such courage, I believe JEC's level and historical status will be very high. Currently, there are too many mediocre papers in the so-called traditional top journals, often reviewed and commented on by acquaintances. We all understand this, it just depends on who has the courage to reform. Let me tell you responsibly, currently, there are quite a few articles in JEC that have the level of top journals, especially after the implementation of blind peer review. I believe JEC has already become a top journal, not just a domestic one.

风风酒家 2023-03-02

Have a look at the development history of JEC. Did they rely on the preferential policies provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

kjzkk 2023-02-28

The original text is in Chinese and it translates to: "The host sees your comments as very professional. I would like to ask if you think the Journal of Energy Chemistry will drop to the second tier, as the Chinese Academy of Sciences will no longer support domestic journals."

luvkve 2023-02-28

Reply: Second Sex Principle
Hello, can I ask you privately about the related questions of re-investment?

luvkve 2023-02-28

Update: Requesting adjustments to the manuscript. Given an opportunity for resubmission.

luvkve 2023-02-27

Within one hour after submission, with editor, how long does it generally take to receive a review or rejection? Is it true that the longer the time spent with the editor, the more difficult it is to get it reviewed?

milo 2023-02-27

Can't be true, the quality of the journal article is still decent.

kjzkk 2023-02-26

Will this domestic product drop to the lowest tier? ? I just got one.

milo 2023-02-26

The review process is fast, and the editing requirements are very high. The reviewers are very responsible, and the editing suggestions are comprehensive. Thank you, Teacher Zhang Qiang, and I hope JEC (abbreviation for a specific organization or institution) will continue to improve.

kjzkk 2023-02-26

Can the editor provide some comments?

kjzkk 2023-02-26

A few days ago, the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that it would no longer support domestic journals. Will this journal fall out of the first-tier classification?

第二性原理@xf 2023-02-20

The text translates to: "The formatting was revised and resubmitted on October 2nd. It was reviewed on November 11th. The review process ended on February 15th and February 16th. Since then, the status has not changed. I don't know when I will receive comments. Waiting..."

米兰的小铁匠 2023-02-10

Just find the latest literature and make changes accordingly.

第二性原理@xf 2023-02-10

Here is the editor. May I ask what standards should be modified for the summary, image format, references, and language in order to resubmit?

小太阳2022 2023-02-03

It took me six months from submission to acceptance, with three major revisions and a total of five reviewers. Each time, the efficiency was extremely high, with the submission under review within four hours. The formatting requirements were also very strict. I am grateful to Professor Zhang, and the future of JEC looks promising.

mawt 2023-02-03

Submitted on November 10, 2022, with 2 major revisions in between. The opinions of the editors and reviewers were very professional and comprehensive, greatly improving the quality of the article. One of the revisions was delayed due to the pandemic, and each time the feedback was given within 15-20 days. Professor Zhang, the editor, handled the process very promptly, and the article was accepted on February 3, 2023. I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Zhang for being able to handle the manuscript promptly despite being busy, reducing the waiting time for the authors. At the same time, I also see hope for the development of domestic journals in terms of improving and reaching higher standards!

小太阳2022 2023-02-02

I also just received a JEC, the speed is very fast, 1-2 weeks online, and within 3 days after going online, I received the link for the proof.

atoma 2023-01-29

2022.12.4 Submission, return in the afternoon to revise formatting and adjust image clarity.
2022.12.7 Resubmission, under review the same day.
2022.12.19 Require reviewer completion.
2022.12.29 Major revision.
2023.1.14 Submitted and under review.
2023.1.15 Accepted.
The journal is highly efficient, but it may coincide with the Chinese New Year and has not yet been published online.

小太阳2022 2023-01-06

Impact factor 13.599, estimated to have a very high chance of reaching 20 in two years. Double-blind review can greatly improve the quality of manuscript evaluation.

宋江平 2023-01-05

We also want to express our sincere gratitude to Teacher Zhang Qiang for his extremely high efficiency in handling matters.

宋江平 2023-01-05

11.2 Submission
11.4 Review
11.12-16 Review process completed
11.24 Received feedback, all four reviewers agree, editor suggests major revisions, and requests the revised manuscript to be returned by 12.14
1.4 Submit revised manuscript (due to the impact of the pandemic, request for a one-month extension)
1.4 Acceptance
JEC adopts a double-blind policy. The quality of the articles has greatly improved compared to before, and the reviewers are very professional and meticulous, raising deep questions. It is predicted that the journal's impact factor should exceed 16 by the year 2023 and should reach 20 or above in 2024.

book_liu 2023-01-03

Thank you very much, editing teacher. It's hard for you to work during the holiday. I wish JEC all the best in the future!

编辑 2023-01-03

Hello, your manuscript has been extended until February 14th.

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