认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
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C博士 2021-06-05

Hello, may I ask how long does it take for "Awaiting Administrator Processing" after submission? It has been 18 days and AMD hasn't processed it yet.

KeYanMinGong1 2021-06-04

Recent articles are basically unreadable, and there is excessive spamming. Impact factor (IF) is overrated. Not to mention other things, people are trying to boost their IF by resubmitting rejected papers. Besides IEEE Access, the only other journal is tcyb.

ryan_9786 2021-06-02

2020-11-18 submitted
2021-2-9 revision-regular paper
2021-3-8 revised manuscript submit
2021-6-2 accept as regular paper

2020-11-18: Submitted
2021-2-9: Revision of regular paper
2021-3-8: Revised manuscript submitted
2021-6-2: Accepted as regular paper

Fe1ix 2021-06-01

2019-05-23 submitted
2019-08-12 Reject & Resubmit
2020-11-17 submitted (It took a long time because another article was done in between)
2021-05-31 Revision - Regular Paper
After being under review for a long time with the associate editor, I finally sent an email to the editor last week and finally saw the reviewer's comments on Children's Day (haha). Minor revisions, the opinions of several reviewers are still relatively positive.

炸毛的北极熊 2021-05-31

Umm, there was a mistake with 20 months, it should be 8 months...

炸毛的北极熊 2021-05-31

It took 20 months from submission to finally being accepted, which was quite sudden.
2020-09-13 submitted
2021-03-21 reject and resubmit
2021-05-15 accept as regular paper
The whole process was quite frustrating. Our project was about multiphase flow and signal processing, which has already produced four papers, including ones with an impact factor of 10+. It was difficult to accept the direct rejection after a 6-month review (so unfair...). Later, I found out that this seems to be a common practice in IEEE... The evaluation scores during rejection were one good, one fair, one minor revision, and one poor. Looking back, it is true that the version still needed some polishing. Along with the other authors, we worked day and night (after all, we can't expect the professors to stay up late, unfortunately) for over a month, completely revising the entire article. We even made additions and changes to the experimental section, reaching over 80%+. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, communication with the professor was delayed from Christmas until March (helpless). After resubmission, it took a month to become "awaiting EIC decision." After about two weeks, my colleague suddenly excitedly informed me that it had been accepted, without any further revisions needed (shocked).

ghostvss 2021-05-29

Excuse me, is this journal double-blind?

托雷安娜 2021-05-15

May I ask how long your Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment status has been? It has been a week for me.

smile to life 2021-05-13

Replying to the questions from the two friends above, (1) with the associate editor, the level of responsibility of the editor I work with is generally around 3 days, with minimal delays; (2) in the case of reject and resubmit, a new submission with a new ID needs to be initiated, the original submission cannot be directly uploaded. There is no time limit for resubmission, but it is advised to submit as soon as the necessary improvements are made. It is important to include a response letter addressing the previous reviewer comments and also include the previous ID to facilitate the editor's handling.

ryan_9786 2021-05-12

How long does it generally last with an associate editor?

俯瞰风景 2021-05-12

I would like to ask you, under the result of "reject and resubmit", do I need to wait for several months before I can submit the revised version, or can I directly resubmit it in the system using the original article ID after the modifications are done?

梦儿呢 2021-05-11

The results of continuous effort are great. In addition, the three top-level journals in the field of control also include SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. It is not inferior to TAC and AUT at all.

smile to life 2021-05-08

Xiao Bo, a second-grade student, this is the first article in my life. It took a whole year to complete. Many people may look down on this journal, but it is not easy for newcomers after all. After all, you have to eat one bite at a time and take one step at a time. No one can reach the level of TAC or automatica with their work or article writing at the beginning. The following timeline is for your reference. I wish you all have better articles!

2020-5-12: Submitted
2020-8-17: Rejected and resubmitted
2020-9-24: Resubmitted
2021-1-2: Major revision
2021-1-31: Revised manuscript submitted
2021-3-26: Minor revision
2021-4-15: Revised manuscript submitted
2021-5-7: Accepted as a regular paper.

SHTJ 2021-04-27

The person upstairs lacks a sense of humor, it's just sarcasm.

Yingjie Zhou 2021-04-11

Excuse me, how long does it take for the status "Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment"? I have been in this status for half a month, is it still the same?

Ming Xu 2021-04-10

The most prestigious journal in the field of artificial intelligence, surpassing JMLR, TIT, TSP, etc. in terms of innovation. It dominates TAC in the field of control and is the true champion! Having participated in multiple peer reviews, the high quality of the manuscripts is astonishing. The editors are fair and impartial, and the chief editor is highly respected, with no favoritism involved. Although this journal has exceptionally high quality and publishes with great difficulty, it has an explosive impact. However, Chinese researchers have still managed to seize about 90% of the publications, which fully demonstrates that China has established a monopolistic hegemony in the field of artificial intelligence, surpassing Europe and the United States, and truly deserving the title of the world's leading superpower in artificial intelligence!

crr9 2021-04-01

Old top-tier journal in the field of artificial intelligence, recommended by CCF B.

piggy_one 2021-03-29

Can't be, can't be. Can't believe someone is actually studying control theory papers of TCYB.

JackieTai 2021-03-23

2019-4-10 submitted
2019-10-13 major revision
2019-11-6 revision submitted
2020-1-6 minor revision
2020-1-8 revision submitted
2020-1-14 minor revision
2020-1-23 revision submitted
2020-2-4 accepted


2019-4-10 submitted
2019-10-13 major revision
2019-11-6 revision submitted
2020-1-6 minor revision
2020-1-8 revision submitted
2020-1-14 minor revision
2020-1-23 revision submitted
2020-2-4 accepted

S-M-W 2021-03-17

2020.06.18: Submitted;
2020.09.17: Reject & Resubmit;
2020.11.05: Submitted;
2021.03.14: Accept as Regular Paper.


2020.06.18: Submitted;
2020.09.17: Reject & Resubmit;
2020.11.05: Submitted;
2021.03.14: Accept as Regular Paper.

Asuka2134 2021-03-11

Has it been under review for three months?

Hardy 2021-03-05

2020.12.18: Submitted
2021.3.5: Under Review

宋逸 2021-01-18

I want to ask, what is the subsequent handling situation after you submit your minor revision?

HAHM12 2021-01-13

Excuse me, senior, may I ask how much is the layout fee for this journal? Could you please let me know?

Leon_hot 2021-01-13

A reject

keci 2021-01-07

Excuse me, OP, have you received any updates after re-submitting? Have you added any more reviewers?

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