认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

xhcvvvv 2021-10-09

May I ask how long it will take for the decision on the EIC (Employment Insurance Commission) to be made? It has been 17 days and there is still no result. How much longer can I expect to wait? I am feeling anxious.

xhcvvvv 2021-10-09

Excuse me, has it been almost a month since awaiting EIC decision?

追梦咸鱼 2021-10-07

How many reviews is it in the first instance?

xhcvvvv 2021-10-06

It has been half a month and there is still no result. Are the reviewers and editors on holiday for the National Day? I am anxiously waiting.

lanxiao 2021-09-29

Hello, how long does it usually take for an EIC decision? It's been almost a month for me and I still haven't received any results.

Fe1ix 2021-09-22

Finally accepted after three submissions.
23-May-2019 Submitted
12-Aug-2019 Rejected & Resubmitted
(I left it aside for a long time and didn't pay attention to this article)
17-Nov-2020 Resubmitted
31-May-2021 Revised - Regular Paper
(The review time for this was also quite long)
30-Jun-2021 Revised
02-Sep-2021 Accepted as Regular Paper

xhcvvvv 2021-09-21

Oh, oh, oh, thank you.

royal-mount 2021-09-20

There should be controversy and peer reviewers.

kano 2021-09-18

4 months of submission, 4 reviewers, received 3 minor revisions and 1 major revision.
Let's hope for some good luck.

科研小白123321 2021-09-16

It should be added as a reviewer.

royal-mount 2021-09-16

Posted in August 2020, after three rounds of revisions, it was accepted.

xjp99v5 2021-09-16

2021.3.7 submit.
2021.3.25 under review.
I have been waiting for 6 months and still no results.

xhcvvvv 2021-09-14

I would like to ask why the status of my article changed from "under review" to "with associate editor" and then back to "under review" after two months of review?

去看海1 2021-09-07

I would like to ask if the author information of this journal reference will be included in the plagiarism detection rate.

YAOYAO123 2021-08-18

May I ask if there are any results yet?

我是胖可乐 2021-08-11

May I ask how many days it takes for the elder brother to review? It has been 20 days and it is still in the status of being assigned to an editor...

xhcvvvv 2021-08-10

The following text translates to English as: "After 40 days of the first trial, it entered into 'Awaiting EIC Decision.' Can someone please explain what's going on... I'm getting nervous, it feels like things are not looking good!!!"

123nini 2021-07-28

Just saw this article, famous relation holder.

xhcvvvv 2021-07-18

It should be soon, it took me nearly three weeks to become "under review".

liuwuniu 2021-07-17

My 27 days turned into UR.

V 2021-07-17

It has been almost three weeks, why is it taking so long?

xhcvvvv 2021-07-16

Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment has been two weeks. Which friend knows how long it will take to be assigned? Thank you.

EleaM Josen Haplacg 2021-07-06

This is amazing, there must be top experts here, so the quality of the articles must be very high.

飞驰人生哇 2021-07-05

Some papers. Manuscript received April 14, 2021; accepted May 28, 2021.

呆头阿羞羞 2021-06-29

Rejected on 2021.06.29, four reviewers, one major revision, two minor revisions, one reject.

kano 2021-06-26

Submit one article, praying to pass.

师尼克 2021-06-22

This journal is a "guanxi" journal, mainly focused on the Chinese factions within the circle. There are many articles published every year. Nowadays, many of the reviewers in my circle just look at the author's affiliation and title, quickly scan the content, and that's it (everyone understands that most of the work on tcyb is just patching up existing work or combining two existing articles). In reality, the submissions are all at the same level. If there are Chinese authors (as mentioned by many above), they are given an opportunity, otherwise, they are rejected. Based on our submission and review experience, it is suggested to first see if you can find someone to be a co-author before submitting, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

guolei 2021-06-15

Typical relationship-oriented journal. Recently, I have been receiving frequent review invitations, all of which have some big names attached to them. The funniest thing is that these plagiarized and fabricated articles are still being published, all under the names of Huang Tingwen from Shenzhen XX University and Chongqing XX University. These people are waiting to be regulated by IEEE.

呆头阿羞羞 2021-06-12

Dear friends who have had their articles published in this journal, may I ask if any of your authors have achieved senior membership or fellowship in IEEE? I randomly clicked on more than ten published articles, and only one of them did not have an IEEE senior member or fellow affiliation.

呆头阿羞羞 2021-06-12

I applied in December last year, and it is still under review until now. This is too slow!

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