认证评论 - ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

qinzhao 2021-07-21

May I ask what is the status of your submission now?

qinzhao 2021-07-20

Why have I been waiting for almost 4 days and it's still "submitted", how come you were so quick?

夕阳掉进我心里 2021-07-20

David Allen

夕阳掉进我心里 2021-07-20

I am also this editor. It has been 7 days since the 13th, and I am still in the status of "Associate Editor Assigned". I wonder what the situation is.

qinzhao 2021-07-20

Okay, thank you, brother.

怒怼手稿送葬者 2021-07-20

Very normal, I feel that the speed has slowed down a lot after the new IF came out, it should be because there are more manuscripts.

qinzhao 2021-07-20

Regarding the reply to the 113th floor, how did it turn into a comment? So it occupies an extra floor [sweating][sweating]. I hope it can be resolved.

qinzhao 2021-07-20

In response to the comment on the 113th floor, how did it turn into a review?

qinzhao 2021-07-20

Brother, you were hired in just one month? Can you share your submission process and experience?

qinzhao 2021-07-20

Brother, you got hired in just one month? Could you please share your submission process and experience?

qinzhao 2021-07-20

May I ask if it is normal for the status to still be "Submitted" after three days of submission?

怒怼手稿送葬者 2021-07-20

June 8th Submission
June 15th Review
Until now, there has been no notification, editor David T. Allen

雨小夏 2021-07-19

My manuscript has been with the deputy editor for 16 days, but there is still no news...

hxzy 2021-07-19

6.25 Submission, 6.26 Assigned to Editor Pro. Bert Sels. Until now, on 7.19, it is still Associate Editor Assigned. It has been 23 days already. What is the situation?

夕阳掉进我心里 2021-07-18

Mine too, it has been 5 days since David Allen has had it and there has been no progress.

雨小夏 2021-07-17

It has been 14 days since the deputy editor was assigned, and it is still in the editor's hands. What should be done?

小文 2021-07-17

13-Jul-2021 submitted
15-Jul-2021 Associate Editor Assigned
16-Jul-2021 In Peer Review

Speedy fast, many thanks to editor Lin Zhuang, salute to the editor.

1NAnana 2021-07-17

It will be very strict, and my editor is this expert. Over 50 review comments, 6 reviewers, and it was revised three times. Seriously improved.

1NAnana 2021-07-15

The speed is quite fast, five reviewers were assigned. The editor is the one from Canada, I am very grateful to the editor. Although the process was difficult, I finally accepted it. Thank you for the support of the editor.

唐可可 2021-07-15

Hello everyone! I would like to ask why I couldn't find the Endnote reference format for this journal. Is there anyone kind enough to have it?

唯青 2021-07-13

I also delivered it to this editor's hands.

唯青 2021-07-11

Why can't my manuscript generate a PDF after I submit it?

Fhk 2021-07-09

Child, everyone is pursuing a master's or doctoral degree. Can you use your brain a bit when evaluating things and asking questions? What kind of warning journal is this? Silly.

Arile 2021-07-09

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to receive the review comments?

only000 2021-07-02

Has it been evaluated as an early warning journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

赵铁蛋 2021-06-29

Yes, that's right. After my submission was edited, the review result was out in just half a month. It's really fast. Let's make some revisions.

赵铁蛋 2021-06-29

The speed is really fast.

oolili 2021-06-28

Understood... The top left corner menu is still being allocated for editing.

oolili 2021-06-28

May I ask how you check the submission status? Why does it go "under review" as soon as I submit it, and I can't see any changes in the status?

鹿儿 2021-06-23

2021.02.24 Submitted
2021.02.26 Under review
2021.04.02 Major revision
2021.04.30 Submitted revision
2021.05.27 Minor revision
2021.06.03 Submitted revision
2021.06.18 Formatting revision
2021.06.18 Submitted revision
2021.06.23 Accepted
It wasn't as fast as expected, and there were two reminders in between. I have to say, Canadians (Audrey Moores) are not very efficient, but overall, I am quite satisfied with the process. The journal has strict requirements, and the article is good, with high quality, comparable to Green. Hopefully, I can return to the top tier soon!

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