认证评论 - Polymers
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木有07 2021-07-10

The review speed is very fast. I asked some friends around me and they confirmed that there would definitely be results within 2-3 weeks of submission.
To be honest, at least in the field I am working in, the reviewers are very professional. They had a total of over twenty questions, and their professional suggestions, although they increased the difficulty of responding, greatly improved the level of the paper.

阿达撒 2021-07-06

How much is the page layout fee?

不吃菜的小怪兽 2021-06-30

On the day of submission, the editor requests the sending of some original data.

莫问 2021-06-16

Does this journal require the upload of raw data?

Peter_Ben 2021-05-25

Second submission of the short article (the first one was criticized because the experiment on a multi-system analysis couldn't be conducted). Received reviewer comments in about 10 days, with no request for additional experiments (all possible experiments were already conducted). Made minor revisions, but the three reviewers provided over 20 comments/suggestions in total....
Replied to each point individually, without any rebuttal (the attitude towards the revisions was very sincere), and the revised manuscript was accepted the day after resubmission.
The editor's efficiency and expertise are remarkable. Two of the three reviewers understood the topic well and raised some detailed issues that were not elaborated in the article. One reviewer was not an expert in the field, but still provided valuable suggestions based on the structure of the article, which helped improve it from a reader's perspective.
Although the self-citation rate of the journal is relatively high, I still appreciate the efforts of the editor and reviewers. I am not concerned about the warning, as long as my research work is recognized by the reviewers and myself. It is not about inflating the number of publications in the journal (especially in the field of processing, where I am aware that some of my work cannot compete for top-tier journals).
The APC fee is indeed expensive, but taking on more reviewing work can provide discounts, and many domestic institutions already have certain discounts in place for their members.

就是不告诉你我是谁 2021-01-22

Is it only this year that it entered the warning list?

CARver 2021-01-18

The review speed is fast, but the cost is a bit high. In addition, there are some minor formatting issues in the published article. The journal has also given a warning, so everyone should figure it out on their own.

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