认证评论 - Polymers
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ncuxu 2022-08-26

August 2nd submitted to Journal
August 2nd under review
August 17th Pending decision
August 18th Pending major revision
(Two reviewers, one with 7 comments, one with 8 comments)
The reviewers were highly professional, which increased the difficulty of response, but was very helpful in improving the quality of the paper.
August 24th Revised submitted
August 24th Revised version review
August 25th Pending editor decision
August 25th Accept
This may be my first and only experience of "light-speed" publishing.

爱汪汪wang 2022-08-19

The first review unexpectedly took five reviewers, and it still wasn't that fast. I just finished revising and returned, not knowing the outcome.

kkMM 2022-08-01

May I ask about the quality requirements for the paper? I am quite worried recently as I have only written half of the paper. I'm not sure if it can be completed within two months.

2022.9 2022-07-25

Received: June 16, 2022 / Revised: July 4, 2022 / Accepted: July 6, 2022. Quick! Welcome to communicate!

半π 2022-07-19

The person upstairs got lucky in this journal! I had previously submitted to this journal and got rejected, so I changed to a free journal with an impact factor of 6.5, and it was quickly accepted. It's really strange!

andy_xu 2022-07-17

After two weeks, I received feedback for repair. The feedback was very detailed, and the three reviewers raised over 40 questions, which were professional and comprehensive. After submitting the revised version, there were also around ten issues for minor adjustments. It doesn't feel as easy as I imagined, but it's still worth submitting. The speed is very fast.

taylor1993 2022-06-20

How can you tell this is a first district article? Isn't this the third district?

天气之king 2022-06-20

The importance of scientific research lies in the exchange of experiences, and other matters are left to future generations to discuss. Although the cost of publication is slightly high, journals in JCR1 zone are worth submitting to. This journal has a short review cycle and fast editorial processing speed, so friends in a hurry to publish can consider it!

天气之king 2022-06-09

Brother, your statement is incorrect. There are many factors that influence the submission of academic papers, and it cannot be simply compared like this! For example, a previous paper of mine was rejected by a JCR2 zone (Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 3) journal that requires publication fees, but it was directly accepted by a JCR2 zone (Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 2) journal that does not require fees.

zhd236 2022-06-02

Unwanted articles from Zone 3 can be submitted here, and you're asking if they are good enough? Many of us in this group had no choice but to submit this in the end. It's a last-place option.

lydx 2022-05-16

The review process is fast, only one round of review was conducted, and it is considered a small-scale journal. However, it is a bit expensive, so it is recommended not to submit unless there is no other choice.

fashing 2022-04-26

The manuscript review was done quickly. It was submitted on the 4th, minor revisions were made on the 13th, and it was returned a few days later. It was accepted smoothly and published online on the 24th. Wishing the journal continued success!

LLkkk 2022-04-10

Is the tax number provided after payment? Is the invoice in paper or electronic format?

路过蜻蜓 2022-03-22

March 21st Published
The review process is extremely fast. If you are in a hurry for the article, you can consider it. Otherwise, it is recommended not to submit it, after all, that one.

路过蜻蜓 2022-03-17

February 14th submission
March 9th minor revision
March 12th revised
March 14th minor revision
March 15th revised
March 17th accepted
The cost is a bit high, 2400 Swiss francs.
If you're not in a hurry for the article, it's better not to submit this one.

小舟 2022-03-15

This magazine is quite good in the field of polymer science, being ranked as JCR Q1 and CAS Q2. I don't know why many people think it is inferior, perhaps because it lacks innovation and good experimental results, making it difficult to publish. Chinese people have a negative impression of open access and paid publication journals, thinking that money can buy publication, but in reality, it is also challenging to get accepted without ideal experimental results. Furthermore, the magazine has an impressive review speed and professional reviewers, eliminating the long waiting time. The reason for charging high processing fees may be to ensure quick publication after acceptance.

Xiang Lee 2022-03-13

The review cycle is not long, and the time given for proofreading is also very short, suitable for articles that need to be published in a short period of time.

keyanhz 2022-02-11

Rapid review!!!
Submission: 2022-1-8
Major revision: 2022-1-18
Minor revision: 2022-1-28
Direct acceptance: 2022-1-31
Publication: 2022-2-8
Received the acceptance letter on New Year's Eve and was so happy that I didn't sleep all night. Although the journal is not very prestigious, the three reviewers were still very responsible and raised a total of 14 questions throughout the process. The language and coherence of the article improved significantly after the major revision. It is suitable for those who are about to graduate and need articles quickly, but it is a bit expensive. If the journal specifies a certain school, the publication fee is around 16,000 RMB. However, if the school is within the specified range, it is possible to negotiate a discount with the editor.

TBOOKMAN 2021-12-02

A major revision was given 10 days after submission, with a total of 10 questions from two reviewers, which were answered well.
The revised manuscript was returned 3 days later and accepted the next day, followed by payment and publication 2 days later.
Overall, it took a total of 12 days from submission to acceptance.
Suitable for colleagues with limited time availability.

VST 2021-10-21

Reviewing is very fast, just like other MDPI journals, with major revisions given within ten days. We were given ten days to make the revisions, and a total of more than 40 comments were provided by three reviewers, both big and small. Many of the suggestions were valuable, and it didn't feel like a low-quality review. However, I don't know why it was flagged this year. After conducting additional experiments, we resubmitted the paper and it was accepted within a week. The publication process, including payment, was also fast, at a difficulty level similar to a Q3 journal.

自由翱翔 2021-10-13

It is best to have a VISA card, I borrow it from my friends, and it is very convenient.

自由翱翔 2021-09-19

I feel that the reviewing power of this journal is very strong. When I submitted an article, the process was extremely fast and I received a lot of comments. Fortunately, each issue was specific, allowing me to understand the direction of the revisions clearly. I feel that the reviewing process was very professional and I learned a lot of details through this experience. Regardless, I am very grateful to this journal!

Monster00 2021-09-11

Excuse me, is there anyone who has experienced a situation where the initial payment for layout fees was unsuccessful, contacted the editor to rewrite the article title and input the amount for payment? Why haven't I received an email from the editor after making the payment, and the website has not received the money either, but the payment has already been deducted from my side. Can anyone offer advice on this matter? I used a UnionPay credit card for payment.

原来是骄傲吧 2021-08-18

Received Date: 17 July 2021
Revised Date: 8 August 2021
Accepted Date: 13 August 2021
Published Date: 17 August 2021
Page Count: 13
Reference Count: 44

原来是骄傲吧 2021-08-17

Although it is said that money can get you published, it's not as extreme as it is rumored. The article must have some innovation and content. After all, MDPI's rejection is also quite fast, so it takes a lot of effort to revise the content and format. Since it is a Q3 journal, articles with some innovation can generally be published. There is no difference between peer review and SCI journals. One reviewer's question was difficult to answer academically, asking for additional experiments and tests that were not feasible due to limited conditions. It feels like the response to the reviewer's comments could be written as another mini paper. When replying to the comments, I couldn't sleep for several days, my heart was hanging. Fortunately, it was accepted in the end.

Disadvantages: The journal currently has a low impact factor and high publication fees.

Advantages: The speed is relatively fast and stable. The editor agrees to send for external review, and serious revisions are more likely to be accepted.

Originally, I was planning to submit to Polymer Chemistry, but time was too tight, so I chose to submit to this journal as a precaution. My personal suggestion is that PhD students or those planning to pursue a PhD should not submit to this journal, considering its low impact factor. If time is sufficient, it is best not to submit to this journal. There are fast and free journals available, such as CJPS in Q2, etc. If time is limited and stability is desired, this journal can be considered. Rejections are also quick and won't waste much time. I hope this can help everyone.

溯北流云 2021-08-16

The evaluation of Polymers by everyone is very objective. MDPI's journal, although open access, is not a place for low-quality articles. The basic process is similar to everyone else's, and the speed is relatively fast. Now let's talk about two issues regarding submission and peer review. The first is the option of Open Peer Review, which means that the peer review comments and your responses will be made public. When selecting this option, it is important to understand its implications. The second issue is the editorial decision process. Although it is an open access journal, this stage may not necessarily be fast. It could take longer due to the editor being busy. The outcome depends more on how you respond to the peer reviewers and the revision process.

Pudding77 2021-08-04

Although it is often compared with polymer, it is surprising that the impact factor can reach 4 or above, which may be due to the low influence caused by open source. However, it must be said that the editors and reviewers are indeed careful, serious, and responsible.

Submitted on June 4th.
Sent for review on June 7th.
Returned with minor revisions on June 22nd, with a 5-day deadline and 11 questions from three reviewers.
Returned for further minor revisions on July 3rd, approved by the reviewers. This time it was the academic editor, who seemed even stricter than the reviewers, and raised a total of 12 questions throughout the process.
Returned with minor revisions again on July 14th, with a 5-day deadline. The academic editor raised 4 questions and required additional three characterizations, which delayed the submission by two days.
Returned with minor revisions on July 27th, with a 5-day deadline. The academic editor raised 2 questions and requested improved regularity of chemical structural bond lengths and bond angles.
Accepted on August 3rd.

In summary, the speed is moderate, and the reviewers and editors are very responsible, especially the academic editor (the first time encountering one). They pay attention to details, but their suggestions are representative and indeed improve the quality of the article significantly. The total fee is 1800 CHF.

不吃菜的小怪兽 2021-07-28

Received Date: June 25, 2021
Review Comments: July 1st, Three reviewers, major revision
Revised Date: July 14, 2021
Accepted Date: July 19, 2021
Published Date: July 21, 2021
It was really fast! The impact factor is almost the same as polymer. It has increased by nearly 1 in a year. The editors and reviewers are very responsible and professional. It's not as casual as I imagined. Of course, I didn't consider submitting high-quality articles to this journal either. I also submitted a mediocre paper, but the reviewers' comments were still very professional. I learned a lot and overall it's good.

不吃菜的小怪兽 2021-07-28

After discount, it is 1600 Swiss francs.

木有07 2021-07-10

The usual discount for a regular university is 220 Swiss francs. The original price is 2200 Swiss francs, but if you subscribe to the special edition, you can ask the editor for a discount coupon worth 400.

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