认证评论 - Nano-Micro Letters
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hizhou 2022-11-14

Instant IF: NML = 19.26, AM = 21.58, AEM = 20.25, Carbon Energy = 14.88, ESM = 15.65, ACS Energy Letters = 16.75, InfoMat = 16.47, AFM = 13.79, Nano Energy = 11.69, ACS Nano = 12.91, Materials Today = 17.46, Matter = 14.23.

hizhou 2022-11-14

The second research article in the small research group.
The submission to the journal was rejected, and I don't want to try other options anymore. I switched to a domestic journal, NML.
I feel that the requirement for novelty is extremely high now, and there are basically no people in the field who are doing it with high device performance, so it is difficult to get past the editors of prestigious journals.
The probability of being able to submit for review is very high! Keep it up, domestic journals!!!

科研2狗 2022-10-16

Still not submitted for review, directly rejected 10 days later, then got accepted by ACS EL. It's too difficult for domestic production.

一贱封神 2022-09-06

Rejected six days after submission, I used to receive recommendations from this journal before. After looking at the level of papers published in it, they were just ordinary Tier 1 papers. However, the impact factor is terrifying. As of August 30th, the submission queue has reached 11,800, and they only accept around 200 papers per year. Our small research group should not even bother trying.

The most crucial issue is that after rejection, the system directly returns the paper and you can only delete it. The system does not leave any record. This is the first time I have encountered such a journal, and I will avoid it in the future.

清酒a 2022-09-06

I would like to ask about the review cycle of this journal. Currently, my status has been waiting for reviewers' ratings.

小千 2022-08-15

Four days after submission, I received a rejection notice from the editor without any external review. The reason for rejection was that the submission had few contributions and no significant findings, so it was not considered. It seems similar to what others have experienced. It's difficult for outsiders to be published in this circle journal. There are fewer experimental articles, so they suggest submitting a review article. If I don't give up, I can try again as the process is quite fast and it won't delay me from submitting elsewhere.

拖累大家 2022-07-12

This journal invites submissions everywhere, but rejects them as soon as they are submitted. It doesn't even send them for review. It is a garbage journal that neither cites nor reviews. It will be blacklisted for life!

sc-99 2022-05-30

Those who understand, know that it is a self-entertaining journal.

djkaldjakl 2022-04-28

Do you dare to release your DOI number for everyone to see? Which small research group do you belong to?

科研农民工1 2022-04-22

Four days after submission, I received a rejection notice from the editor without any external review or reasons for rejection. The performance of the material I worked on has already surpassed the performance of the latest published articles in this journal. Is this how domestic journals operate???

Kuit 2022-04-08

The text translates to: "Nature Chemistry only publishes 200 articles per year."

ambient 2022-02-24

Strongly agree, just add a few more pictures for the close relations. Others can just be rejected directly.

buct小主子 2021-12-17

Strongly agree... I really don't know whose vested interests this publication serves.

penguin 2021-11-30

It was written incorrectly, it should be "the ratio of overview should not exceed 10%".

alan 2021-10-11

The level of the article is very high. Domestic journals will become better and better. Keep up the good work.

companyYS 2021-10-08

8.17 submitted
9.2 major revision
9.17 revision submitted
10.8 accepted
Thank you to Editor-in-Chief Zhang Yafei for the fast review process. The reviewers asked very professional questions (around 6-8 reviewers). As a top domestic journal, the quality of papers has improved rapidly in the past three years. Even small research groups like mine can submit papers (I am from a small research group). The impact factor is expected to exceed 20 next year. For those negative comments in the comment section, are the quality of the articles and the positioning of the journal not in line with each other?

铸工楼搬砖人 2021-09-16

After reading several articles in the field, I feel that the quality of most articles published by ACS is barely at the level of Zone 2. The only characteristic is that they provide comprehensive characterization, but there is almost no innovation. It's just repeating what others have done and serving stale ideas. Looking at the publication cycle, it only takes 20 days from submission to publication. Well, now I understand why these articles are accepted. I suggest that everyone should not refer to this journal in the future; it is simply a tumor in the academic community and is comparable to predatory journals. While others can publish by paying, this journal has its own national characteristics.

润成 2021-09-14

Two words: rubbish journal. I will not submit to it again in the future, and even if I did, they wouldn't accept it anyway. After all, we don't have a big name to back us up. It's a waste of time if there's no big name associated. Don't worry, we will definitely not cite it in the future.

refrewf 2021-06-18

Notify the results within three weeks and accept within two months.
Professional, international review. The language will be improved by the editorial department before publication. Images will be published as vector graphics.

unsw2012 2021-06-10

It feels like it is used to publish articles within a specific circle. Less than 100 articles are published in a year, and most reviews have a two-year waiting period. I just wonder how far this kind of journal can go.

penguin 2021-03-09

This journal, without a doubt, is a low-quality publication. It receives dozens of articles in a year, and nearly half of them are reviews. It is only meant for those within the field and their connections, just like Nano Today. I don't know what the purpose of this journal's existence is, other than occupying a spot in the top-tier materials category and making it more difficult for everyone to publish in that category. Let's compare it to Angewandte Chemie and Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), which receive over 2000 manuscripts a year, with review articles accounting for less than 5%. This is when an impact factor is considered genuine. Nano-Micro Letters, on the other hand, only receives dozens of manuscripts a year, and a few editors themselves can boost the citation count. It is too easy to manipulate the impact factor, and the quality of the articles can clearly be seen. I really hope that an authoritative organization can establish regulations, such as requiring these journals to have a publication volume of no less than 1000 and a review article ratio of at least 10%, to prevent the existence of such strange journals.

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