认证评论 - Geomechanics and Engineering
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热心市民乐乐 2021-03-29

2020-05-20 Manuscript Submission Confirm Mail - Sent
2020-05-20 Manuscript Submission Confirmed by author
2020-05-28 Preliminary Check Revise required
2020-07-30 Manuscript Resubmission Complete
2020-07-30 Preliminary Check OK
2020-07-30 Manuscript ID Renamed Confirm Mail - Sent
2020-08-01 Add Reviewers
2020-11-13 Review Result Good / Major Change
2021-03-23 One Review Completed/One Reviewer
2021-03-28 Review Request Sent to 14 reviewers
It has been 10 months and the manuscript still needs to be reviewed by 14 reviewers. This journal... if you want efficiency, I do not recommend submitting to it.

tex&t 2021-03-17

Where can I see the review comments?

tex&t 2021-03-17

May I ask where can I find the review comments given by the journal? On the submission status page, I can only see that there are comments returned but I cannot see the specific review comments, and I haven't received any emails either.

砍柴书生007 2021-03-16

Trash journal, it has been a month and it hasn't been submitted for review yet.

零下一度 2021-03-13

3 times to revise the references, and the references should be diverse. I don't know why this statement still exists.

西大一哥 2021-03-09

Suggestion for Chinese people: Do not invest... Not recommended.

Lucky Judy 2021-01-16

Do you have any recommendations for editors, looking at the system allowing for self-selection of editors?

Lucky Judy 2021-01-16

Which one should we choose for this journal? Any suggestions from the experts?

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