认证评论 - Frontiers of Computer Science
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dawn t 2023-07-27

May I ask what is the current status? How long has it been awaiting AE?

bling 2023-07-06

I have been assigned reviewers throughout the submission period of one and a half months, and now I am awaiting reviewer scores.

mod=profile 2023-07-02

2nd Round Review: Major Revision. Are these minor suggestions or major changes provided?

WsWood 2023-06-29

I have also been waiting for over two months, and it is still "awaiting reviewer assignment." The reviewers have not been confirmed yet.

Roc丶 2023-06-29

It has been over three months since submission. The review process has been repeatedly jumping between the editor recommending and selecting reviewers. It feels like I have already been reviewed three times. I guess it's because the previous reviewers didn't review it and they selected new reviewers.

Roc丶 2023-06-29

It has been over three months since I submitted. The review process has been repeatedly stuck between the editor's recommendation and selection of reviewers. It feels like I have already gone through three rounds of review. I guess the previous reviewers did not review it and now new reviewers are being selected.

Roc丶 2023-06-07

Already two months have passed, awaiting AE recommendation.

科研汤 2023-05-21

I'm almost one week.

bling 2023-05-17

Hello, how many days does it usually take to send it for external review? I am still waiting for AE assignment.

科研汤 2023-04-07

Another classmate from the college has come up with an idea. He suggests changing it into a letter and shortening it to three pages. He feels that it is a spam circle in China, and advises trying it if the advisor has connections. If not, it is better not to invest in it cautiously.

科研汤 2023-02-11

The article was initially submitted to a journal in Zone 1, but it was rejected. I submitted it to this one instead. I thought I had put a lot of effort into this work. The reviewers' comments were quite positive, affirming the novelty and volume of the work. Their suggestions mainly focused on language expression and graphs. Personally, I don't understand why the editor directly asked for it to be changed into a letter (no specific reasons were given by the AE).

What's especially frustrating is that the AE recommendation took more than 40 days, and I held back from urging them. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, I asked about it, and the result came back three days later. The first review process took five months.

Currently, I have resubmitted it, as a letter does not fulfill the graduation requirements.

liuSTU 2023-02-11

How is the reputation of this journal? Does it have page fees, and if so, how much are they?

科研汤 2023-02-06

Reduce 15 pages to 3 pages.

科研汤 2023-02-06

Let me revise this into a letter, condensing 15 pages into 2 pages.

科研汤 2023-02-05

2023.2.1 Sent a reminder letter, stating that "awaiting ae recommendation" has lasted for 40 days.
2023.2.2 The editorial department replied, reminding the ae.
2023.2.4 The status changed to "awaiting AcE decision."
2023.2.5 Awaiting admin final processing.

科研汤 2023-01-27

2023.1.27 waiting for AE recommendation.

科研汤 2023-01-17

The result should be coming out soon.

xxyyyyy 2023-01-17

May I ask, what does the status "Awaiting AcE Decision" mean?

Cleave 2023-01-11

Too slow, huh? Did the number of submissions increase this year?

科研汤 2023-01-08

2022.1.8 awaiting AE recommendation
Too slow...

Cleave 2023-01-07

The suggestions given by the reviewer are quite good. They directly address the issues.

科研汤 2022-12-29

In the first trial, it feels like most people have to wait for more than 40 days starting from awaiting reviewers' scores.

giszzz 2022-12-29

May I ask how long the first trial will approximately take? It has been almost two months since I have been waiting for the trial.

科研汤 2022-12-28

2022.12.20 awaiting AE recommendation
2022.12.28 awaiting AE recommendation
It's really slow...

hshshg 2022-12-09

May I ask if there is any update on the status of your thesis?

xxyyyyy 2022-12-02

May I ask which state you are in now?

xxyyyyy 2022-12-02

May I ask which state you are in now?

千歌笑笑生 2022-11-22

22-11-22 Submission

科研汤 2022-11-19

Maybe it's because we couldn't find a reviewer. We have been continuously assigning new reviewers, and it has been two months of waiting.

hshshg 2022-11-19

After the opinions of the three reviewers are all obtained, the first review will be completed. Waiting is so agonizing.

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