认证评论 - Signal Image and Video Processing
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3xxx 2023-07-05

My colleague is also a reviewer. It has been a month since their last status update. May I ask if you are in the field of image processing? Mine is in the field of audio.

yangkongm 2023-07-04

May I ask if we just need to upload a PDF at the beginning, or should we upload the entire LaTeX package?

fxy6666 2023-07-03

The status of 1 Reviewer(s) accepted has been ongoing for over 2 months now. It is strange that there is only one reviewer, and the date has not been updated. Should I write an email to remind them?

5555hh 2023-07-02

May I ask how long after receiving will I receive the proof? What do I need to do after receiving it? Thank you.

5555hh 2023-07-01

May I ask how long it takes for you to receive the proof after accepting it?

yangkongm 2023-06-30

Why are there so many mistakes in the template I downloaded? The margins of the pages are not aligned properly, and there are other issues like that. Will these affect my submission? Does anyone have the correct template download link?

ssd 2023-06-30

Submit the LaTeX in single column format, and the journal production team will help you generate the double column format. You only need to make sure that after your single format is converted to double format, the number of pages does not exceed eight.

yangkongm 2023-06-29

May I ask if we should submit our manuscript in single-column or double-column format? I see that the template is in single-column format, but the requirements state double-column format.

5555hh 2023-06-28

How long does it take to receive the proof after receiving it?

marco1012 2023-06-27

Hello, may I ask if there is a Word template for signal image and video processing? Isn't the official website's LaTeX single-column?

000 2023-06-27

May I ask, how long did it take from being hired to proofreading and then to online publication?

000 2023-06-27

May I ask how long is the interval between being hired and receiving the proofreading notice?

000 2023-06-27

May I ask how long is the interval between the acceptance notification and the manuscript submission notice?

000 2023-06-27

Hello, may I ask how long the interval is between receiving the employment notification and the manuscript notification?

ssd 2023-06-26

I use LaTeX, I am not familiar with Word.

marco1012 2023-06-26

Hello, do you have a word template for journals? I couldn't find it on the official website.

marco1012 2023-06-26

Hello, may I ask if this journal has a Word template? I couldn't find it on the official website.

ssd 2023-06-24

Does anyone know how long it takes for this journal to go from acceptance to being available online and searchable?

3xxx 2023-06-17

Is it about the orientation of the image?

张d 2023-06-16

The first time I have seen a journal publish so quickly, from submission to acceptance in just over a month.

greenhand44 2023-06-11

2023.2.11 submit
2023.2.13 submission under peer review
2023.3.14 2 reviewer(s) accepted
2023.5.1 major revision
2023.5.23 major revision
2023.6.10 accept
2023.6.27 online


2023.2.11 - Submitted
2023.2.13 - Submission under peer review
2023.3.14 - 2 reviewer(s) accepted
2023.5.1 - Major revision
2023.5.23 - Major revision
2023.6.10 - Accepted
2023.6.27 - Online

ssd 2023-06-10

6.10 录用 translates to "hiring on 6.10" in English.

ssd 2023-06-09

Translation: Second Article
6.7 Invitation of reviewers, addition of reviewers for the second review
6.9 One reviewer accepted.

科研宝宝 2023-06-04

I am also an image, have been inviting reviewers for 9 months, still unable to invite.

科研宝宝 2023-06-04

Still the same, invite 5 reviewers. We have already sent 4 reminders. The editorial assistant mentioned that the emails have been forwarded to the editor in charge of the manuscript, but there has been no progress.

小路加油 2023-06-01

What is the current state now?

小路加油 2023-06-01

Is this journal good?

ssd 2023-06-01

First article, image processing
2023.3.05 Submission
3.07 Revision
3.12 Feedback from one reviewer received
5.07 Sufficient feedback received
5.08 Major revision
5.16 Submission
5.28 Accepted
Second article, posture estimation
5.08 Submission
5.19 Minor revision (the first time seeing this fast, and it's strange that there is only one reviewer's feedback)
5.29 Submission of revised manuscript

greenhand44 2023-05-22

It should be about the same. I am in the field of image processing. The first review took 3 months to receive feedback, and now I am still in the second review. It should be considered an average speed.

Go where 2023-05-20

Research direction: CV

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