认证评论 - Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
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陈陈儿 2022-05-03

Hello, how are you doing? After the repair, I was also assigned reviewers.

一个有想法的坚果 2022-04-27

May I ask how long it will take for your article to be available online? Thank you.

sci-cse 2022-04-20

Editor Assigned until 4.20, there has been no change in status and no response to the reminder email. Is this situation normal?

小艹溜溜 2022-04-08

Did you choose to edit?

日记本 2022-03-05

After resubmission, it changed from "under review" to "editor assigned" and has been in this stage for several days. I haven't seen it change to "second review" in the comments section after the external review in the first review stage. This stage is causing anxiety.
I hope for good luck and for it to come out quickly so that I can catch up with filling out the fund.

潇洒哥 2021-12-31

12.20 revision submitted
12.20 editor assigned
12.21 under review
12.24 reviewer assigned
12.30 accept

12.20 - Revision submitted
12.20 - Editor assigned
12.21 - Under review
12.24 - Reviewer assigned
12.30 - Accepted

潇洒哥 2021-12-11

10. 19 Submission
10. 20 Formatting revised, added a few sentences
10. 22 Editor assigned
10. 24 Reviewer assigned
10. 26 Under review
11. 11 Reviewer assigned
11. 19 Under review
12. 10 Reviews completed
12. 10 Major revision

论文小爬虫 2021-11-19

Two reviewers, the first reviewer's comments on major revisions were replied in a 20-page Word document, and the second reviewer's comments on minor revisions were replied in a 4-page document. The process was challenging, but fortunately, the paper was ultimately accepted.

Roslyn_JLU 2021-06-25

After the two reviewers have submitted, the response was quite fast. As mentioned above, when I submitted, there were already over 1,700 manuscripts. However, the annual acceptance rate is only a little over one hundred, so the requirements are quite strict.

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