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Harrison123 2022-07-08

This year the impact factor has increased, with a fast growth rate. The recently accepted articles have shown a noticeable improvement in quality, and there is also a higher requirement for the completeness of experiments and work. Suggestions for revisions are given three months after submission, and once the revisions are made, the article is accepted on the same day. Thank you to the prompt EIC!

asistent 2021-12-17

I have submitted articles to this journal and also served as a reviewer. The future looks promising.

Eyu 2021-11-03

How long after the editor is assigned will it be sent for review?

fannnn 2021-10-02

Very good journal! The editors and reviewers are very responsible!
Submitted on 6.15
Under review on 7.23
Required reviews completed on 7.27 (Really appreciate the promptness of the reviewers!)
Revised submission on 9.16
Accepted on 9.23

博士要毕业 2021-07-22

Six months of external audit, major repairs were given, returned after ten days, accepted.

马上有好消息 2021-06-30

Has the "under review" date changed for you?

博士要毕业 2021-06-14

The review speed is really slow. Submitted on January 25th, reviewed on March 22nd, and still no news. Please be cautious.

ZZU笑 2021-04-04

Not as slow as 12 months, it took over three months to receive feedback for revision, and another month to make the changes. After resubmitting, it took less than a week to be accepted. This journal is very efficient, and welcomes submissions.

嘴强王者 2021-03-11

Posted in June 2020, received review comments in November, made major revisions, returned the revised version in early December, and accepted on March 8, 2021. The efficiency was acceptable, and the evaluation comments from the editor and reviewers were very helpful in improving the quality of the article. Happy to have my first SCI publication after returning.

glsh 2021-03-05

Sorry, we haven't invited any reviewers yet.

glsh 2021-03-05

I have also been submitting for two months. I have always been assigned an editor and asked if there are still any invitation reviewers. I don't know if it is necessary to wait anymore. Should I resubmit?

glsh 2021-03-05

It has been two months since submission, and there has been no invitation for peer review. Should I withdraw the manuscript and submit it to another journal? The article is also quite relevant to the field of water resources management.

大娃娃 2021-02-23

I suggest you wait a little longer. During the epidemic, things are progressing slowly, so I recommend not pushing for the manuscript.

大娃娃 2021-02-23

Usually it is one month.

醋醋西瓜 2021-02-18

May I ask how long it takes for the article to be under review after submission? I have been assigned to an editor for over 40 days since submission, and after emailing them, the reply has consistently mentioned inviting reviewers.

醋醋西瓜 2021-02-18

May I ask how long your article has been under review? Mine has been in the "Editor Assigned" status the whole time.

大娃娃 2021-02-16

It took more than five months from the initial submission to acceptance, with two modifications in between. The first modification was to meet the editor's formatting requirements, and the second modification was a major revision based on the reviewer's comments. After making the necessary modifications as per the reviewer's suggestions, the paper was directly accepted for publication.

This journal is very approachable and does not judge authors based on their reputation or address. As long as your writing meets the standards, and you patiently wait, it is certain to be accepted. I hope it continues to improve and achieves an impact factor of over 5.

醋醋西瓜 2021-01-22

Sorry, it should be under review.

醋醋西瓜 2021-01-22

May I ask how long it takes for an article to be under review after submission? I have been waiting for more than ten days and it has been stuck at "Editor Assigned". I emailed the editor and received a reply saying they are only inviting reviewers. Does this mean it's still going to be slow?

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