认证评论 - Arabian Journal of Geosciences
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Goku 2022-05-20

How can we say it better if we withdraw the manuscript... because the content of the article still needs further improvement?

bonneenee 2022-05-20

Brothers, the latest news is that this journal is no longer available. Today, I sent an email to ask Clarivate Analytics, and the reply email is as follows:

Dear teacher,

Hello! Thank you very much for contacting us.

The journal Arabian Journal of Geosciences has been removed from the Web of Science Core Collection. The inclusion of the journal is up to Volume 13, Issue 24 published in 2020.

When removing a journal, we will notify the journal and the publisher in a timely manner. However, we cannot announce in advance that a journal will be removed, nor can we individually notify each author of a journal. Once a journal is removed, we will no longer include any articles from that journal, even if they were published before the removal. We do not make retroactive additions. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

To check the inclusion status of journals in the Web of Science Core Collection, please visit our main journal list: https://mjl.clarivate.com

Thank you very much for your support and cooperation!

Best wishes,

Liyun Zhang

Customer Technical Support | Clarivate Analytics

清风asdfh 2022-05-20

What category does the checked item belong to?

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-20

Difficult to deal with, this update kicked out 67.

1111 2022-05-20

Hurry up and withdraw, the sooner you withdraw, the better. Let's see what the editor says.

Goku 2022-05-20

Really tragic, I just sent out the acceptance letter a few days ago, and now I have been kicked out. Does anyone know if it is still possible to withdraw the submission now?

暴雨中的追风者 2022-05-20

Has the article from that year been completely taken down?

清风asdfh 2022-05-20

This journal is no longer on the WOS list for this month, it should have been kicked out.

bonneenee 2022-05-20

Ah, there were no warning messages at all when I submitted it last year. After it was published at the end of March, problems started to arise. It's really unlucky.

清风asdfh 2022-05-20

Can a paper that has already been proofread and indexed by Springer be withdrawn and resubmitted?

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-20

Ah, who knows what the situation is now.

candy_wind_0574 2022-05-20

Yes, currently there are only papers from 2020 on WOS. I guess it's possible that they have been delayed and are being kept under wraps.

wogting 2022-05-20

However, Wos cannot find the article.

candy_wind_0574 2022-05-20

From this perspective, it doesn't seem like a signal of being kicked.

candy_wind_0574 2022-05-20

When were you hired?

会飞的岛 2022-05-20

Does anyone know what's going on with this journal? If it gets kicked out of SCI, what kind of journal would it be considered? EI? After that, it won't be anything?

wogting 2022-05-20

What does it mean? Received at 10:25. Wasn't it kicked? Why send this message?

1111 2022-05-20

It seems that it is indeed possible to be kicked out. It cannot be found in the master journal list in WOS.

JXFT521 2022-05-20

When submitting, there is no risk with this journal. Whether or not this article is accepted has no impact. Just pretend you never submitted it and leave it to fate.

JXFT521 2022-05-20

There is no risk when submitting to this journal. Whether this article is accepted or not will have no impact. Just consider it as if it was never submitted.

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-20

How can I see the newly released list when the journal that was originally available in the 21st year cannot be found directly by searching in WOS?

Joker 2022-05-20

I see that in the year 2021, there is an article that can be retrieved. I wonder if it was actually kicked out or not.

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-20

The journals "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing" and "Arabian Journal of Geosciences" used to be on hold in WOS (Web of Science), but this time they cannot be found in WOS. It's difficult to handle.

JPC930815 2022-05-20

The latest Web of Science list is out, and this journal has been removed. I'm thinking about withdrawing my submission.

JXFT521 2022-05-19

2021.11.25 submitted
2022.5.19 accepted


2021.11.25 submitted
2022.5.19 accepted

wogting 2022-05-18

Received the retrieval notice from WOS around late April, but still unable to retrieve it within WOS.

pluto 2022-05-18

Is it possible to find another reviewer again?

1111 2022-05-18

The editor is making a decision, and it is highly likely that they will be hired.

pluto 2022-05-18

May I ask if anyone knows what is going on here?
5.3 Required Reviews Completed
5.10 Decision in Process
5.18 With Editor

dzcx 2022-05-17

Around 5.20, the SCIE journal will be updated again. Pay attention at that time and see if the review results will be released.

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