认证评论 - Arabian Journal of Geosciences
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淡言 2022-05-24

Brother, did the editor reply to your message? Did you successfully withdraw your submission?

清风asdfh 2022-05-24

"Oh no, it's a complete mess."

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-24

In addition to stopping the inclusion of the journal in its index, Web of Science has made the decision to remove all articles from the years 2021 and 2022 from its databases. As a result, the journal will not be included in the 2021 JCR data that will be published this year. If you require further information, please reach out to Web of Science directly at this email address: WoSG.support@clarivate.com. Additionally, the journal is currently undergoing a reassessment for coverage by Scopus due to the announcement of a significant number of retracted articles.

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-24

This is the response I received from the Arab journal: The Web of Science has removed the AJGS from its databases due to the large number of articles retracted (after publication in special issues) from the journal. Our journal's editors discovered that in these articles the content is nonsensical and the peer review process managed by external guest editors was not conducted in accordance with Springer's peer review policy.

dennnis 2022-05-24

The key is that there is no retraction link (usually, there is a "send an email" option next to the submitted article, but this journal does not have it).

Joker 2022-05-23

Already clearly kicked out, and just fixed it back a few days ago. It's not easy for everyone to withdraw the submission.

土木搬砖工头 2022-05-23

Can you please tell me if this journal has already been rejected or if there is still a possibility of it being rejected and it is currently in an unrejected state??? I just made revisions...

清风asdfh 2022-05-23

Ah, it's too difficult. Which expert knows how to do it?

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-23

I sent an email to the editor-in-chief but received no response. There is no option to withdraw the submission.

老板什么时候出差啊 2022-05-23

Brother, did you withdraw the submission?

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-23

Same question...

老板什么时候出差啊 2022-05-23

What is the situation with the journal now?

滑板小博 2022-05-23

In the process of editing, do you want to withdraw the manuscript?

Wheat 2022-05-23

Same question, can the article be withdrawn even after it has been published?

dennnis 2022-05-22

No withdrawal link???

梅花盛开 2022-05-22

Why withdraw? It's already been published. Why withdraw it again?

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-21

No one has replied to the email sent to the editor-in-chief, and there is no channel to withdraw the submission. If you succeed in withdrawing the submission with the big brother, remember to let me know.

modestvichao 2022-05-21

Can I withdraw and resubmit the manuscript after it has been published?

清风asdfh 2022-05-21

If it is re-indexed in the second year, will the papers of this year be retrospectively retrieved by WOS?

popkartsss 2022-05-21

Translated text: "In 2015 or 2016, I was kicked out once, but the following year I was added back. However, that time was due to a high self-quota, so I don't know if I can come back this time."

SAT614 2022-05-21

Excuse me, were you really kicked out? There is an article in the editing process, and we are considering whether to withdraw it.

C& AGW 2022-05-21

Kicked out, administrators and contributors, please pay attention.

棠梨 2022-05-20

Can wos be reinstated in the future after being kicked out, or is this a permanent expulsion?

candy_wind_0574 2022-05-20

Has anyone asked the editor-in-chief about the current situation of the journal? Let's hear what the editor-in-chief has to say.

伪装 2022-05-20

Your library's operation is not standardized. You should have only looked at the JCR report and stamped it without checking the WOS accession number.

刘矿工 2022-05-20

How should I withdraw the manuscript? Should I directly contact us or send an email to the email address that provided feedback on the revisions?

清风asdfh 2022-05-20

Same question, can a publication be withdrawn?

zhangliang0907 2022-05-20

Where can I see the WOS list? Thank you!

暴雨中的追风者 2022-05-20

Can I withdraw my submission after it has been published? Ugh.

搞科研的孩子 2022-05-20

Does "撤的话是给主编发邮件" mean "Should I send an email to the editor to withdraw"?

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