认证评论 - Arabian Journal of Geosciences
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dzcx 2021-09-13

4.22 submitted
4.23 sent back to author
4.23 resubmitted
4.26 editor invited
4.29 decision in process
4.29 with editor
4.30 with editor
4.30 editor invited
5.07 with editor
5.08 editor invited
5.15 with editor
5.27 under review
6.14 required review completed
7.07 required review completed
7.09 under review
8.11 required reviews completed
8.12 decision in process
8.18 acceptable after major revision and re-evaluation
9.08 revision submitted to journal
9.09 editor invited
9.12 under review

4.22 submitted
4.23 sent back to author
4.23 resubmitted
4.26 editor invited
4.29 decision in process
4.29 with editor
4.30 with editor
4.30 editor invited
5.07 with editor
5.08 editor invited
5.15 with editor
5.27 under review
6.14 required review completed
7.07 required review completed
7.09 under review
8.11 required reviews completed
8.12 decision in process
8.18 acceptable after major revision and re-evaluation
9.08 revision submitted to journal
9.09 editor invited
9.12 under review

lcx15510 2021-09-12

Hello, if authors 2, 3, and 4 have not clicked on the email confirmation, will the system assume their agreement? It has been under review for four months. Could it be because other co-authors have not clicked on the link?

lcx15510 2021-09-12

Hello, if the second, third, and fourth authors did not click on the email confirmation link for the co-authorship, will the system assume that the co-authors agree?

中华小华 2021-09-11

2020.12.26 Submission
2021.3.15 Minor revisions requested after the first review
2021.9.9 Accepted

GG.KK 2021-09-08

No need to enter under review?

GG.KK 2021-09-06

Hello, approximately how long does the second review take?

GG.KK 2021-09-06

Hello, what is the current status?

g1995 2021-09-03

The opinion is very genuine and professional.

dzcx 2021-08-19

acceptable after major revision and re-evaluation

GG.KK 2021-08-18

Hello, what is the current status?

GG.KK 2021-08-18

What is the current state now?

GG.KK 2021-08-18

Hello, what is your current status?

dzcx 2021-08-17

It has been a few days since the decision is in process.

薛定谔的猫丢了 2021-08-14

Submission in March, acceptance in July, the review process takes more than four months.

东方的豆豆鱼 2021-08-13

The reviewing speed is relatively fast, and the reviewing experts are very professional. The questions they raised are very meaningful. Special thanks to one of the reviewing experts who reviewed the article very carefully. They provided many constructive suggestions for improvement, including grammar and content modifications, which greatly enhanced the quality of the article.

QSX 2021-08-08

2021.8.1 Three experts major renovation.

dzcx 2021-08-07

Didn't you also fail to win downstairs? Why do you need to say it's just spamming? How can everyone present here bear this situation? If even those who spam didn't win, then what about the articles you wrote? Are they worse than spam?

晴天白云 2021-08-05

This publication has already been flooded with content, everything from English, sports, arts, is all being accepted. It will be kicked out sooner or later!!! Sigh, I'm really amazed at the management of this journal.

杉杉 2021-07-22

Mine too, it has been three months since the second review was revised.

杉杉 2021-07-22

I want to know that the second trial was revised on April 18th, and on May 13th it was changed to "UNDER REVIEW" status. The time changed on July 15th, but the status is still "UNDER REVIEW". What is this situation? I'm getting a little anxious.

g1995 2021-07-21

How long does your state last, mine is also in this state.

居居侠 2021-07-21

I just sent an email to this mailbox, and generally, you will receive a reply within 2-3 days.

AUTO win 2021-07-20

The status of "under review" has not changed, but the time has. What's the situation? I'm getting a little anxious. It has been over 3 months since I submitted it...

dzcx 2021-07-16

It seems like it, and it's being reviewed again.

GG.KK 2021-07-14

Are the two reviewers giving different responses?

dzcx 2021-07-07

The date has changed for the second time, and the comments from the second reviewer have come back. We are currently waiting, hoping for good luck.

dzcx 2021-07-01

It has been almost 20 days, and there haven't been any feedback given yet. What's going on?

肌肉小闪电 2021-06-24

Translate the following text into English: "After submitting the article for about 10 days, the editor asks to modify the author's information and then continue to submit. What does this mean?"

dzcx 2021-06-23

Which email address should everyone contact the magazine? The email address of the editor-in-chief is alamri.geo@gmail.com, but I have never received a response whenever I write to that address.

aqinga 2021-06-23

After you make a decision to become "with editor," what is the current status?

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