注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

SEU土木 2021-09-15

I submitted to another journal, but I haven't received any news for six months. I sent three withdrawal letters but didn't get a reply. What should I do in this situation?

amyjjf 2021-08-31

Posted and found that there is no follow-up tracking system for this. May I ask how you view the progress of the journal?

53 2021-08-21

I withdrew the submission after almost a year without receiving any feedback on my suggestion.

53 2021-08-21

Posted on August 31, 2020
Under review as of January 16, 2021
Four reviewers were added
Withdrawn in August 2021
Too slow, in a rush to graduate, delayed me for a year

lixinxinxinxin 2021-08-10

I have been submitting for a whole nine months, and besides receiving one comment for revision, there has been no other communication.

牛牛yb 2021-07-17

I don't know why there are 11 reviewers, and it is still increasing now.

牛牛yb 2021-07-17

2021-05-04 Preliminary Check OK
2021-06-09 Add Reviewers
2021-06-10 Add Reviewers
2021-06-11 Add Reviewers
2021-06-15 Add Reviewers
2021-06-18 Add Reviewers
2021-06-21 Add Reviewers
2021-06-25 Add Reviewers
2021-07-02 Add Reviewers
2021-07-07 Add Reviewers
2021-07-09 Add Reviewers
2021-07-16 Add Reviewers

53 2021-05-07

Can I ask if you have been hired? Can you please update me on the progress?

53 2021-05-07

"May I ask if I have been hired now?"

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