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jiafeimao123 2021-05-27

2021-04-20 submitted to journal
2021-04-20 with editor
2021-04-24 rejected and resubmitted (language refinement and other details)
2021-05-04 submitted to journal
2021-05-04 with editor
2021-05-09 rejected and resubmitted (language refinement, editor got angry)
2021-05-14 submitted to journal
2021-05-22 with editor
2021-05-27 under review
As an ordinary university teacher, without the support of reward policies, I can only use my meager salary to refine it, hoping to be accepted. In addition, another article, CEJ 2021-05-26, has already completed the required review. I am constantly anxious...

大莹莹 2021-05-26

It has been 22 days since I started with Editor.

nuandong 2021-05-25

Excuse me, have you submitted the article for review now?

jiafeimao123 2021-05-20

The format requirements must be met, otherwise the editing will not be assigned. Just take a look at the latest article to know. My condition is still the same, 555555555.

浩然伯爵 2021-05-20

Hello, may I ask if it is necessary to submit the initial draft of this journal according to the template provided by the journal?

jiafeimao123 2021-05-20

You should be looking for a reviewer, my status hasn't changed. Drunk.

早知你是梦 2021-05-19

Better than you, with an editor for a week.

jiafeimao123 2021-05-17

SUBMIT TO JOURNAL It has been a week and no editor has been assigned. Is everyone experiencing this?

jiafeimao123 2021-05-08

Not submitted for review, does the editor accept it directly?

一头牛 2021-05-07

ZhiGang Wang; It has been more than 10 days, with editor.

难却 2021-05-07

Hello, may I ask if this journal has a standard document format?

难却 2021-05-07

Hello, may I ask if this journal has a standard document format?

那微笑是阳光啊 2021-05-07

2021-03-04 submitted to journal
2021-03-05 with editor
2021-03-05 under review
2021-03-26 major revision
2021-04-19 revision submitted to journal
2021-04-21 with editor
2021-04-22 under review
2021-04-26 required reviews completed
2021-05-05 required reviews completed (time changed)
2021-05-06 accept

密排六方懵逼 2021-05-06

4.23 submitted
4.24 with editor
It has been almost two weeks and it is still with the editor.

Mini宝 2021-05-04

2021-01-30 submitted to journal
2021-02-02 under review
2021-02-24 major revision
2021-04-12 revision submitted to journal
2021-04-13 under review
2021-04-19 required reviews completed
2021-05-03 accept
Keep up the good work~

麦迪阿拉卡 2021-05-03

We specialize in metal and ceramic coatings. Last year, it was rejected by a reviewer once, but we made revisions and resubmitted it.

Apr 07, 2021 Submitted
Apr 07, 2021 Under Review Sent for review by editor, Robert L. Opila
Apr 27, 2021 Under Review Two reviewers agreed to review it
Waiting, praying for good luck.

June0123 2021-04-26

Given one month to make revisions.

asymagic 2021-04-26

It has been 23 days with editor, feeling anxious...

asymagic 2021-04-26

May I ask how you are doing right now? It has been almost a month since I last heard from my editor...

jiafeimao123 2021-04-22

How are you? Bro.

麦迪阿拉卡 2021-04-20

Has it been so long since the submission after the minor repairs...

麦迪阿拉卡 2021-04-20

Is it taking so long to submit after minor repairs?

June0123 2021-04-20

2021-02-26 submitted to journal
2021-03-01 under review
2021-03-22 minor revision
2021-04-15 revision submitted to journal
2021-04-15 under review
2021-04-19 accept

2021-02-26 submitted to journal
2021-03-01 under review
2021-03-22 minor revision
2021-04-15 revision submitted to journal
2021-04-15 under review
2021-04-19 accept

osama 2021-04-18

There will be, just a longer time.

子瓜cosmic 2021-04-13

I didn't see it with the editor, it went under review directly, and I don't know who the editor is.

爪子zzZ 2021-04-12

How do you see who the reviewer is for yourself? Why didn't I see it?

小海11 2021-04-11

Excuse me, will this journal have the status of "under review" for submission?

osama 2021-04-11

The editor is Jeff Terry, and overall the results are good, although the reviewing process is a bit long.

Jan 06, 2021 - Initial Date Submitted
Feb 04, 2021 - Major revised
Apr 09, 2021 - Accepted for publication

Lightlemon 2021-04-10

I submitted at 3.30, and now it's 4.10, but it's still "with editor."
May I ask where can I see who my editor is? It seems like I didn't have the option to choose my own editor when submitting.

百里灬星璇 2021-04-08

Comparatively fast journal, returns the review comments within one and a half months, major revisions, and once the revisions are completed, it is directly accepted within 15 days, and published within 10 days.

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