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观天澜 2022-01-19

In JCR 2019, 33 journals were flagged with no impact factor; 15 journals were of concern, mainly due to a small number of articles contributing significantly to the journal's citations. Applied Surface Science published over 3700 articles in 2019, with over 2000 articles from mainland China.

Goodwill 2022-01-17

Condensed Matter Physics Q1
Chemical Physics Q1
Applied Physics Q1
Materials Science - Coatings and Films Q1

This is the hard strength.

We cannot generalize based on a few papers and deny the entire journal. If you carefully read the papers in "Applied Surface Science," you will find that the quality is very high. The papers published in the field of surface coatings in "Applied Surface Science" represent the top level of that field. Even the papers in the field of materials or chemical engineering are innovative.

If we talk about controversial papers, or even papers with incorrect viewpoints or writing errors, every journal has them. Are there no papers with writing errors or incorrect viewpoints in Science or Nature? Therefore, it is reasonable for "Applied Surface Science" to enter Q1. Some people see others publishing multiple papers in "Applied Surface Science," while they themselves submit to JPCC or Nanoscale and feel resentful or even maliciously criticize. It is truly a distorted mindset.

Goodwill 2022-01-17

"Applied Surface Science" is classified as Q1 in various JCR fields. It is a top journal in the field of coatings and a respected journal in surface engineering. Support Applied Surface Science!

Although science has no borders, scientists have their own countries. The United States is not very friendly towards China and there is some resistance towards American publications.

Goodwill 2022-01-17

Do you think it's outrageous that the self-citation rate of "Applied Surface Science" is high? That's because you're speaking nonsense with your eyes open.
Is a self-citation rate of 9.20% high? It is actually very low compared to similar journals, which usually have a self-citation rate of over 30% according to JCR. A self-citation rate of over 40% is likely to be flagged by JCR.

Goodwill 2022-01-17

"Applied Surface Science" is classified as Q1 in various JCR fields. It is a top journal in the field of coatings and a leading surface engineering authority periodical.

Goodwill 2022-01-17

The impact factor or international indicator of the American Journal of Physical Chemistry C (JPCC) is not as good as "Applied Surface Science". The JCR partitions of JPCC are as follows:
Chemical Physics - Q2 zone
Material Science - Q2 zone
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Q3 zone

Goodwill 2022-01-17

Is it not normal for a magnetic system to not exhibit magnetism? It depends on the properties being studied. It is impossible for the transition state you mentioned to not converge unless it is truly chaotic. Additionally, do not view an authoritative journal with a narrow perspective limited to your own professional field.

Goodwill 2022-01-17

Condensed Matter Physics Q1
Chemical Physics Q1
Applied Physics Q1
Materials Science - Coatings and Films Q1

This is real strength.

One cannot generalize based on a few papers and reject the entire journal. If you carefully read the papers in "Applied Surface Science," you will find that the quality is very high. The papers published in the field of surface coatings in "Applied Surface Science" represent the top level in the field. Even papers in the field of materials or chemical engineering are innovative.

If there are controversial papers, even ones with incorrect viewpoints or writing errors, or even fraudulent papers, which journal doesn't have them? Are there no fraudulent or incorrect papers in Science or Nature? Therefore, it is reasonable for "Applied Surface Science" to be included in Q1. Some people, seeing others around them publish multiple papers in "Applied Surface Science," while they themselves submit to JPCC or Nanoscale and feel resentful or even maliciously slander, have twisted minds.

Goodwill 2022-01-17

The journal ranked first in the field of coatings and films, with all subcategories being in the top quartile (Q1) according to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). It is truly recognized as a top-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

SUNRISE2019 2022-01-17

The following text translates to English as: "It has been ten days since I submitted the manuscript on 1.4, and 1.8 with the editor. Is this speed normal?"

初三生很忙 2022-01-16

Stepping back a hundred steps, it doesn't matter how many articles the junior brother has written... It only shows that he is even worse than a junior brother and yet dares to come out and make a fuss.

抚琴 2022-01-15

Rejected in just 4 days, without even going through the editing process. ? It seems that the content is still not quite matching.

wqqqee 2022-01-14

Today has become "Decision in Process," how long will this state last? Does anyone know? It's so agonizing.

一直搞科研 2022-01-14

Please send me these two articles. Thank you.

阿巴......阿巴 2022-01-14

I submitted twice. The first time, it was rejected because of a high repetition rate in the article. After making changes and resubmitting, it was rejected again for not fitting the theme. Oh well.

liguobiao 2022-01-14

Friend, my situation is the same as yours, with only one review opinion. I speculate that the editor himself is also an expert reviewer in my field. The first review was minor revisions, and after the revisions, it showed "under review". During this period, I also received an email saying that usually two reviewers are needed. This work has cost a lot of effort and has been polished. Let's hope for good luck together.

vitrimers 2022-01-12

Can you show me the article with Chinese text?

十里平湖霜满天 2022-01-11

Ever since this journal was ranked in Zone 1 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it inexplicably became the worst journal in the world, without a doubt. I really don't understand what some people are thinking, using a few articles published in this journal to infer that all the articles in this journal have problems. Have Nature and Science never had any issues? This not only reminds me of Mark Twain's "Running for Governor," haha, it's really a joke.

皮皮爽 2022-01-11

Hello, I would like to know if your cycle time is long? How long has the status been "Under Review"? How many reviewers are there? Are there many review comments?

筱团 2022-01-11

A very good journal, fortunately reached the top tier. If this journal hadn't made it to the top tier, there wouldn't be so many critics here to nitpick. Those who truly look down upon it wouldn't even bother to comment. I have published my best work here, diligently presenting the data.

keyan 2022-01-11

The classification of Chinese Academy of Sciences is quite mysterious and unpredictable, so don't be too fixated on it. It's possible that you may be in the top tier this year, but by the time you announce it, you could be in the third tier.

Jylcc 2022-01-09

Normally, there will be a letter every week.

这个世界会好吗 2022-01-09

Can only say that the quality of journal articles varies, and the journals themselves have not actively participated in the classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which you have completely denied. It's really just showing off your intelligence...

时间不存在 2022-01-09

It has been more than two years since I published two articles, which I consider to be relatively good, for submission. For those of us who study surface science, we usually read a lot of articles from this journal. In addition, there is also Surface Science, which is a highly authoritative surface science journal in the field, but its ranking and impact factor are really low ~~

hubugeorge 2022-01-08

Submitted 54 days ago, under review with editor 10 days later. After that, the status "under review" changed three times. It is speculated that the journal gives reviewers two weeks to complete their review. The editor sent two emails stating that the reviewers were still reviewing. After 4 days of "requires reviews complete," the decision is in process for 2 days. There were two reviewer comments: one major revision and one rejection from a domestic colleague who recommended submitting elsewhere. The editor requested a transfer, but it seems hopeless. It has been dragging on for so long, it's really frustrating. Just waiting for the paper to graduate!!! It's in the top-tier journal, it seems I really can't reach that level!! Depressed!!

wqqqee 2022-01-07

I have been in the "Required Reviews Completed" status for five days now. Does anyone who has submitted before know what it means? I'm getting really anxious.

dawang 2022-01-07

What is Zhihu? Is it legal for my junior to brag about publishing four or five articles a year?

你好老弟 2022-01-07

Speaking objectively, the quality of articles in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C is definitely stronger than that of Applied Surface Science. However, JPCC is not in the top tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and is difficult to understand.

稳稳的~ 2022-01-06

Many people are criticizing this journal. Some say that their junior colleagues publish four or five articles in a year, suggesting that a master's degree requires 15 articles and a doctoral degree requires dozens of articles. Some also mock that the impact factor of this journal is supported by reviews, which is truly laughable. I suggest checking this journal yourself. It is rare for this journal to rely on reviews to boost its impact factor. The proportion of reviews is very low, making it a true breath of fresh air. Those who claim to look down on this journal, what journals have they published in? Share the information and let everyone have a look at it.

electrochemguy 2022-01-06

The Zhihu sightseeing group passed by... Recently, a few big shots on Zhihu exposed ASS. There are many Chinese articles with serious problems, including a synthesis material for qigong written by a well-known overseas Chinese named Wang XX. Everyone can go to Zhihu to take a look, I can't paste the link here, just search for the keywords. Last year, my junior brother also published four or five articles. He thought he was making a fortune in Zone One, but now both he and his boss are extremely worried...

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