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ddppp 2021-04-16

2020-07-30 Manuscript Submission Confirm Mail - Sent
2020-07-30 Manuscript Submission Confirmed by author
2020-08-12 Preliminary Check OK
2020-08-12 Manuscript ID Renamed Confirm Mail - Sent
2020-08-18 One Reviewer agreed (to reviewer)
2020-10-23 Two Reviewer agreed (to reviewer)
2020-10-26 Review Result Good / Minor Change
2020-11-09 Add Reviewers
2021-01-26 One Review Completed/Two Reviewers

小米电动车 2021-04-13

Have you heard any news? My situation is the same as yours.

ttw 2021-03-16

Submitted for one year, no news at all...

Cage Sun 2021-02-15

This normal speed will also take half a year, and if it is done with a relatively specialized topic, the estimated time will be longer. If it is urgently needed, it is recommended to rewrite and submit to Structures or IJSSD. Both of these have faster review times, approximately two to three months!

ddppp 2021-02-09

It has been 7 months now and there is still no feedback. I am in a hurry to use it and don't know when there will be any results.

Cage Sun 2021-01-27

The first time I applied, it took half a year to receive the initial review result, so don't panic for now!

Boogle 2021-01-26

I hurriedly checked my submission progress and there is still no update today...

Cage Sun 2021-01-26

After five and a half months, it's finally accepted! The reason for the low editing efficiency now is because there are too many articles and it's hard to keep up. That's my estimation!
2020-08-06 Manuscript Submission Confirm Mail - Sent
2020-10-21 Final Review Revise Required
2021-01-26 Final review Accepted

Cage Sun 2021-01-26

After five and a half months, it was finally accepted! The current low editing efficiency is due to the large number of articles, which cannot be processed in time, I suppose!

2020-08-06 Manuscript Submission Confirm Mail - Sent
2020-10-21 Final Review Revise Required
2021-01-26 Final review Accepted

Cage Sun 2021-01-24

Can only say that I will stop paying attention to him for now, anyway, there is only the last tremble left!

Boogle 2021-01-22

Reply to Cage Sun: This journal is really speechless, but your situation is much better than mine.

fendourenshenghitmm 2021-01-21

Hello, do you have any comments on the revised draft? Which editor handled it for you? Brian Uy? Dennis Lam? Or Choi?

fendourenshenghitmm 2021-01-21

Do you have any comments on your revised draft?
Which editor handled it for you?
Brian Uy? Dennis Lam? Or Choi?

Cage Sun 2021-01-20

It has been three months since the revision, and it is still under consideration for employment. But until now, I have not received any results, and I have no idea what the editor is up to!

Boogle 2021-01-13

Reply to the upstairs: I just reminded you a few days ago, but there was no response. My mentality has collapsed.

Cage Sun 2021-01-12

Until today, it is still the state of October!

小伟的SCI求学路 2021-01-11

Hello, our final status is exactly the same. Mine is also on 2020-12-13, and then it disappeared. Our editor should be the same. Can we exchange and communicate at 2928636941? I am also waiting anxiously.

fendourenshenghitmm 2021-01-11

Hello, can you please share the subsequent process?

fendourenshenghitmm 2021-01-11

Hello, it has been almost a year since I submitted my manuscript for review. Have you reminded me in the meantime?

fendourenshenghitmm 2021-01-11

2020-03-30 Manuscript Submission Confirm Mail - Sent
2020-03-30 Manuscript Submission Confirmed by author
2020-04-01 Preliminary Check OK
2020-04-01 Sent to the Chief Editor
2020-08-25 Review Request Sent to 3 reviewer(s)
2020-10-27 Review Result Marginal / Reject
2020-12-15 Sent to reviewer(s) under review

Boogle 2021-01-11

It has been over 1 year since the manuscript was submitted for review. This journal is really slow.
2019-11-20 Manuscript Submission Confirm Mail - Sent
2019-11-20 Manuscript Submission Confirmed by author
2019-12-16 Preliminary Check Revise required
2019-12-17 Manuscript Resubmission Complete
2019-12-31 Preliminary Check OK
2020-01-08 One Reviewer agreed (to reviewer)
2020-01-08 Review Result Good / Accept
2020-02-06 Add Reviewers
2020-09-03 Under review
2020-09-03 One Review Completed/One Reviewers

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