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jic 2021-11-18

Quite fast. A notice for major repairs will be given one and a half months in advance, a notice for minor repairs will be given one week after the investment, and the handover will take place on the second day after the investment.

田雨 2021-10-19

May I ask how it was eventually resolved? I also encountered the same situation where the system sequence cannot be changed.

nihaojvzipi 2021-10-11

Ah, ah, ah, may I ask you all, experts, if the editor asked me to change the order of the submitted files, but I can't change the order. Have any of you encountered this situation?
Did the editor ask you to change the order of the files?

nihaojvzipi 2021-10-11

Excuse me, everyone. The editor asked me to modify the order of the files when submitting, but I can't change the order. Have any of you encountered this situation? Did the editor ask you to change the order of the files?

muyou 2021-09-28

Hello, I think I also took about two or three weeks to submit it for review, but I can't remember the exact details. I'm not very sure about the approval rate because I only submitted once. It took about six months from submission to acceptance. Good luck to you!

求是学子 2021-09-23

Hello, may I ask how long does it usually take for this journal with an editor? It has been 10 days and there hasn't been any progress. I'm not sure if I can submit it for review, and I don't know if the acceptance rate is high or not. Thank you for your assistance~

John 2021-09-22

19/11/2020 Submission
18/02/2021 First major revision
01/06/2021 Second major revision
27/08/2021 Third minor revision
31/08/2021 Return
21/09/2021 Acceptance
The entire review process took a long 10 months, and both the editor and reviewers were very diligent and responsible. There were three revisions in total, each resulting in significant improvements. However, the process was truly too long. If you are eager to graduate, I advise you to proceed with caution.

求是学子 2021-09-18

Hello, how long does it usually take for this journal to be reviewed by the editor? It has been a week and there is still no response. I don't know the acceptance rate. Thank you for answering.

muyou 2021-04-07

Submitted at the end of September last year, underwent major revisions in February this year, and was accepted two weeks after the revisions were made.
Both the editor and the reviewer were very responsible, and the reviewer's comments were very detailed.
Learned a lot and grateful.

xww 2021-03-13

Altogether, it adds up to five months, from October last year to March this year.

xww 2021-03-13

After the first round of revisions, he was hired directly, quite quickly.

许愿星 2021-03-11

It took nearly 5 months, one major renovation, and one minor renovation, hoping to be promoted to Zone 1.

xww 2021-03-03

The first trial took two months, and there is currently no news about the second trial.

kinef冉 2021-02-18

After the first rejection, an invitation for resubmission was extended. The second rejection was from the editor-in-chief, and none of the three reviewers were available. I privately emailed the editor-in-chief to request another opportunity for resubmission.

hbsci 2021-02-16

May I ask, did you propose a resubmission after two rejections?

名字真长长长长长长长长长长 2021-01-26

2019.08.12 submitted
2019.10.01 moderate revision
2019.10.20 submitted
2019.11.3 accepted
This is an old soil science journal with fast processing by editors and reviewers. It is expected to have an impact factor over four in 2021. Hoping to reach the top of the second quartile soon.

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