注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

00 2023-04-24

My 2020 manuscript has no response yet. I have given up already.

Letpuber001 2023-04-23

It's time to scold, and in the end, I just scolded. After scolding, the efficiency increased.

Letpuber001 2023-04-23

2020.09.30 Submission;
Multiple reminders during the period,
2021.10.30 First review completed (major revisions for one month);
2021.12.01 Revisions made;
During the period, reminded over ten times, and finally had a heated argument with the editor through emails.
2023.02.28 Acceptance;
2023.03.17 Online.

王德发 2023-04-23

Unfortunately, I submitted an article to this journal once, and after four months, I found out that it was still "with editor" and hadn't been sent for review. So, I sent a reminder email, but received a template reply... In the end, I couldn't wait any longer and sent a withdrawal email. I didn't receive a reply for the first email, so I sent one every week, but still received no response... After that, I stopped following up. After a year, I checked the system and it was still "with editor"... So, I directly contacted the editor-in-chief via email to withdraw the article, and finally succeeded.

doubleH_ 2023-04-21

It has been four months with the editor, I have sent two emails asking, but no one has ever responded! Why hasn't this garbage journal closed down yet!

0103. 2023-04-21

What does "under review日期变化" mean?

风雨晴 2023-04-21

Continue waiting, I have been hungry for a year and a half, and haven't even received a first-instance opinion.

风雨晴 2023-04-21

I'm really speechless. What a trashy journal! It took almost a year with the editor, and then another six months under review. I submitted it on October 23, 2021, and I don't know how many times I've reminded them during this period. All I got were official responses, and until today, I haven't even received a first-round review. Even if my writing is garbage, why don't you just reject it quickly? If it weren't for these articles being a graduation requirement, I would really want to write an email and scold the editor. Why does this kind of journal even exist? Those who want to submit should really be cautious!!!

知了的夏天 2023-04-20

What's the matter with the editor being invited for three months?

人工智能奋斗狗 2023-04-18

May I ask if you send reminders to them by email? Could you please explain a bit about the email? I also want to send a reminder.

0103. 2023-04-18

How long does it take to receive feedback on the under review item?

NingLime 2023-04-17

Did you solve it later? Has it been published yet?

0103. 2023-04-17

I also want to ask because it took me four months to review with the editor.

xx.xx 2023-04-17

Under review for over a month, how long until the results are released???

NingLime 2023-04-12

What should we do after being under review for a very long time? If urging doesn't work, should we switch to another journal for submission?

喵喵米哦 2023-04-09

Excuse me, has the publication been released now? How was it resolved?

喵喵米哦 2023-04-09

After 4 months of submission, there is no news? I wonder when it will be published.

0103. 2023-04-02

How long does it take to have feedback on "under review"?

0103. 2023-04-02

How long will it take for the review?

0103. 2023-04-02

How long does it take for under review to have comments?

0103. 2023-04-02

How long does it usually take for under review to have feedback?

0103. 2023-03-29

Is the probability of being rejected high under review?

0103. 2023-03-29

How long does it take to have feedback on "under review"?

mapingting 2023-03-23

Hello, may I ask if this journal is free of charge?

柠檬不萌只是酸 2023-03-22

How did you manage to successfully withdraw your submission? I have already sent an email to the journal to withdraw it, but there has been no response.

柠檬不萌只是酸 2023-03-17

Is this journal open access? Do I need to pay any publication fee?

柠檬不萌只是酸 2023-03-17

Is this journal not open access? Do we not have to pay any publication fees?

柠檬不萌只是酸 2023-03-16

May I ask how to find the email address of the editor of this journal?

柠檬不萌只是酸 2023-03-16

May I ask how to find the editorial email address of this journal?

阳光男孩123 2023-03-13

Submitted in February 2022, there is still no result up to now. After 6 months, it is still "With editor". I have urged a few times and the editor said they would change the editor. In September, it entered "Under Review", but it is still in this status. I asked and they said they received one comment and are waiting for others. I am really speechless.

Overall, the editor is very slow and so are the reviewers.

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