认证评论 - Small
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

srf 2021-12-16

投am建议转投small - Suggested to submit to small
投AS建议转投small - Suggested to submit to small
20210924 转投到small - Submitted to small on 20210924
20211014 收到审稿意见,2小修1个拒,编辑给了14天修改时间。 - Received reviewer comments, 2 minor revisions and 1 rejection, editor provided 14 days for revisions.
20211028 resubmitted - Resubmitted on 20211028
20211116 accepted 二审3个审稿人,直接接收。 - Accepted after the second review, with 3 reviewers, directly accepted.
20211210 Online。历时2个半月。 - Online on 20211210. Took 2 and a half months.

wang19931003 2021-12-15

So fast, congratulations.

NJUSTYMZ 2021-12-15

Congratulations, congratulations! I submitted it on the 16th, and it is still under consideration now!

NJUSTYMZ 2021-12-15

Congratulations, congratulations! I submitted it on the 16th, and it is still under consideration now.

kikiwq 2021-12-15

"12.15日accept,生日礼物" translates to "Accept on December 15th, birthday gift" in English.

kikiwq 2021-12-13

Posted on November 3rd, received two minor revisions and one rejection on November 15th. The editor gave three weeks for major revisions. Revised and submitted on December 6th, anxiously waiting.

wang19931003 2021-12-13

I voted on the 23rd. Same as you, which direction are you in?

啥也不是 2021-12-11

Submitted on November 13th, it has been under consideration all along.

srf 2021-12-09

Hello, I received on November 16th. Is DIO for this year? Will the Online be postponed until next year?

kkkf 2021-12-09

Definitely not counting...

Bear 2021-12-08

2021.7.8 submitted
2021.8.13 major revision required
2021.8.23 resubmitted
2021.9.9 accepted
2021.10.28 online
From submission to acceptance took two months, which was pretty fast, but going online took a bit longer.

Thuamr 2021-12-06

I suggest switching to "small"
Rejected by ACS Nano
Switched to "small" on 20210917
May I ask, if there is no rejection for switching to "Small," is it considered as simultaneous submission when trying to submit to ACS Nano?

纳米精灵 2021-12-04

I don't know until the meaning comes back.

wang19931003 2021-12-01

Can I ask if the status will change from "under consideration" to "under review"?

wang19931003 2021-12-01

Just asking, it has been 8 days in the "under consideration" status. Will it change after the review? It feels so slow.

纳米精灵 2021-11-28

But the original poster doesn't care if it's in the second district, right?

NJUSTYMZ 2021-11-26

May I ask if there has been any change in the time before "under consideration"? I submitted it on 11/16, and it has been 10 days now without any changes.

NJUSTYMZ 2021-11-26

Excuse me, the time in front of "under consideration" has changed. I submitted it on 11/16, and now it has been 10 days with no changes.

vervaeck 2021-11-25

Me too, it's been over a month and I still haven't seen the publication of the proof. I don't know what the situation is.

还没想好叫啥子 2021-11-23

It is because AS requires a page fee.

来一客温暖 2021-11-22

I was rejected from transferring to small or AS. Although AS has a higher impact factor, I personally prefer small a little more! I applied for a transfer, a 21-day mini-repair, allowing one week to make revisions, and proofreading two weeks later! And then... there is no "afterwards", it has been a month and it's still not online!!!! So frustrated!!!!

熊小骨 2021-11-19

The second article, Small, took exactly two months from submission to acceptance. I met a very nice editor, Liying Wang. I wish the magazine continued to thrive!

夭夭。 2021-11-18

投AM建议转投Small - Suggest transferring to Small from AM
投ACS Nano被拒 - Rejected by ACS Nano
20210917 转投到small - Transferred to Small on 20210917
20211014 收到审稿意见,1大修,1小修,编辑给3周大修 - Received reviewer comments on 20211014, 1 major revision, 1 minor revision, editor allowed 3 weeks for major revision
20211105 resubmitted - Resubmitted on 20211105
20211117 accepted 刚好2个月,还算是顺利 - Accepted on 20211117, exactly 2 months, considered smooth.

咯咯哒咯咯哒咯咯哒 2021-11-16

After submitting all the authors, they received an email. May I ask how long it took for you to receive the review comments after submitting?

还没想好叫啥子 2021-11-07

Difficult submission process, rejected by NC and ACS NANO after review.
Submitted to Small on 20210616.
Received review comments after a whole two months on 20210817, with 2 major revisions and 1 minor revision. The editor requested a 6-week major revision.
Resubmitted on 20210912.
Received major revision on 20210930, with the first reviewer raising 5 additional questions. The editor requested a 6-week major revision.
Resubmitted on 20211010.
Recommended for publication pending satisfactory revisions on 20211029, with only one figure modification needed.
Resubmitted on 20211030.
Accepted on 20211104. It took nearly 5 months from start to acceptance.

无名123 2021-11-02

Why haven't the co-authors and the journal received any emails after submitting the manuscript, and even the review comments were only seen on the website?

1231232如 2021-10-27

8.1 Submission;
9.1 Received review comments, one was a direct acceptance, and the other had 10 explanatory questions. The editor gave 10 days for major revisions;
9.11 Submitted revised version.
9.24 Received response recommending publication pending satisfactory revision. Reviewer agreed to accept it, but provided a suggestion for minor revisions within 14 days;
10.6 Submitted revised version;
10.7 Accepted. The review process was quite fast.

Weber528 2021-10-15

Submit the revised draft on 10/12.
Receive on 10/15.
Hope Small can return to Zone 1.

芳华,刹那 2021-10-14

Revised on October 5th, received on October 14th!!

Thomas. F. An 2021-10-13

07.18 Submission;
09.03 Received reviewer comments, two reviewers raised 6 questions, editor requested major revisions (10 days for revision);
09.28 Submitted revised version (included additional experiments, requested a two-week extension);
10.12 Accepted

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