认证评论 - Small
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

林东风 2023-02-19

I also voted, but there has been no news for two months.

Gu Hai 2023-02-19

How many reviewers are there generally, and when is the usual time for submission? It has been three days, and the status has not changed.

leepeng 2023-02-19

The submission was sent for review after two days, but it has been under review for 70 days without any updates. When I asked the editor through email, I received a generic response stating that it is in normal status. Why is it taking so long?

读完博士再打工 2023-02-18

2022.12.25 Submitted to AFM (Academic journal)
2023.01.18 Major revision (transferred to Small)
2023.02.04 Revised manuscript submitted
2023.02.15 Minor revision
2023.02.17 Revised manuscript submitted
2023.02.17 Accepted
The journal is very efficient!

cyanine 2023-02-17

Brother, you're too lucky, hehe, good luck! I hope the editor treats my manuscript well too!

小洋 2023-02-16

December 29, 2022: Manuscript submitted
January 11, 2022: Under review
February 2, 2022: Major revision, one reviewer, five questions, easy to fix
February 14, 2022: Revised manuscript submitted
February 15, 2022: Accepted
The efficiency of the small journal is really fast. I didn't make any revisions during the holiday at home. I completed the experiments and made the revisions in two days after returning to school. The manuscript was accepted the next day after submission. Thank you to the editor. I hope Small Journal continues to improve.

Mott 2023-02-06

2022.12.22 Submitted to AFM.
2022.12.30 Transferred from AFM to Small.
2023.01.14 Major revision requested, two reviewers.
2023.01.26 Revised and submitted.
2023.01.29 Accepted.
The reviewing process was very fast. Thank you to the editors and reviewers. I hope the journal continues to improve!

wangsiheng 2023-02-06

After submitting to AFM for review, it was rejected. Then, I submitted to Small, but little did I know it was directly rejected without even being reviewed...

look 2023-02-02

2023.1.25 Apply to AFM
2023.1.31 Transfer from AFM to Small
2023.2.1 Under Review. Hoping for the best!

科研小白小白 2023-01-30

2022.10.19, submit, lithium-oxygen battery cathode catalyst
2022.10.31, under review
2022.12.19, major revision, two reviewers with comments 7+8 (including a few minor formatting issues) rate the importance and innovation of the work highly
2023.1.10, resubmit; editor requests revisions within 3 weeks
2023.1.19, accept. Proofreading after the New Year. Thank you to the advisor and editor for their guidance.

阿斯顿飞规就 2023-01-20

Opinions have been extensively revised, but the editor only gave half a month for revisions. You should receive feedback on your paper in about a month. Good luck!

It has been a month and a half since the revision on January 26, but still no news...

Universe 2023-01-19

20221122 Manuscript submitted (Transfer from AFM) - English translation: Manuscript submitted on November 22, 2022 (Transferred from AFM)
20221223 Major revision - English translation: Major revision on December 23, 2022
20230112 Revised manuscript Submitted - English translation: Revised manuscript submitted on January 12, 2023
20230119 Accept - English translation: Accepted on January 19, 2023
Small期刊非常给力,效率很高,审稿人也很专业,提出的问题对论文的完善有很大的促进作用!小众领域的开创性研究,期刊不好找,这次终于受到了认可。- English translation: The Small journal is very efficient and professional. The reviewers' questions greatly contribute to the improvement of the paper! It's difficult to find a journal for groundbreaking research in a niche field, but this time it has finally been recognized.

让我发个大子刊吧 2023-01-19

Hello, may I ask how many reviewers you have and what their opinions are? It has been two weeks since I submitted mine, but I haven't received any updates yet.

阿斯顿飞规就 2023-01-17

12.15 Return for repair;
Still Under Review;
01.17 still no news;
So slow, I see others' are not this slow, I wonder what's going on.

让我发个大子刊吧 2023-01-14

Submitted on December 22nd, reviewed and sent for approval on January 6th, praying for a small repair.

cyanine 2023-01-05

So strong! One reviewer, within a month, accepted the part-time job, setting a model for us all!

让我发个大子刊吧 2022-12-31

I submitted it on December 22nd, and until now, the editing has not been processed. It's too slow.

小白就是我 2022-12-31

12.1 Submission
12.15 Minor revision requested, with four suggestions from one reviewer.
12.20 Response submitted and accepted in the afternoon of the same day!
Overall, the review process for Small was very fast! Additionally, Small is now back in the top tier, thanks to the trust of the editors!

之乎者也嗯 2022-12-29

It is still relatively fast. Angew has switched and joined. It took one month for the recruitment process, with two reviewers making major and minor revisions.

无语了 2022-12-24

11.10 Submission
11.28 Minor revisions provided by two reviewers, editor grants one week for modifications
12.5 Revised manuscript returned
12.6 Received in the morning

oneoneone 2022-12-21

Admiration, wishing to have the same good luck as you.

oneoneone 2022-12-21

Admiration, hoping to have the same good luck as you.

wuzt 2022-12-21

After one week of submission, the article will be reviewed, and feedback will be returned in approximately two weeks. There will be major and minor revisions, which will be sent back for further modification after three days. The acceptance notification will be given in about two days. The whole process takes a little over a month, and the speed is extremely fast.

hphpphph 2022-12-21

Back to District 1!!!

clear 2022-12-19

"Received on December 19th."

取个名字 2022-12-17

It has been over two months since the review, is this normal? Should I follow up?

clear 2022-12-16

Submission time: 10.20
Received repair feedback time: 11.17 (minor repair)
Reply time for repair feedback: 12.02

帝夫 2022-12-14

The given text is already in English. It states the Impact Factor of a journal for the year 2020, which is 11.459.

小夕 2022-12-13

I have come to fulfill my vow, received on 12.12.

chemeng 2022-12-08

11.8, transfer from AFM
11.22, major revisions, 3 reviewers
12.7, revised submitted
12.7, accept
Previously, it was submitted three times but not reviewed. Thanks to editor Neville Compton and the reviewers for their timely handling! The review and acceptance were completed within one day after revision! Efficient and impressive!

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