注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

~123~ 2021-07-05

Hello, may I ask where can I see the revision comments? My current status is as follows: Preproduction Review on July 3, 2021. First Manuscript Decision on July 3, 2021 - Major Revisions Required. Rate Reviewers on July 3, 2021 - Reviewer Rating Completed. Peer Review from June 6, 2021 to July 3, 2021 - Peer Review Complete.

shengrun 2021-07-01

Submitted on April 25th, received the reviewer's comments on June 2nd (major revisions), submitted the revised manuscript on June 22nd, and accepted on June 28th. The process was still quite fast.

brucez 2021-06-30

I will return the revised draft on the 6th, and the reviewer will complete the review on the 20th.

bydcmp 2021-06-30

I have been stuck at the final decision stage since June 15th until now, and I don't know if it's because of the pandemic. I saw online that some people received acceptance within two to three days after submitting the revised version. I'm feeling anxious.

brucez 2021-06-27

First revision is underway. It has been 7 days since the second reviewers finished reviewing the manuscript, but the editor has not made a final decision yet. It's really slow.

yjvlc 2021-06-23

Hi, OP, how do we collect the fee for this forum?

nkshy 2021-06-04

The editing process was very timely, and I am very grateful to the editor for giving me the opportunity. I also greatly appreciate the reviewing experts. The editor and the experts provided very professional opinions respectively. After making careful revisions, I received an acceptance email in just 3 days. Many thanks to the editor and the two experts!

明天花会开 2021-05-26

This journal has been downgraded to fourth tier. I'm so sad!
I had a few articles published in the past few years, back when it was in the third tier, JCR2. Has it really declined now?

Horizon 2021-05-24

Just submitted the article and invited 8 reviewers to review. So far, 4 reviewers have accepted the invitation. This journal has strict requirements and a good reputation... Hoping for positive results.

liuguangli 2021-05-12

When submitting a paper, do we need to submit the manuscript, supplementary materials, and author response in the second step?

小白2020 2021-05-12

Classmate, may I ask, at the "publication charges" step, my article is 7 pages long and I don't need to pay any fees for open access. It says there is an article processing fee of $35, but it also mentions that this fee is waived for online payments. When I click "next," it says I haven't selected any fees and returns me to the queue, but the "publication charges" button is still there. Does this mean I have completed this step or not?

icexx 2021-05-11

May I ask how much is the overall cost of applied optics?

Cubopm 2021-05-10

Suggestion: Please wait and do not rush. Editing is not easy, and it is difficult to find suitable reviewers.

MrMaRin 2021-05-08

See when the sixth reviewer has reviewed, it is suggested to wait.

MrMaRin 2021-05-08

Already received the meaning, steady.

MrMaRin 2021-05-08

General templates for submission are acceptable, both single-column and double-column formats are acceptable, and up to ten pages are free of charge.

让我中吧 2021-05-08

Reviewer 1: Waiting, Due (May 2, 2021)
Reviewer 2: Not Area of Expertise (May 3, 2021)
Reviewer 3: Waiting, Due (May 2, 2021)
Reviewer 4: Agree (May 2, 2021) Complete (May 6, 2021)
Reviewer 5: Too Busy (May 4, 2021)
Reviewer 6: More Time Approved (May 6, 2021) Waiting, Due (May 31, 2021)

The review process started on April 27. How should we handle this situation, continue waiting or remind the editor? If reminding the editor, how should we proceed? Thank you!

让我中吧 2021-05-08

I also want to know how to see.

lin_sen6 2021-05-08

Go downstairs and if you can't see the status, it should mean that the manuscript is still in the hands of the editor and the specific reviewer has not been found yet.

nkshy 2021-05-07

Looking at the comments, everyone says it's pretty fast. I have been in peer review for 5 weeks now. Also, I can't see any other status. May I ask how you guys check it?

小Q 2021-04-28

I would like to ask, what does "manuscript accept" mean as the result of "First manuscript decision"? Can it be accepted for publication?

saoge5555 2021-04-26

As long as the logic of the article is fine, generally you will be given the opportunity to make changes.

liuxingyue 2021-04-20

May I ask if it is possible to withdraw a manuscript after modifying the ID in Applied Optics? They replied asking me to resubmit the manuscript and update the corresponding author information, but there is no button to modify the corresponding author's email. Can I submit a new manuscript? Initially, the system had a pathway for resubmission. However, after I created a new submission ID, the resubmission pathway disappeared. Does anyone know what is happening? Please help.

科研小白 2021-04-17

Classmate, have you had a similar experience before? Can you share your experience?

saoge5555 2021-04-14

The uploaded Word document becomes a mess when scanning the journal as a PDF, but I have no issues when I scan it myself. The Word document is from the 2016 version, so is it a problem with the version or some other reason?

小Q 2021-04-13

Just submitted, already in the preliminary review stage, the first time submitting to SCI, is this journal good for acceptance?

时不我待1103 2021-04-10

Hello, is there a fee for submitting to this journal? Is it single column or double column format? Are there any page requirements?

时不我待1103 2021-04-10

Hello, may I ask if there is a fee for submitting to this journal? Is it single-column or double-column format, and approximately how many words are required? Thank you.

时不我待1103 2021-04-10

Hello, may I ask if there is a fee for submitting to this journal? Is it a single column or double column format, and approximately how many words (in English)? Thank you.

科研小白 2021-04-07

Currently still waiting...

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