注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

人箭大炮 2021-09-12

I couldn't find the place to upload the SI when I returned this journal for repair, so I uploaded it in the figure option. Then I separately explained the situation to the editor in the following section.

陈可可爱爱 2021-09-11

This journal is very efficient in both the review process and providing feedback after revisions. The impact factor is also increasing year by year. The reviewers provide professional opinions and raised a question regarding the preparation process. They also offered several suggestions and helped me to improve the logical framework. Finally, my paper was accepted. I am very grateful for Dr. Chen's professionalism and assistance. I am extremely happy. I hope the journal continues to improve!

LLLLLL 2021-09-10

The research direction is process intensification, not materials or membranes.
Date posted for everyone's reference.
Submitted manuscript on July 5th.
Revision date on August 23rd, with two reviewers, one minor revision and one major revision. The editor gave a major revision with a deadline of 21 days.
Returned on September 4th, under review on the same day.
Accepted on September 10th, directly accepted.
The reviewers' comments were all very professional, especially the second reviewer who really hit the key points. It was evident that they were a peer in the field, asking very professional questions. Replying to their questions consumed a lot of brain cells, but luckily no additional experiments were needed. The reply letter alone was over 6000 words, covering everything from theory to experimental conclusions. Patience and meticulousness in replying to every question from the reviewers made everything smooth.
Overall, the review process was very fast. Thanks to Editor Luo Guangsheng for his high efficiency and great responsibility.
Sincerely wishing the journal to become even better.

LLLLLL 2021-09-08

He has an electronic support document. You just need to write clear comments.

工戈草头右匡七 2021-09-08

Choose another manuscript and then upload it.

滴里搭拉 2021-09-08

I would like to ask how to upload the support. I couldn't find the location to upload the support.

滴里搭拉 2021-09-08

Excuse me, everyone. How do I upload an article with no upload option? Please let me know.

John Bull 2021-09-07

Fast review, submitted on May 18, 2021, received comments in 20 days, followed by two months for revisions. Although there were a few small hiccups along the way, it was ultimately accepted. Many thanks to Dr. Chen for their professional and efficient work, and gratitude to the reviewers for their efforts. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY will definitely continue to improve.

LLLLLL 2021-09-07

How long did it take for everyone to receive it after returning?

Enouan 2021-09-06

7.28 submitted to journal
7.30 with editor
8.1 reject
8.3 resubmitted after modification
8.6 under review
8.23 major revision
8.26 resubmitted
9.2 minor revision
9.5 accept
Thank you to Professor Luoguangsheng and the three reviewers for the opportunity given, the quality of the article has also improved significantly, thank you very much!

buzhidao 2021-09-04

Submitted on July 18th, accepted on September 3rd, approximately took 40 days.

木木木马mua 2021-09-02

2021.05.27 submit to journal
2021.05.30 under review
2021.06.20 major revision (4 reviewers, given one month time)
2021.07.16 revision submit to journal
2021.07.16 under review
2021.07.23 major revision (two issues, given 10 days for revisions)
2021.07.31 revision submit to journal
2021.08.03 reject (Two reviewers rejected due to one issue. Editor suggested resubmission after modification)
2021.08.07 submit to journal
2021.08.08 under review
2021.08.20 minor revise (2 reviewers, given minor revisions)
2021.08.31 revision submit to journal (submitted on the same day of revisions)
2021.09.02 accept
Thank you, Editor Jorge Bedia, for the super-fast efficiency. Thank you to the reviewers. This is my first SCI paper as a graduate student. I will continue to work hard in the future!

前行之路 2021-08-27

Hello, I would like to ask how things are going now and how they are being handled.

前行之路 2021-08-25

I would like to ask seniors, it has been nearly 2 weeks since I accepted, why is it still not online?

wzx 2021-08-25

with editor about 2 days;
initial review around 25 days;
major revision, took 1 and a half months, included a lot of experiments;
revisions accepted within 17 days;
total of 3 months;
personally, I feel the speed is still quite fast, as long as the reviewers don't delay, it is quick.

COCOA1989 2021-08-21

My two articles, one has been under review for over 50 days, with one status update on August 10th, and the other has been under review since August 14th with no changes until now.

LLLLLL 2021-08-20

The date has changed, it is still under review.

LLLLLL 2021-08-19

Original: 楼主 哪个编辑在处理 啊
Translation: OP, which editor is handling it?

LLLLLL 2021-08-19

Hello everyone, how long does the first review usually take? I am in the field of chemistry and my study involves separation techniques. I submitted my paper in early July and it has been under review for over 40 days now. Around 20 days into the review process, there was a date change, but since then it has remained under review for over 40 days.

How can I find out which editor is handling my manuscript? This journal is known for its fast review process, so I'm wondering why it's taking so long now.

1122gkg 2021-08-11

4.16 submission
4.17 review
5.12 major revision
6.17 rework
8.3 acceptance
The early stage progress was very fast. After the rework, I don't know if it was because of the summer break or for some other reason, but I waited for a long time. Fortunately, it was accepted directly, so the agonizing wait for over a month was not in vain. The proofing process in the later stage was quick, and it has already been published online now. During that agonizing month of waiting, I often checked the submission information of senior predecessors here, hoping that my submission experience can give more confidence to other submitters. Let's all work together and keep up the good work!

panshi 2021-07-30

With the same 18 submissions, the result is still unknown until now. I sent an email to urge them, and they replied to me with a response letter from another journal.

刘兆旺 2021-07-30

Same question, it has been over a week and still not submitted to the journal. Extremely urgent!

buzhidao 2021-07-29

You guys are already handling it, mine hasn't been assigned for editing yet, it's such a waste of time.

采芹人 2021-07-29

Do you know how to solve the same problem? It hurts.

老边 2021-07-28

Recently, there have been issues with the system, and the article should be stuck at the publishing house.

buzhidao 2021-07-28

Submitted on July 18th, it has been 10 days and there is still no response from the editor. The status remains "submitted to this journal." How should I handle this? Does anyone have any suggestions?

拉格朗日中值定理 2021-07-20

The editing process is very fast, and the general review cycle is over 20 days. Thanks to editor Andre de Haan!

382433055 2021-07-18

Hello, may I ask if any feedback was given when being rejected?

382433055 2021-07-18

Hello OP, may I ask if you have received any feedback after being rejected for the first time? Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

膜拜之艺 2021-06-29

You can send an email to ask, typically it won't take this long.

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