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keyanxiaochong 2021-12-14

Submitted on October 29th, received acceptance notice directly on December 13th, and all four reviewers gave positive feedback. Several authors find it unbelievable. However, the manuscript had already undergone numerous revisions before submission, and one of the authors is a native speaker. The article has sufficient innovative elements and there are few reports on this topic in the field of metallurgy.

will be accepted&rich 2021-12-13

11.06 - Submit
11.07 - Under review
11.22 - Major revise
12.02 - Revision
12.13 - Accept
Thank you very much to the editor, Shuguang Deng, for the extremely fast speed and excellent efficiency. There were a total of 11 questions from the two reviewers, and there was basically no need to supplement experiments. However, it took a little time to find references. I have been rejected five or six times continuously before, mainly because the direction was not aligned. I didn't have much confidence in submitting to SP this time, as there are not many studies in my field. Fortunately, the effort paid off and I have high hopes for SP. I wish it breaks 10 soon!

敬圣 2021-12-10

Finally, I wish everyone a smooth graduation, and acceptance of SCI papers in the end!

敬圣 2021-12-10

From early July until today, the paper finally settled and was accepted. This work was submitted to five or six journals in succession, and finally to SPT. It underwent major revisions based on the suggestions from CEJ. Therefore, the submission to SPT went smoothly, taking less than 40 days from start to finish. From the experience of submitting this paper, I have two main feelings: firstly, one must have a clear understanding and positioning of the paper; secondly, the choice of journal should be taken seriously. The fate of a paper is determined by both the editor and the reviewers.

SPT Submission Experience:
11.04 Submission
11.06 Under review
11.19 Major revision (two reviewers)
11.24 Revisions made
12.10 Accepted

敬圣 2021-12-10

After the repair, it will be accepted within less than 20 days, mainly depending on the speed of the reviewer. The opportunity for the editor to provide modifications indicates the recognition of your work.

浩. 2021-12-10

Upload e-component

Muxin木镡 2021-12-09

Submitted on November 22nd, received reviewer comments on November 27th. There were 4 reviewers who provided a total of 21 comments. Made minor revisions and resubmitted on December 4th, accepted on December 6th. The review process was fast, after being rejected by WR/CEJ/JHM, it was successfully submitted to Separation and Purification and accepted. Thanks to editor Deng Shuguang for the quick handling~

乐观的反向da 2021-12-08

9.22 submitted to journal
9.24 with editor
9.29 under review
10.13 major revision
10.31 resubmitted to journal
11.10 accept
11.14 available online

The submitted paper is on advanced oxidation water treatment. There were two reviewers, both of whom were Chinese (I knew because they asked me to cite their articles). They gave me 20 days to make revisions. Overall, their questions were very helpful for the paper, especially the first reviewer who had a similar research background. The questions were direct and professional, and I had to read a lot of literature and redesign experiments to address them.

Previously, my submission to CEJ was rejected, which made me very sad. That's why I submitted to this journal. However, objectively speaking, the reviewers chosen by SP clearly have more professional ethics. Although their questions were challenging, they were relevant to the field and constructive. This is in contrast to the reviewers chosen by CEJ, which is self-evident. I will share a link to a paper for reference and citation by those in similar fields (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2021.120136).

工戈草头右匡七 2021-11-28

Thank you, Editor Guohua Chen.

Paper will be accepted 2021-11-18

May I ask how long it takes for a submission to be revised, with the statuses "with editor" and "Under review"?

桔@梗 2021-11-17

How long will there be news with the editor?

*never 2021-11-15

Submitted on the same day, the review comments came back within 7 days, and it took 14 days to supplement the data. The manuscript was returned on the 30th day, and it was accepted on the same day. Both the reviewers and editors were very efficient. From submission to acceptance in 30 days, it feels like we have used up all our luck for this year.

paper will be ac 2021-11-15

Submitted on the same day, it is still unknown about the results. Continuing to make wishes, hoping for a smooth review of the submission...

小池池 2021-11-14

Hello, I am also in the field of process reinforcement, and I feel like I am on the edge of the journal scope.

Lj20131209 2021-11-11

Thank you to editor Shuguang Deng, who worked extremely quickly. The manuscript was submitted on October 22nd and sent for review on the same day. Feedback was received on October 30th, with two reviewers providing a total of 17 questions. The editor requested major revisions, which were completed and returned on November 10th. The revised manuscript was accepted on November 11th at noon. Thank you once again to editor Shuguang Deng! Additionally, I wish Separation and Purification Technology continued success and hope its impact factor breaks 10 soon. Haha.

千年大菠萝 2021-11-08

The first submission was rejected and resubmitted. The second submission was sent back for major revisions after the editor's feedback. Two reviewers provided 29 comments, all of which were crucial. I wrote a reply of over 8000 words, but the editor couldn't bear to read it all. Instead of sending it for a second review, they accepted it directly. The review process was a bit slow, but luckily the writing was concise enough. The editor was relatively kind, otherwise, if there were to be a second review, I would probably be overwhelmed by dozens of comments.

paper will be ac 2021-11-06

Come and make a wish, being continuously rejected has made me feel devastated, hoping to succeed this time...

航哥 2021-11-01

The level of the reviewers for the journal is quite high. They provided very good suggestions for modification, and after making the modifications according to their suggestions, it was accepted for publication.

敬圣 2021-10-29

Overall, it went smoothly. It was submitted on May 3rd and reviewed within a week (I can't remember the exact details). A major revision was given in early July (before July, there were changes in the review completion). Most of the issues raised by the reviewers were objective, and a large amount of supplementary experimental evidence and characterization were provided. Comments were submitted in mid-August, and it was accepted quickly within a few days. The whole process felt normal and went smoothly. I feel that the journal is actively developing and have high hopes for it. I wish it continues to improve, and I also hope everyone's submissions go smoothly!

tosstold 2021-10-27

6.13 submitted to journal
6.15 under review
6.27 major revision
Given two months to revise
7.25 revision submitted to journal
8.9 minor revision
8.13 revision submitted to journal
8.14 accept
8.19 online first version
12.15 publish

Thanks to Editor Chen Guohua and the two reviewers!
Wishing the journal continued success!

一只兔子 2021-10-22

Thank you, Editor Luo Guangsheng, for your high efficiency.

zhaoyan 2021-10-14

9.15 submitted to journal
9.16 under review
9.26 minor revision
Given three weeks to make revisions
10.13 revision submitted to journal
10.14 accepted
After re-review, it was accepted based on the reviewers' comments
Thanks to editor Shuguang Deng and the two reviewers for their professional review comments. The efficiency of the editor and reviewers is exceptionally high.
Wishing the journal continued success in the future!

投稿靠命运 2021-10-12

Released on the evening of September 1st, it was sent for review a few hours later. The major revision was scheduled for September 3rd, with a modification period of 20 days. It was revised and sent back on September 20th. Around the 25th, minor revision suggestions were given during the second review. After submission on the 29th, it was accepted on October 6th. I would like to thank Shuguang Deng for editing and the three reviewers for their professional comments and exceptional efficiency. I wish the journal continuous improvement in the future, and I will continue to submit to the Separation and Purification Technology Journal. Let's keep pushing forward!

长路漫漫 2021-10-08

4.30 submitted to journal
5.2 with editor
5.3 under review
9.8 major revise
9.29 resubmit
9.30 with editor
10.8 accept

4.30: Submitted to journal
5.2: Under the editor's review
5.3: Currently under review
9.8: Requires major revisions
9.29: Resubmission required
9.30: With editor
10.8: Accepted

Chase Wu 2021-09-25

The reviewer is very professional.

科研鬼才001 2021-09-22

Less than a week, please wait patiently.

LLLLLL 2021-09-19

How long does it take for everyone to receive the publishing documents and DOI after acceptance?

魁拔元年 2021-09-14

6.27 submission; 6.28 editing for additional information; 6.29 submission for review; 8.27 received review comments, three reviewers, they mentioned their English is not very good, but there were no major issues; 9.8 responded to comments; 9.13 received email that the paper has been accepted, overall, the review process was slow, but the outcome was very good, thanks to editor Volodymyr Tarabara and the three reviewers.

K.Y 2021-09-13

6.23 submission
8.4 revision and major repair, the reviewer's questions are not difficult to answer, deadline is three weeks
8.23 revised
9.10 revision, added a reviewer, questions are simple, deadline is two weeks
9.12 revised
9.13 accepted
Putting a period to my master's degree, thank you to editor Deng, wishing everyone to publish soon, now already in top of Zone 1.

liujx 2021-09-12

The reviewer is very professional, the questions are very sharp, and the editor is very serious. There have been two major revisions and one minor revision.

It has been a week since the acceptance, and I haven't received the copyright file yet. I wonder if anyone has encountered a similar situation.

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