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undefined 2022-05-17

2022.04.11 submitted
2022.04.20 under review
2022.05.01 under review
The current status is unknown.

Echo111 2022-05-17

2022.5.15投出 translates to "Submitted on May 15, 2022" in English.
2022.5.17 with editor translates to "Reviewed by editor on May 17, 2022" in English.

科研废物啊 2022-05-15

The explanation is that the editor has invited two or more reviewers, but the reviewers have not yet agreed to accept the review. We don't need to worry about that. By the way, could you please tell me the number at which your article is ranked?

wxywxy 2022-05-15

Just checked the "track your submission" page.
Review invitations accepted: 0
Review invitations sent: 2+
Does this mean that no reviewers have accepted the invitations for review?
Should I write to the editor recommending some reviewers?

Lee。 2022-05-14

One said it can be published, and the other said it was rejected. The editor directly rejected it, that's too hasty, isn't it?

三千块 2022-05-12

2022.4.7 Submission
2022.4.8 With editor
2022.4.9 Under review
2022.4.28 Required reviews completed
2022.5.1 Minor revisions
Result unknown...
Three reviewers, 1# said it was too complicated to understand but expressed interest. 23# provided some formatting suggestions.
This journal is really fast, and the reviewers are also friendly.
Hope to be accepted.

苦苦咖啡 2022-05-12

The advanced oxidation method developed by myself is relatively new, and I am not very experienced in writing articles. I would like to ask everyone if this journal can continue to be classified in the upgraded Zone 1 in the next update. Additionally, are there any other Zone 1 journals that you would recommend? It seems like there are only a few Zone 1 journals that I can submit to.

fqd 2022-05-05

2022.3.1 submitted to journal & with editor
2022.3.4 under review
2022.3.20 Required Reviews Completed
2022.3.21 major revision
2022.4.11 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.4.21 Required Reviews Completed
2022.4.22 Minor Revision
2022.4.25 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.4.30 Required Reviews Completed
2022.5.3 accept

The initial journal review was submitted to SPT. The editor and reviewers were very efficient. There were four reviewers in the first review, who provided constructive comments. The revised article quality significantly improved. After half a year of effort, this work was finally accepted by SPT. Thanks to the friendly editor, ShuGuang Deng. Wishing SPT continued success!

木木木马mua 2022-05-03

2022.2.23 Submitted to Journal
2022.2.25 With editor (reviewed on the same day)
2022.3.11 Major revision (to be returned before March 31)
2022.3.25 Due to the pandemic, many experiments could not be conducted. Requested an extension of one month (to be returned before April 30)
2022.4.25 Revision submitted to Journal
2022.4.26 Under review
2022.5.2 Accepted
There were a total of 4 reviewers. 3 reviewers provided positive comments, while 1 reviewer had a negative opinion. Originally, without the pandemic, the entire submission process could have been completed within 40 days. I must praise editor Jorge Bedia for being extremely efficient! Finally, I would like to thank the editor and reviewers for their insightful questions. Best wishes for the continued success of SPT!

晓之以理 2022-04-27

Thank you, editor Shouliang Yi.

Lintai Li 2022-04-27

I am very nervous for my first time casting a vote.

拼嘻嘻 2022-04-27

2022.2.28 submitted to the journal
2022.3.1 with editor
2022.3.14 under review
2022.4.7 moderate revision
2022.4.14 accept
I'm not sure why it took 14 days with the editor. Previously, this journal would usually decide whether to send for review or reject within 7 days. Fortunately, the review comments came back in less than a month after submitting for review. There were two reviewers (none of whom I knew), one accepted and one suggested minor revisions. All the comments were positive and made me feel a bit embarrassed. It's a pity that this work was rejected along the way. I previously submitted it to JMCA for review but didn't continue because the comments were too harsh. There are people in other related journal groups who are submitting, so I couldn't submit there. In order to get it published quickly, I chose purification and it was accepted quickly. It seems that the editor really wanted this article. I still want to thank the editor and hope to maintain a stable position in the first quartile after purification.

科研废物啊 2022-04-27

After a minor revision, it is generally accepted. Congratulations in advance. May I ask, which editor handled it?

晓之以理 2022-04-27

The translation of "4.26 decision in Process" into English is "Decision in process as of April 26th."

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-04-27

There are already review comments in less than a week. That's too fast, isn't it?

晓之以理 2022-04-26

4.20 minor revision - This means that a small revision is required for the document.
4.25 revision Submitted to Journal - This indicates that the revised document has been submitted to a journal.

Nick Sun 2022-04-24

I was wrong, it should be edited by Shuguang Deng.

Nick Sun 2022-04-23

Translated to English:

Submitted to Journal 2022-4-4
With editor 2022-4-4
Under review 2022-4-4
Major revisions 2022-4-9
Submitted to Journal 2022-4-16
Under review 2022-4-16
Required Reviews Completed 2022-4-18
Submitted to Journal 2022-4-18
Under review 2022-4-22
Accept 2022-4-22
Thank you to reviewer Shuguang Deng for the prompt handling and fast submission process. It's the first time I've submitted so quickly.

科研废物啊 2022-04-20

How long after will your submission be reviewed?

nengwen 2022-04-14

Because you did not follow the reviewer's advice, please make serious revisions.

晓之以理 2022-04-11

4.07 revision submitted to journal - The revised version of the document has been sent to the journal for consideration.
4.08 with editor - The document is currently being reviewed by the editor.
4.09 under review - The document is currently being evaluated and assessed.

Shaown 2022-04-05

Nov 4, 2021 - Submitted to journal
Nov 15, 2021 - Major revision
Dec 5, 2021 - Revision submitted to journal
Dec 17, 2022 - Major revision
Jan 2, 2022 - Revision submitted to journal
Jan 13, 2022 - Major revision
Jan 26, 2022 - Revision submitted to journal
Feb 20, 2022 - Minor revision
Mar 3, 2022 - Accepted

I didn't misread it, I made four revisions. Reviewer 2 was initially alright, but became excessively critical during the second revision. After the third revision, they rejected it, and the editor found a new reviewer who provided a few suggestions for minor revisions before accepting it. This was my first time and it was quite tumultuous. I don't know how I offended Reviewer 2, but thankfully the other reviewers were very kind. Reviewer 4 even helped counter Reviewer 2's comments. Overall, the review process was very fast, with feedback provided within an average of 10 days after each submission. Thanks to Editor Shuguang Deng and all the reviewers.

AnAn0743 2022-04-04

Basically the same submission route as the original poster, just submitted it today. I hope to have the same ability as the original poster and share their luck, and hopefully get results soon!

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-04-04

04-02 Post
04-03 with editor/under review
Good luck!

略略略5086 2022-04-02

March 5 submitted to journal
March 6 with editor → under review
March 18 required reviews completed
March 22 minor revision
March 24 revision submitted to journal
March 26 under review
March 31 accept

Basil 2022-04-01

Feb 16: Submitted to journal
Feb 17: With editor
Feb 19: Under review
Feb 24: Required reviews completed
Mar 19: Minor revision
Mar 29: Revision submitted to journal
Mar 31: Accept

晓之以理 2022-03-31

Just got the result, Major Revision.

晓之以理 2022-03-31

The waiting process was somewhat anxious, and finally the status was updated. Let me share the progress first.
Submitted on February 13, 2022.
With editor on February 14, 2022.
Under review on February 15, 2022.
Required Reviews Completed once in between.
Still under review on March 15, 2022.
Required Reviews Completed again on March 30, 2022.
The outcome is unknown...

一只兔子 2022-03-21

The following text translates to English as: "The editor directly received it on the second day after the repair."

晓之以理 2022-03-20

Did you already choose this when submitting it?

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