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俐俐要加油呀 2022-06-27

Not bad, may I ask if the reviewer who rejected it later agreed to accept it after the modifications? Or did the editor not show it to him again?

zms821 2022-06-23

Johan Bobacka is a very good editor who has provided great opportunities.

yhear54 2022-06-21

After fixing the humidity experiment in the same way, the chief editor requested an experiment that couldn't be done. The use of reference materials to supplement the explanation was not accepted, and they demanded that the experiment be supplemented and re-submitted. I wonder if the probability of acceptance is high after the experiment is fixed and re-submitted.

俐俐要加油呀 2022-06-21

May I ask who is the editor? Thank you.

forsensor 2022-06-20

2022.6.18 Under Review translates to "June 18, 2022 Under Review" in English.

zms821 2022-06-19

Really, it can only be said that nothing is easy; silently endure.

zms821 2022-06-19

The submission process was very difficult. Writing and revising the submission was not easy, and it was even harder when some people did not understand or respect it.

1.1 Submission
1.7 Under review
2.7 Rejected and resubmitted
2.17 Resubmitted
4.27 Major revision (during this time, one reviewer could not be found, so the editor found two more and it took an additional month for review). One reviewer rejected it.
5.4 Submitted
6.4 Minor revision
6.11 Submitted
6.18 Accepted

It took a total of 6 months and more, and it was truly challenging.

forsensor 2022-06-17

2022.6.2 Submission Return for revision
2022.6.9 with editor

Helo-ying 2022-06-12

Recently there have been several solicitations for papers on sensors, biosensors, and nanomaterials. We are currently lacking in page fees. If any interested experts would like to collaborate, we can provide publication opportunities. Please contact vwznnan@163.com.

Daive Hu 2022-06-10

The following text has been revised twice by the editor and then submitted for review.
Submitted on 20220407
Submitted modifications on 20220529
Accepted on 20220609

liuxmmm 2022-06-07

Just reapply directly, changing the format is only a process.

liuxmmm 2022-06-07

Actually, he felt that being rejected due to formatting issues was just a process. I also got rejected, but I resubmitted without making any modifications. After resubmitting, it was immediately sent for review, so there is no need to constantly worry about word count and page numbers.

一只神秘的包子 2022-06-06

Hello, may I ask if you have any results now?

Ryan1997 2022-06-05

Includes all content. Title, keywords, abstract, body text, references, and charts. The title of the chart also counts towards the word count. I adjusted the margins and line spacing, and made the chart smaller. It fits on 12 pages.

ywl008 2022-06-02

Excuse me, for FLA, how is the word count calculated? I have removed the reference section, and the word count displayed is 4850, which is not exceeding the limit. Does this mean that the figures and tables also count towards the word count? However, it is not mentioned how to calculate the number of words for figures and tables. I urgently need assistance.

ywl008 2022-06-02

May I ask, how is the word count for FLA calculated? I have removed the references and the word count shown is 4850, which is not exceeding the limit of 5000 words. Does this mean that the figures and tables also contribute to the word count? However, it is not specified how many words the images account for.

ywl008 2022-06-02

Excuse me, for FLA, the word count should not exceed 5000 words, including Figures & Tables. How is this word count calculated? I removed the references and the word count displayed 4850, which is not exceeding the limit. Does this mean that the images also count towards the word count? However, it doesn't specify how to calculate the number of words in the images.

Ryan1997 2022-05-28

20220413 Submitted. One week later, it was returned by the editor-in-chief because the text exceeded 5000 words. Revised the main text, references, and figures to be within 5000 words. Modified line spacing and page margins to fit within 12 pages.

20220430 Submitted again. One week later, it reached the editor-in-chief and then was sent back to the journal. Three days later, it reached another editor-in-chief's hands. Two days later, invited reviewers for review.

20220512 Received reviewers' comments, with over 10 suggestions from two reviewers.

20220520 Responded to the comments and submitted the revised article.

20220528 Accepted.

勇敢牛牛 2022-05-28

May I ask if the text should not exceed 5000 words, including references, OP?

xumengjia 2022-05-28

I just started and the editor told me that there were problems with the format and word count of my article. It was because both the abstract and the main body exceeded the word limit. So I reduced the word count and wrote back to the editor, informing them which parts I modified and also adjusted the format according to their suggestions. However, I did not pay attention to the requirement that the page count should not exceed 12.

On April 20, 2022, during the re-evaluation, both reviewers gave me minor revisions and provided 8 and 7 modification suggestions respectively.

On May 19, 2022, I made the revisions and included experimental explanations for all modification suggestions that could be supported by experiments. There was only one question that I was unsure about.

As of May 28, 2022, I have not received any further updates.

逢投必中-100% 2022-05-27

Hello, may I ask how you ultimately solved the issue of the word count and page number?

逢投必中-100% 2022-05-27

Hello, may I ask if the editor asked you to modify the format according to the rule "For Research Paper, the word count should not exceed 5000 words and the page count should not exceed 12 pages including Figures & Tables"? How did you solve it?

点个板看看 2022-05-25

It has been two months since the submission, and there is still no news received...

农民波波 2022-05-20

What journal is a fluorescence probe article generally transferred to when it is in the Transfer Pending status?

切尔西的匕首 2022-05-15

Reply to the original poster, there's no need to be so irritable. Each associate editor has a different style. The Japanese editor you mentioned, is it SUZK? I had a paper that went through two revisions, and the major revisions suggested by SZK were ultimately accepted.

唐糖汤棠 2022-05-14

I said that the similarity rate was high and it was returned, but I used two methods to check for similarity and it was less than 20% in both cases, which is absurd.

zms821 2022-05-05

The article I submitted this year has also undergone two major revisions. One of them is not recommended for publication and has been carefully modified and resubmitted. Is there a high possibility of it being rejected?

点个板看看 2022-04-30

How long does it take to receive the message after submission?

nikolajohn 2022-04-27

Title: Electrochemiluminescence
Deputy Editor: Hiroaki Suzuki
Reviewers: 4 reviewers received the manuscript for review, and 3 provided feedback before the deadline.
Submitted to journal: February 8, 2022
Under review: February 15, 2022
Revised: April 24, 2022
Accepted: April 25, 2022

时光为岁月 2022-04-23

How long does it usually take for the editor to give feedback?

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