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ice5415 2022-12-20

The content should be within 5000 characters.

ice5415 2022-12-20

2022.09.21 Received with editor
2022.12.14 Revised
2022.12.19 Accepted
It took less than 3 months from submission to acceptance, which is considered quite fast.

cyanine 2022-12-16

22.10.05 submit;
22.11.15 First review by two reviewers (minor revisions and major revisions, a total of 16 comments)
22.11.25 Revised
22.12.12 accepted
The experiment was not easy, I am grateful, and I hope SNB will continue to improve!

wangjuanx 2022-12-12

2022.10.04 Submission
2022.11.22 Major revision
2022.11.07 Revised and resubmitted
Currently in "with editor" status

Update status:
2023.01.05 Minor revision
2023.01.07 Accepted

nikolajohn 2022-11-21

November 21, 2022: Under Review

nikolajohn 2022-11-21

November 20, 2022: with editor.

NATHANIEL-C 2022-11-18

May I ask if his main text requires 5000 words, including references?

NATHANIEL-C 2022-11-18

How are you doing?

nikolajohn 2022-11-17

Update: Application has been rejected.


The second review has been going on for over a month now, and there is one reviewer who has not accepted the review. What will be the final result?

NATHANIEL-C 2022-11-16

I would like to ask if you have the Editor Invited stage. I don't recall having it in my previous submission, so I'm really confused about it being added this time.

Nature编外主编 2022-11-10

Hello, I would like to ask whether this 5000-character count includes the reference list or only the main text.

Nature编外主编 2022-11-10

Hello, I would like to ask, does the word count of 5000 include references?

abia 2022-11-09

I am also this editor, and I was asked to add GCMS as well, so I added it according to his instructions. However, it has been continuously rejected, and I don't know why.

abia 2022-11-09

Dr. Yasuhiro Shimizu... Do you even bother to look at the manuscript and cover letter? I have resubmitted it six or seven times already. I have already included GC and GC-MS, or should I say that I have not included these two tests...

科研小白兔 2022-11-02

I and the original poster are in the same situation. Last week, I submitted my manuscript, and after two days, it changed to "editor invited." Today, it changed again to "submitted to journal." What's going on?

zhang2217 2022-11-02

Does it take 15 days?

Yi-Chuan Huang 2022-11-02

Pass on the message. Good luck!

zhang2217 2022-11-01

Submitted to Journal on the 22nd, still awaiting further information on the status.

Yi-Chuan Huang 2022-10-31

Submitted on October 15th, invited by editor on the 16th, submitted to the journal on the 18th, and the status has not changed since then. Is SNB always this slow?

昔日 2022-10-26

Multiple formatting changes, withstand the tossing.

yasso 2022-10-14

Dr. Moos is awesome! The processing speed is super fast. I am working on gas sensing, and he gave me five suggestions to add a bunch of sensor resistors for changes in time, temperature, humidity, and bending angle to the baseline graph. He still appreciates my article to some extent. The second reviewer was not very friendly, but luckily I did a lot of work to explain his tricky questions. It wasn't easy. Interestingly, this month at the Asia ECS meeting, I met Shimizu, and the content of my presentation was still a part of this article. He listened eagerly and then asked me challenging questions. It was refreshing.
Finally, I wish sensor B the best and keep improving, XD.

yasso 2022-10-14

Jul 25 submit
Jul 29 reject and encourage resubmit by Shimizu Editor
Jul 31 revised and resubmit
Aug 06 under review
Aug 24 one reviewer completed
Sep 09 reviewer #1 minor revision; reviewer #2 (picky guy) reject;;; Editor Prof Ralf Moos---encourage resubmit after revision
Oct 04 Finish revision (added data more than reviewers' and editor' requirement, explained all the comments in detail) resubmit
Oct 06 under review
Oct 13 accept!
Statement: Thanks to Editor Prof Ralf Moos for giving me the opportunity.

ch emo 2022-10-11

SERS application
2022-07-15 submitted
2022-07-23 format modification (FLA 5000 word)
2022-07-24 submitted to Journal
2022-07-28 under review
2022-09-02 required review completed
2022-09-03 decision in progress
One revision and one rejection, suggesting resubmission.

农民波波 2022-10-04

Switched to spectrum A

Soulreader 2022-09-28

May I ask how many days it takes for the journal to process after submitting the revised format? It has been 9 days since I submitted to the journal.

小爪诗 2022-09-21

If the rejection is mentioned in the email along with suggestions on how to modify and resubmit, it means that there is a possibility to do so. If the editor does not agree to make any changes, then it's not very clear.

疯子怎么Le 2022-09-16

Hello, may I ask if it is possible to reapply after being rejected?

xx差gg 2022-09-12

5.4 Submission
5.6 The abstract and main text exceed the requirements, resubmit after revision.
6.10 Feedback received, three reviewers, two major revisions, one rejection, editor suggests major revision.
7.10 Revision (thanks to editor Osamu Niwa for being patient, we missed a reviewer's comment in between, after the editor reminded us, we revised and resubmitted)
8.3 Feedback received, two minor revisions, still one rejection (questioning novelty), editor suggests major revision.
9.1 Revision (mainly addressing the novelty issue, others are minor problems)
9.11 Accepted
The first submission was quite challenging, thanks to editor Osamu Niwa for giving us the opportunity! We hope SNB will continue to improve!

肥阳儿 2022-09-09

Hello, I would like to ask how many words are in your revised manuscript after modification? Because after my modifications, it exceeded 5000 words and is around 5400. Also, is there any requirement for the number of pages?

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