认证评论 - SENSORS
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Wzzzz1991 2022-02-27

The first round of major revisions had two out of three reviewers who were quite strict, making many changes and additionally conducting experiments. After minor revisions, the paper was accepted. It took 51 days from submission to acceptance.

奔跑的熊猫超人 2022-02-26

Should I pay the submission fee first or receive the letter of acceptance first?

ChuckyZhang 2022-02-26

The review process is relatively fast, but the reviewers are uneven in quality. Even after making two revisions, it still does not meet the requirements of one of the reviewers. The requirements were not all mentioned at once, and in the end, there was an argument and the manuscript was resubmitted to change the editor and get a new reviewer. After making further revisions, it was finally accepted.

Encountering reviewers who use a double language attack with "?!" is really unlucky.

tf.keras 2022-02-25

Soon, mentally, it's still okay, and the impact factor is also very high.

Wzzzz1991 2022-02-22

46-day minor repair, pending editor decision on the same day.

云齐 2022-02-18

Excuse me, how many reviewers are there? It has been 39 days and still no news.

Wzzzz1991 2022-02-18

"37 days for the first review reply overhaul."

LDTDMM 2022-01-28

Submitted on October 31st, 2021, received the reviewer's comments on November 24th, 2021. It required major revisions and had two external reviewers. One reviewer had positive feedback and suggested publication, while the other raised numerous minor and major issues. Personally, I felt the issues raised were very professional, and after making the necessary revisions, my paper did improve significantly. Following the reviewer's suggestions, I repeatedly made modifications and promptly replied to the experts to show respect. The process of awaiting the results was quite nerve-wracking, but fortunately, the journal's editorial department was efficient and provided the final acceptance notice after two weeks on December 13th. After paying the publication fee, I found online on December 15th, 2021, that the entire process took 44 days, with a minor incident occurring in between, which the editorial department resolved for me. The editors of Sensors journal were very friendly and approachable. Whenever I had any questions, I could directly contact them. It was just announced in December that Sensors journal is no longer on the warning list, indicating its continual improvement. I hope the journal continues to thrive, and I would definitely consider submitting again in the future!

Wzzzz1991 2022-01-25

My senior sister has sent it.
It took more than 50 days from submission to acceptance, and the review speed was rated 9 out of 10. The quality of the review is also good, and the efficiency is high.
Currently submitting, it has been 20 days, and I am waiting for the first round of review. I hope it goes smoothly...

风林天下 2022-01-20

The review speed is indeed fast. If you need to rush or want to apply for a scholarship, you can submit to this journal with the permission of your teacher. Don't worry about others' opinions of this journal, just choose according to your own needs! The editor is responsible and replies quickly. Finally, here are the time points for different stages of my submission:
December 14, 2021: Submission
January 11, 2021: Minor revisions, during which some time was delayed due to the Christmas holiday in foreign countries. There were quite a few minor opinions from the three reviewers, but they were all professional. Just reply to each comment carefully.
January 14, 2021: Resubmission after revisions
January 15, 2021: Acceptance
January 17, 2021: Proofreading and payment of Article Processing Charges (APC)
January 18, 2021: Online publication

天落微微雨 2022-01-16

The citation count is really high, with an impact factor of 3.6. By June of this year, it should surpass 4 points.

中二也要做科研 2022-01-11

I also have this question. If you know it's a warning journal and you're not in a hurry to graduate, you can choose not to submit it for now. I am from the year 20, and who knows that those guys from the Chinese Academy of Sciences made a wave of warning journals at the end of the year, which made me very angry. Now it seems that warning journals will be updated every year in the future. It's not easy to survive in the research world.

欸嘿嘿 2021-11-30

Received Date: 28 September 2021
Revised Date: 17 November 2021
Accepted Date: 27 November 2021
Submission to First Decision (Days): 58
First Sci paper, it feels alright, but not as fast as expected. Hoping the journal will improve further!

RyanYang90 2021-11-30

Submitted the first draft on October 12th, made major revisions on November 5th. Two out of three judges had significant opinions, particularly one judge's opinion was more difficult to handle. Revised after one week. Responded to minor revisions on November 15th, only addressing the additional comments from that particular reviewer. Revised again on the 16th. The editor then delayed the review decisions for an additional week. On November 24th, the editor requested a second round of minor revisions and additional content. By this time, all reviewer comments had been addressed. On November 25th, another request was made to add the latest literature. The revisions were completed on the same day. After three more days of pending review decisions (including the weekend), the paper was accepted on November 29th. The three rounds of revisions were intense, but it is important to trust the editor's intention to improve the quality of the article. Following the suggestions of the editor and reviewers diligently will ensure a smooth acceptance process, with time being the only factor. As my editor is in a different time zone, with a 7-hour difference, I need to take breaks during the revision period and be prepared to respond promptly to queries. Only by replying quickly can we save each other's time. It is crucial to carefully read and address the opinions of reviewers and editors, ensuring that all modifications are comprehensive and thorough. Laziness is not acceptable. "Pending review decisions" simply indicates that the editor is busy and does not affect the acceptance. Usually, it takes 3 days, sometimes up to 7 days, and if it takes longer, it is appropriate to send a reminder email. In conclusion, it is important to make modifications diligently, respecting the editor and reviewers. Good luck to everyone!

z0apql120 2021-11-29

The main purpose is to pass the first-year evaluation (not for domestic universities), and the submission fee is covered by the project budget, which is not very important.

HellowS 2021-11-27

Fast speed, good service, but it is expensive. I don't know if OA sounds good or not. It depends on the occasion.

天涯海角666 2021-11-21

Around 15,000 Chinese Yuan.

huiyi 2021-11-19

Excuse me, brother, is this journal comprehensive? Is it possible to submit articles on electrical motors?

江户川乱步 2021-11-16

The author does not need to use cross-references. They will be added by the editor when the publication is finalized.

Windy 2021-11-16

Not in a hurry to graduate, and having other places to invest, why should I invest in a warning period journal? It also costs 20,000 yuan.

hky 2021-11-07

May I ask if the cross-references in the literature are added by myself or added by the later editor? I don't know how to add them.

ye2019 2021-10-26

How much does the layout fee cost?

天涯海角666 2021-10-21

2021.8.17 - submit
2021.8.25 - minor revise
2021.8.29 - accept
2021.8.30 - online

团团91 2021-10-13

Received: 2 August 2021
Revised: 17 September 2021
Accepted: 18 September 2021

The reviewers are very meticulous and responsible. Making revisions to the paper based on their suggestions will indeed greatly improve its quality. The issue of the warning has also been discussed privately with the assistant editor, and the journal is continuously striving to improve its own quality. I believe there will be improvements, and I hope the journal continues to get better and better.

晨晨宇 2021-10-12

The reviewer is very good. It takes a little over a month to be accepted. First, there will be a major revision followed by minor revisions, according to the reviewer's suggestions. The probability of rejection is not high, but it is important to reply to the reviewer seriously.

生小鱼 2021-10-09

7.30 Special issue submission deadline
8.2 Assigned assistant editor, under review
8.23 Pending decision, two reviewers with one positive and one negative feedback
8.30 Resubmitted for review, additional reviewer
9.13 Major revisions, three reviewers with one negative and two positive feedback
9.17 Revised
9.23 Pending editor decision
9.30 Accepted after major revisions, payment, verification
10.2 Published on the website

SCI&SCIE 2021-10-08

Submission experience:
2021.9.14: Submitted
2021.9.15: Pending review
2021.9.16: Under review
2021.9.30: Major revisions (one major revision, one minor revision, given one week)
2021.10.6: Resubmitted
2021.10.7: Pending editorial decision (hoping for a positive outcome)

z0apql120 2021-10-05

Submitted wearable IoT column
Received on August 23, 2021
On September 3, the editor rejected it directly without even conducting peer review. I had such bad luck.
On September 4, the expert in our group emailed and argued about the editor's ability.
On September 14, the status changed to received again with a different editor.
On September 24, I received the review response. There were two reviewers, one who had no understanding of this field and asked three foolish questions, stating that they did not align with the scope of the column and proposed rejection. The second reviewer was more professional and gave minor revisions while suggesting I reference two of their articles. (I was given only 10 days to respond)
On September 30, I gave perfunctory answers to the first reviewer's questions and made minor revisions based on the second reviewer's points (without referencing their articles).
Accepted on October 3
The initial incident made me realize how difficult it is to submit a manuscript, and if it weren't for the experts in our group, I would have considered submitting elsewhere. Overall, the review process was quick and efficient, probably because they received a significant amount of money. Although there are many submissions in the same field of sensors, the reputation of domestic publications in China is deteriorating, which is a waste considering their high impact factor.

SMY_SMY 2021-09-30

Have you been hired? After my second round of review, there was only one reviewer's opinion. They said it can be accepted, but there are four "can be" and one "must." It has been pending editor decision for 6 days.

小聪头 2021-09-28

Overall, it was quick, and the reviewers were very meticulous. There were major revisions and minor revisions, with a total of 13 comments for major revisions. Still concerned about the publication volume of sensors, need to be more cautious!

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