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a213764 2022-05-06

The journal has strict peer review and is relatively fast in terms of speed. I hope the journal will continue to improve.

lwb447 2022-04-25

Sent it, but it was useless. Waited another two months before receiving the reviewer's comments.

PingWu_ZJU2018 2022-04-25

Hello, have you sent a reminder letter? Or have you been waiting patiently?

lwb447 2022-04-21

My article is more intense. I submitted it in May last year, but there was a reviewer who remained silent and didn't give any feedback until the end of January this year.

PingWu_ZJU2018 2022-04-20

Last year, I submitted my work at the end of the year and it has been under review. There were two reviewers, one provided feedback while the other has not returned any comments yet.

lwb447 2022-04-20

Which assistant editor handled everyone's articles? Was it Peter Gosling, Ph.D or Lev V. Idels, Ph.D? Who has a faster processing speed?

lwb447 2022-03-22

Can it be like this? Don't editors listen to reviewers?

小幺哥 2022-03-18

The first review takes about three months, and the first reviewer provides 12 review comments, mostly regarding the introduction and engineering background. The second reviewer rejects the paper directly without providing specific opinions. The editor-in-chief believes that there is insufficient evidence for rejection and gives an opportunity for major revisions. After more than two months, a revised manuscript is provided for re-evaluation... This is the first time for a novice to submit to an English journal, hoping for a positive outcome.

努力发SCI的东 2022-03-14

Very, very good journal! It was decided within one week after submission, but it was rejected because it did not fit the scope. They told me not to be discouraged because it has nothing to do with the quality, hahaha, thank you for the consolation! Super efficient journal, I wish it even more success! Thank you!

lwb447 2022-03-10

Did the author succeed in making changes later? What procedures are required for editing to agree to modify the author?

mathmatica 2022-03-03

2021.12.27 submitted
2021.12.30 with editor
2022.1.18 under review
2022.2.11 completed review
2022.2.21 major revision

2021.12.27 - Submitted
2021.12.30 - With editor
2022.1.18 - Under review
2022.2.11 - Completed review
2022.2.21 - Major revision

霓虹又 2022-02-25

Hello, may I ask if your paper will be directly decided after minor revisions?

霓虹又 2022-02-24

Hello, may I ask if your article is a direct decision after a minor revision?

霓虹又 2022-02-24

Hello, may I ask if your decision is made directly after minor repairs?

霓虹又 2022-02-24

May I ask how long does it take for Xiaoxiu to edit?

SL666 2022-02-24

Employment rate 13%

山芋派 2022-02-23

It seems that the corresponding author will not receive email updates for changes under the "under review" status. However, the time of the latest status on the submission system changes, which I understand to mean that one of the reviewers has completed their review, but not all of them have finished.

For the "decision in processes" status, the email will be received by the corresponding author, reminding them that the editor-in-chief, associate editor, or subject editor is handling the submission.

mathmatica 2022-02-20

How can I check which editor is handling the "decision in process" during the process? Thank you.

霓虹又 2022-02-17

May I ask how long will it take for the minor repair?

鱼肠 2022-02-16

Second employment, compared to the first review that took four months, this time returned for revision in one month, underwent major revisions, and submitted after careful editing. One month later, I received an acceptance email. I feel that this journal prefers some new high-dimensional models and emphasizes their applications.

猫晒被子 2022-02-13

Received three sets of review comments, only one editor should have participated, one reviewer had negative opinions, the editor reminded us to address them thoroughly.

lwb447 2022-02-08

My little repairs unexpectedly went straight to "decision in process" without being reviewed. I hope it doesn't turn into a tragedy.

山芋派 2022-01-07

2022.1.6 refers to January 6, 2022. "Minor revision" means a small or minor modification.

山芋派 2022-01-07

2021.09 Submission
2021.10 Under review
2021.11.2 Decision in process
2021.12.5 Major revision
2021.12.18 Resubmit
2021.12.31 Decision in process
2021.1.6 Minor revision
Overall, the review process is fast, mainly due to the fact that authors do not need to recommend reviewers themselves, but they can choose reviewers on their own. = = I actually prefer this approach. The first review took one month with five reviewers, and the second review took half a month. Now it is a minor revision where the subject editor raised a few grammar issues, which were all approved by the reviewers. The decision in process may be slower to understand, as there are three editors involved, with the chief editor, deputy editor, and subject editor in a hierarchical approval process before proceeding to the next step.

lwb447 2022-01-05

My decision in process has been almost a month now, and still no news. The timeline has even changed once in the meantime. I don't know if it will end up being a tragedy.

小学渣是我 2022-01-03

30/12/2021 Decision in Process, it has been four days and there is still no outcome.

chenaaaaaa 2021-12-23

There are some innovative applications, as well as some hydrological articles. Overall, it is a very good journal.

小学渣是我 2021-12-16

The text translates to: "I submitted it on September 15th, and until today, exactly 3 months have passed. There is no news at all, it has been under review."

ding_yr 2021-12-15

2021.12.7 submit to journal
2021.12.9 with editor
2021.12.13 decision in process
2021.12.15 complete-reject

The paper clearly does not fall within the scope of this research journal, which focuses on novel mathematical modeling of real-world problems in engineering, industry, and environmental systems.

ding_yr 2021-12-15

Me too, it's only been a week and it's already "decision in process". Now I'm just waiting for the rejection letter.

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