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zuhx 2022-09-20

May I ask what action is taken when my only reviewer finishes reviewing and it says "decision in process"?

leexueyun 2022-09-20

It has been a month since the resolution after the major renovation, but there is still no news, which is making me anxious.

科研加油 2022-09-14

5.2 Submission
5.9 Under review
7.26 Major revision
8.12 Revised
9.13 Reviewing completed
9.14 In decision-making process
Hope for good news!!!! Just a bit slow in terms of speed.

zuhx 2022-09-14

May I ask how long did it take for the OP to review the manuscript?

1122地学 2022-09-14

The review speed is very fast.

鱼肠 2022-09-14

It should be about a year. The second and third articles seem to be separated by 10 months, but if your article is good enough, you don't need to consider this factor. Good luck to you.

鱼肠 2022-09-14

Yes, it should be replied to the first round reviewer. My first paper was accepted directly after one month of major revisions. The second paper was relatively lucky, as one of the reviewers was not satisfied with my revisions, but their viewpoint conflicted with the second reviewer's. So, the second reviewer strongly argued that following their revision suggestions would be sufficient, and as a result, the editor accepted it. I think that second reviewer is truly a conscience of the industry, even though I don't know them.

鱼肠 2022-09-14

This is already the third acceptance, perhaps due to the complexity of the model and the detailed numerical application. Hope to continue next year.

小小胡做科研 2022-08-04

I want to ask if the reviewers for the major revision of the manuscript for the journal Applied Mathematical Modelling are the same as the reviewers for the initial review?

小小胡做科研 2022-08-04

I would like to ask whether the revised version of the paper for the journal Applied Mathematical Modelling will be reviewed by a new reviewer or the original reviewer?

科研小渣渣 2022-07-11

0711 is still with editor, and it has been in this state for almost two months. They don't reply to emails either.

liyanp1994 2022-07-11

Hello, is your work with the editor finished?

liyanp1994 2022-07-11

Hello, has the editor finished?

科研小渣渣 2022-07-02

What's wrong with this journal? It's been a month and a half and still with the editor. Could this be implying that the author voluntarily withdraws the submission...? I haven't encountered such slowness before. Previously, it took a maximum of 3 weeks with the editor before sending it for review.

科研小渣渣 2022-06-28

0628 is still with the editor, I'm really speechless.

小艹溜溜 2022-06-28

I'm currently in a decision-making process.

jqd583 2022-06-27

After the major revision submission, it will be sent for review. Once the review is completed, the required reviews will be finished, and then the decision will be in progress.

甜甜 2022-06-27

Slow review, underwent two major revisions, took a whole year, and one reviewer rejected it and took two months to decline. What's sad is that one reviewer agreed to accept it, so why didn't the editor find someone else to review it again? This can be considered a conflict of reviewer opinions. Be cautious when submitting manuscripts.

小艹溜溜 2022-06-27

Are you making a decision directly after the major repairs?

chaos and bifurcation 2022-06-23

My submission on May 16th is still "with editor".

ECM审稿人 2022-06-22

It's under review, but there is no reviewer agreed to review. You can check the status by the link provided by Elsevier. The corresponding author has the link.

jqd583 2022-06-21

The review process is getting faster. The manuscript was submitted in early April and was given three months for major revisions after 20 days. A revised version was submitted one month later and accepted two weeks after that.

Both reviewers provided nearly 20 comments. The review comments were very detailed and highly professional, hitting the key points.

The journal is becoming better. The number of submissions is large (over a thousand manuscripts already in April), and the estimated total number of submissions for the year is expected to exceed 3,500. The homepage displays an acceptance rate of only 13%. The difficulty of submitting manuscripts is high, and the likelihood of direct rejection by the editorial department is increasing for our research group, with a success rate of only one in three submissions within two years.

小学渣是我 2022-06-20

Submitted on 5.12, external review on 5.17 (with approval from 2+ reviewers), received feedback from both reviewers on 6.20, editor requested major revisions, and it was done quickly.

Accepted on 11.15, feels relieved. The journal has a high efficiency. Will continue next time.

科研小渣渣 2022-06-19

If the referee cannot be found all the time, should the system still display "with editor"? Or should you ask about the editor's situation?

ECM审稿人 2022-06-19

Ah? My with editor hasn't been this long, but the reviewers are not accepting the review. It's been a month and still no one has reviewed it.

科研小渣渣 2022-06-18

0517 submission, 0618 still with editor, why is this journal so slow!!!

浪子赤心 2022-06-16

May I ask what was the final outcome of the decision in progress on June 26, 2021, regarding AMM?

fuchuchaoyue 2022-05-09

Hello, may I ask how long is the interval between your two submissions to this journal?

a213764 2022-05-09

The text is already in English. It states the dates of certain events:

Received 13 December 2021
Received in revised form 3 May 2022
Accepted 5 May 2022

小幺哥 2022-05-08

Submission status is as follows:
1. Submitted on September 18, 2021.
2. On January 6, 2022, the feedback received was "Major Revise". The first reviewer provided 12 comments, while the second reviewer rejected the submission without providing any comments. The editor's decision was that there was insufficient evidence for rejection, so a major revision was requested.
3. Revised manuscript and revision explanation were submitted on March 17, 2022.
4. On April 5, 2022, the feedback received was "Minor Revise".
5. Revised manuscript and revision explanation were submitted on April 26, 2022.
6. On May 6, 2022, the editor's decision was "Accept".

This is my first time submitting to an English journal, and I have carefully addressed the constructive comments from the reviewers. Overall, the journal's review process was relatively fast. I hope this experience can be of some help to authors submitting to this journal. I kindly request that any negative feedback be withheld. Thank you and best wishes!

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