注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小飞侠hh 2023-05-13

Excuse me, does this journal have a tracking system? It refers to the kind of system that allows one to see how many reviewers are reviewing the paper and other related information.

小飞侠hh 2023-05-13

Does this journal have a tracking link?

emily0189 2023-05-12

Hello, can you send me a LaTeX template? My email is lanyu0819 at 163.com. Thank you very much!

来个煎蛋 2023-05-11

Requesting a LaTeX template, please contact 1922163398@qq.com.

SPC0719 2023-05-10

It has been more than 20 days, still with the editor.

szy1900 2023-05-09

March 26 - major revision
May 1 - revision submitted
May 3 - with editor11

szy1900 2023-05-09

March 26 - Major revision
May 1 - Revision submitted
May 3 - With editor

科研汤 2023-05-09

Currently, it is still under review and the date has not been updated again.

CR7Swallow 2023-05-09

Wait for another half a month to make it a total of 6 months. If there is still no news, I will prepare to withdraw the submission. It's really a waste of half a year for nothing.

CR7Swallow 2023-05-09

This journal feels like once you submit an article, it disappears into thin air. It has been over five months since the first review and there has been no news at all. The reminders I received were just superficial pleasantries. Other journals have already reached the second review stage in the same time period. Everyone should be cautious before submitting here, this is sincere advice.

Winer 2023-05-09

How are you doing now? My review hasn't been updated.

Winer 2023-05-09

I have been working with an editor for a little over a month.

Winer 2023-05-09

I'm afraid, I've been applying for three months already, but still haven't received any news.

Winer 2023-05-09

I have been waiting for three months and still have not received any news. The review time has also not been updated.

Tian666 2023-05-09

It's been over a month with the editor, it's better to just reject it directly, and look for a better alternative.

科研包 2023-05-09

Can you please provide a LaTeX template, greatly appreciated! Please contact 465634365@qq.com.

Tian666 2023-05-09

I have also been with the editor for a month, how do I know if I have been rejected?

story 2023-05-08

Can you send me a LaTeX template to 1281623117@qq.com? Thank you, big brother!

娇娇123 2023-05-08

Can you also send me an email to 1257598785@qq.com? Thank you!

Eric_547 2023-05-08

Hello, boss. I would like to know if you could send me a LaTeX template. Thank you so much! My email is 861890504@qq.com.

Ivan 2023-05-08

Original text: 楼主,想问一下,分配编辑到拒稿大概多少时间呀?

Translation: Original poster, I want to ask, how long does it usually take from assigning an editor to rejecting a submission?

hhh233 2023-05-08

No need to wait, it has been rejected. It was rejected by the review editor directly, stating lack of innovation.

hhh233 2023-05-07

After additional information is provided, it will take about three days to allocate editors. I remember that four options were chosen for the direction.

好好 2023-05-07

2022.11.28 submitted
2022.11.30 with editor
2022.12.29 under Review
2023.2.15 major revision
2023.3.7 under Review
2023.6.6 Accepted

2022.11.28 submitted
2022.11.30 with editor
2022.12.29 under Review
2023.2.15 major revision
2023.3.7 under Review
2023.6.6 Accepted

赢仔 2023-05-07

I would like to ask the original poster how long it generally takes to submit to the assigned editor? Also, which categories did you choose?

hhh233 2023-05-07

It has been a month with the Editor, and it has not been submitted for review yet. Continuing to wait.

sun 2023-05-06

May I ask if your manuscript is under review?

ZMT1213 2023-05-06

I am looking for a LaTeX template, thank you.

casey_x 2023-05-06

I am just like you, it's been half a month, a whole month already and still no news. Have you sent an email to ask the publishing house?

SPC0719 2023-05-04

2023-4-16 submitted
2023-4-18 With the Editor

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