注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

xyy311 2021-08-11

2021-1-13 First draft submitted;
2021-5-23 Major revision (time changed 7 times under review);
2021-7-7 Revised;
2021-8-11 Accepted.

Monkintemp 2021-08-11

No need for proofreading, I was also asked to proofread by the editor before, but I didn't proofread it, and it was still accepted in the end.

wangjiaoshou1990 2021-08-10

Hello, may I ask where did you find the proofreading service? It's too expensive. My thesis is 35 pages long, it would cost a fortune to have it proofread.

gongdaoqing 2021-08-10

Is this journal not charging for page fees?

小龙小龙 2021-08-06

I would like to ask everyone, has anyone experienced being rejected after submitting a revised manuscript?

LLLL1 2021-08-03

Can I add you as a friend on QQ? I also submitted to this journal, can you help me proofread it too?

cv小白 2021-07-30

It's so slow to receive online.

卡农max 2021-07-30

2021-07-19 proof
2021-07-29 online

cv小白 2021-07-26

You can submit a PDF, but in the end, you still need to submit a compilable file.

哈皮果仁 2021-07-26

Hello, can the revised draft and revision instructions be submitted in PDF format after the major revision?

哈皮果仁 2021-07-26

Hello, can the revised draft and revision instructions be submitted in PDF format after major revisions?

cv小白 2021-07-26

Isn't it with the editor?

cjz74007 2021-07-26

24 Jan 2021 Submission
16 Mar 2021 Major Revision
30 May 2021 Resubmission
24 Jul 2021 Acceptance

There were four reviewers for my paper, and although my area of study is relatively niche, the reviewers were very responsible and carefully analyzed the article, including the deductions and writing ideas. They provided several dozen suggestions in total. In the meantime, I forgot about the time while dealing with other articles (2 months), and as a result, I exceeded the deadline. I sent an email to the editor explaining the situation, and the editor-in-chief, Hamido Fujita, was amazing. For the second review, it seems that one of the reviewers had some personal matters and did not respond. After nearly 2 months, the editor accepted the paper directly.

Janayt 2021-07-26

15 July 2021 submission
16 July 2021 under editor
26 July 2021 still under editor

cv小白 2021-07-25

Should have been pre-screened, it takes about ten days before UR after submission.

NookLook 2021-07-24

May I ask if you didn't edit or review it in advance, and directly entered the results you provided?

cv小白 2021-07-24

March 23, 2021 post
May 2, 2021 First Review Comments (Major Revision)
June 12, 2021 Submitted after Modification
July 23, 2021 Accept

cv小白 2021-07-24

Posted on March 23, 2021
First review comments on May 2, 2021 (major revision)
Submitted after modification on June 12, 2021
Accepted on July 23, 2021

AXXZ 2021-07-20

It has been almost 4 months since the manuscript was reviewed, so I'm documenting it.

wang0621 2021-07-20

Is there any major revision during the period from pre-review by the editor to submission for review, or does the status change directly from "with the editor" to "under review"?

uniqueabc 2021-07-17

Why are you so fast? I submitted before you, and I still haven't received the first trial result.

xiaolu0208 2021-07-17

The submissions and revisions for major revisions are all in PDF format. After minor revisions, it is required to submit an editable version, which is a LaTeX file.

卡农max 2021-07-15

2021-01-12 First submission;
2021-02-28 Major revision;
2021-04-28 Second submission;
2021-05-25 Acceptance;
2021-07-15 Signing of publishing agreement

哈皮果仁 2021-07-15

Is the revised manuscript submitted by the original poster after the renovation in PDF or LaTeX format?

silkyrose 2021-07-15

The original text is in Chinese and it translates to:

"The original poster is very fast. I submitted mine around the same time, but there is still no result from the first review."

uniqueabc 2021-07-15

I have been waiting for nearly 3 months now, and my application is still under review. I have inquired twice, and the assistants have replied politely, saying they will respond when there is news. However, I still haven't received any updates until now. Is it possible to directly contact the editor-in-chief for further inquiry?

嘻嘻哈哈jjy 2021-07-15

Excuse me, my dear friends upstairs, is it useful to add the year? Most of the comparisons I make in this direction are with open-source conferences. I previously submitted a direct external review in district 2, and they said I did not compare it with the literature in the latest journal.

NookLook 2021-07-14

2021.6.21 submit
2021.6.30 with editor until now

xiaolu0208 2021-07-14

Take note
Submitted on May 1, 2021
Requested major revisions on June 2, 2021
Submitted major revisions on July 1, 2021
Requested minor revisions on July 5, 2021
Submitted minor revisions on July 13, 2021
Accepted on July 14, 2021

JCR 2021-07-09

There will probably be news next week.

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