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JYdocdoc 2022-03-20

I have encountered and worked with a total of 7 reviewers.

Windy 2022-02-08

About 3 months or so, I don't remember the exact details.

科研老白叔叔 2022-01-28

2021-05-15———Paper Submitted
2021-05-17———With Editor
2021-06-23———Under Review
2021-09-09———Major Revision
2021-09-28———With Editor
2021-10-19———Under Review
2021-12-09———Major Revision
2021-12-20———With Editor
2021-12-26———Under Review
2022-01-22———Minor Revision

I hope my personal submission experience can help those in need.

123asdaf 2022-01-13

Excuse me, how many months after your minor repair were you hired?

123asdaf 2022-01-13

Hello, I would like to ask, after you make minor revisions, how long does it usually take to receive an acceptance notice from the journal? Will the revised material be shown to the reviewers?

liweimingcheng 2021-12-12

Hello, do you have a Word template? I couldn't find the submission template on the official website. Thank you. Where can I find the template?

Windy 2021-11-15

Generally speaking, it's already quite good to control the process from submission to acceptance within 6 months. The acceptance rate is high and the difficulty is not significant.
2021.10.12 Accepted
2021.08.31 Revised version submitted, mainly refuting the 4th opinion of the reviewer. Provide data, examples, and reiterate the innovative points and engineering value in detail.
2021.08.15 Second review comments received, two additional reviewers were added. One suggested acceptance directly, while the other criticized the lack of conformity to the main theme.
2021.07.08 Revised version submitted.
2021.06.23 Major revision in the first review. The editor-in-chief requested a major revision, and both reviewers approved the article, raising minor issues regarding expressions and article structure.
2021.04.20 Submitted.

Windy 2021-10-26

Upgraded version 1 area, basic version 2 area.

James_009 2021-10-10

Is this journal classified as a first-tier or second-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

scccsccc 2021-09-30

Does this journal have a LaTeX template, please?

xiaoro 2021-08-11

Received at Editorial Office: 8th February 2021
Article revised: 7th May 2021
Article accepted for publication: 7th July 2021

Overall, it was quite fast. There were three reviewers, and after some minor revisions from the first reviewer, the article was accepted for publication.

Submission content: Industrial robotics, 3D vision, industrial application experiments.

Windy 2021-08-05

The first review invited three reviewers, one of whom was probably invited later by the editor because they thought the second reviewer's opinion would not be returned. As a result, just as the third reviewer agreed to review, the opinions of the first two reviewers came back. They both affirmed the paper, mainly suggesting language modifications and logical connections between paragraphs. The editor requested major revisions. For the second review, new reviewers were appointed, and their opinions were added to those of the third reviewer who was re-invited. The fourth reviewer agreed to accept the paper, while the third reviewer suggested rejection. The editor did not suggest major or minor revisions and simply stated that if the third reviewer could be convinced, further modifications were welcome. I don't understand what the editor really means. This journal often changes reviewers after major revisions, and even after the second review, the third reviewer still comments based on the original submission. I don't know if I should continue making changes.

不懂吃的吃货 2021-07-25

I plan to submit to this journal. Can anyone who has submitted before tell me if experiments are required for this journal?

挣扎的小萝卜 2021-06-28

It has been eight months and a few days, still waiting o(╥﹏╥)o.

乌龟压死猪 2021-06-28

It took a total of nine months, two major revisions, and it has been accepted. Finally, I can graduate with peace of mind, as this is my first SCI publication in my life.

Windy 2021-06-27

Hello, could you please send me a template of a word document?

乌龟压死猪 2021-06-25

I was assigned two reviewers for the second review, so after the required review was completed, I had to wait for another three weeks. Now it's the third review, and just two days after submission, it changed to "required review completed." However, it has been a week since then, and the editor has not responded yet. I don't even know if they have invited new reviewers again. I'm feeling anxious.

叫我哈哈 2021-06-25

Replying to the brother above, there was no additional reviewer for the second and third review. Especially after the second review was returned, the editor directly handed it over to the minor revision within a day or so. It should be the editor who made the decision directly.

乌龟压死猪 2021-06-24

May I ask if this magazine provides extensive revision suggestions? Will new reviewers be added in the next round of reviewing?

乌龟压死猪 2021-06-20

It is estimated that you will also have to add a second reviewer for the manuscript. We have been searching for someone but have been unable to find anyone, so it has been delayed.

乌龟压死猪 2021-06-20

Brother, did the second and third reviews add reviewers for you?

叫我哈哈 2021-06-10

I don't know about latex templates, I just directly use Word.

james 2021-06-10

May I ask where can I download the latex template for this article?

叫我哈哈 2021-06-09

Personal experience, for reference only;
The review process is relatively fast, especially after confirming minor revisions, the editor's response time is usually one or two days.
2020.12.23 submitted to journal
2020.12.23 with editor
2021.01.04 under review
2021.02.13 required reviews completed
2021.02.14 decision in process
2021.02.15 major revision
2021.03.15 revision submitted to journal
2021.03.16 with editor
2021.03.19 under review
2021.04.17 major revision
2021.05.07 revision submitted to journal
2021.05.07 with editor
2021.05.08 minor revision
2021.05.19 revision submitted to journal
2021.05.20 accept

人生在于飞跃 2021-06-07

A fantastic journal.
After submitting in 2019, it remained under review for the latter half of the year. Upon inquiry, it was discovered that one reviewer did not respond, causing further delay. This situation continued for 22 months... Just as I was about to forget about the manuscript, one day, a reply email arrived, suggesting minor revisions. There were 4-5 reviewers, most of whom provided excellent suggestions for modifications. After carefully revising and resubmitting, I received an acceptance notice within one month. Good luck to you.

挣扎的小萝卜 2021-06-06

I have been waiting for the first trial for half a year, and it has been two more months since the second trial. I still don't know how much longer I have to wait.

乌龟压死猪 2021-06-04

I received the review results for the second review after nearly six weeks, and two more reviewers were added. The second review required major revisions.

挣扎的小萝卜 2021-05-22

Yes, under review. What about you?

乌龟压死猪 2021-05-21

What is the current status? Is it under review for a second time?

挣扎的小萝卜 2021-05-20

It has been eight months since I submitted it, and there is still no result. I want to ask if there is a time limit for reviewers each time they review? Does anyone know? I'm getting anxious because it's taking so long.

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