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syFu 2023-03-15

3.10 RRC
3.14 RRC
Can I ask what this situation is, guys?

caicc 2023-03-10

It took 16 days for my manuscript to be under review with the editor.

漫漫科研 2023-03-10

After entering the "under review" status, the system will send an email to the corresponding author with the subject "Track the status of your submission to Applied Energy". The email contains a link to view the review progress, including the number of reviewers invited, the number of reviewers who accepted, and the number of reviewers who completed the review.

dawei1109 2023-03-09

I want to ask, how can I see several reviewers?

驴蛋屯 2023-03-08

I have been working with editor Zita for one week now.

onestar 2023-03-04

I have five reviewers.

漫漫科研 2023-03-03

2023.3.3: Status update, revise. Reviewer 1 raised 5 relatively specialized questions, while Reviewer 2 only raised 4 minor issues (grammar, font size) and suggested accepting minor revisions. The DIP process took about 25 days, and Zita finally took action as the editor. It was truly exhausting waiting.

骑着AK去撸猫 2023-03-02

I don't know, it was submitted on 2023.02.11, and it is still with the editor.

zmx-ly 2023-03-02

May I ask if after submitting to this journal, all papers have to go through the process of being reviewed by the editor-in-chief and then assigned to the associate editors?

zmx-ly 2023-03-02

May I ask how the results were after being passed on to the assistant editor?

Pontryagin 2023-03-02

From the last received email, it is seen that there are a total of 5 reviewers. The first two reviewers provided more modification suggestions, while the remaining three reviewers completed the review within 2-3 days, but all of them indicated "accepted in current form".

(Ignore the content misplaced in the previous message ...)

Pontryagin 2023-03-02

From the last received email, it can be seen that there are a total of 5 reviewers, with the first two providing more modification suggestions. The remaining three reviewers all completed their reviews within 2-3 days, but all stated "accepted in current form."

Pontryagin 2023-03-02

2022. 7.14. Submission
2022. 10.20. Major revision
2022. 11.25. Revised
2022. 12.21. Minor revision
2022. 12.22. Revised
2023. 01.05. Continued submission after minor revision
2023. 01.28. Second minor revision
2023. 02.06. Revised
2023. 02.28. Suddenly found additional reviewers in the system... Asked customer service, they said the editor suddenly invited 3 new reviewers...
2023. 03.01. Accepted

This journal is really exhausting.. It takes too long.. too long.. too long...
The pattern is that most of the time is actually spent waiting for the handling editor's decision. The routine for the female editor-in-chief's work (based on the current number of submissions) is to review and process articles to "decision in process" every other week. The emails are usually sent around 3-4 am in China time...

gw_climber 2023-03-01

May I ask how things turned out later?

zmx-ly 2023-03-01

May I ask how long does it usually take for this journal to be reviewed by the editor?

Cookie77 2023-03-01

I have also been RCC for almost two months. Any new progress on your end?

漫漫科研 2023-03-01

I have been on dip22 for days, is this layer all handled by Zita?

骑着AK去撸猫 2023-02-28

It has been more than 20 days with the Editor.

jack333333 2023-02-27

The first trial has been going on for 16 days.

追风9 2023-02-27

Is the first instance of dip 20 days, has this journal closed down?

jack333333 2023-02-27

Has the dip for the brothers not yielded any results yet?

Iris hu 2023-02-25

It will be submitted for review in mid-December.

为梦想而生 2023-02-24

Don't worry, maybe you'll have the result tonight.

jack333333 2023-02-24

Dip has been 13 days already, not sure if I should remind him/her?

为梦想而生 2023-02-24

2023.2.24 revision submitted to journal
Reviewer 1 provided two more comments
Both comments were addressed and revised within a day
Now waiting for the third round of review

为梦想而生 2023-02-24

Look at my state flow, it really is 11 days. My first two submissions only lasted 2 and 4 days.

jack333333 2023-02-24

Bro, what is the number of your article?

Oppp 2023-02-24

The first trial will conclude in over a month. After a 5-day break, it will be revised and handled by editor Wu on February 24th.

jack333333 2023-02-24

Has the boss's plan yielded results?

jack333333 2023-02-24

When did the boss submit it for review?

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