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jack333333 2023-04-19

Brother, did you get any results?

漫漫科研 2023-04-19

If an editor is assigned, there will be email notifications.

风清扬 2023-04-17

It feels so slow. I have another question. I noticed that everyone knows who the assigned editor is and who is handling each change with the editor. I would like to ask you experts, how do you interpret this?
2023.4.13 Submit
2023.4.15 With Editor

Doctor. zhu 2023-04-17

The journal feels very slow.

三叶草2311 2023-04-16

March 6th - Submitted
March 16th - External review
April 6th - External review completed (three reviewers)
April 9th - Present - Dip for one week

太空人 2023-04-16

May I ask when did you submit your manuscript and how long does the review process take?

jack333333 2023-04-14

It has been 11 days since my dip11, and the results have not been announced yet.

六分仪 2023-04-14

4.12: Decision in process, completed, I'm afraid it's about to be sent. This thing is too fast, it's torture.

六分仪 2023-04-11

4.10 Request review completed.

jack333333 2023-04-10

The recent editing time has slowed down, and it has been a week since I submitted my dip without any results. It took one month for my paper to be "Reviewer Invited", and only then did they start inviting reviewers.

点石成金 2023-04-10

If there is not enough time, it is not recommended to submit to this journal. The review process takes too long!

科研6666 2023-04-07

May I ask how many times your "with editor" status has changed?

Sourcetree丶 2023-04-03

It took more than 3 months. The review and revision process was fast, and the reviewer's comments were very helpful.
6.29 submitted
8.10 major revision
9.14 major revision submitted
10.1 accepted

六分仪 2023-03-28

Because I have not done it before and have not experienced this stage, I am feeling quite nervous.

jack333333 2023-03-27

Isn't this entering "Under Review"? It's not like we're directly dipping.

六分仪 2023-03-27

3.23: Submission of the journal
3.25: With editor
3.26: Under review
At this speed, does it mean it will be rejected?

Cookie77 2023-03-27

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Applied Energy. I am sorry to inform you that your paper does not meet the criteria for publication. We have reviewed your manuscript and provided a summary below. The reviewers have recommended against publishing your manuscript, and as a result, I am rejecting it at this time. For your reference, I have included specific comments explaining the reasons for this decision, as well as the feedback received from the reviewers.

Cookie77 2023-03-27

I have been rejected, but the editor said that I can resubmit. One of the reviewers suggested major revisions, while the other rejected it. The system status shows "reject." Do editors usually reject and allow resubmission? You have the option of resubmitting a substantially revised version of your paper, which would be considered as a new submission. If you decide to do this, you should refer to the reference number of the current paper and include a cover letter which explains in detail how the paper has been changed or not, in reply to the Editor and Reviewer comments.

wqm 2023-03-27

Here are the reasons for rejection. I don't know if any experts have encountered them before. *This VSI (Virtual Special Issue) is open to papers presented at the CUE2022 conference. The recommended papers should be prepared according to the instructions given in the recommendation letter. For other papers, please submit them as original articles. Should I transfer to a journal now or not?

六分仪 2023-03-24

Before, there were no directly edited levels. The reason was that the algorithm was too old. This time, I hope to pass the editing level.

Justin123 2023-03-21

Take a note:
Delivered on 3.20.

hengha123 2023-03-20

There was a resubmission midway because line numbers were added to the main text.

为梦想而生 2023-03-20

The given text "3.20 accept" is already in English.

为梦想而生 2023-03-18

2.25 With Editor
3.15 Under Review
3.16 Decision in Process

hengha123 2023-03-17

2023.03.16 submitted to the journal: This means that a document or manuscript was sent or submitted to a journal on March 16, 2023.

2023.03.20 with editor: This implies that the document or manuscript was received by the editor of the journal on March 20, 2023.

YmhhZjgg 2023-03-16

Hello, I am also Zita Editor-in-Chief. I received an email from another Deputy Editor when the status changed to DIP.

为梦想而生 2023-03-16

May I ask which editor-in-chief are you responsible for?

YmhhZjgg 2023-03-16

Mainly, my paper is still not under review. It went directly from "with editor" to "decision in process", but I feel that the research content of the paper aligns with the journal's scope and requirements. So, I am quite confused.

为梦想而生 2023-03-16

It should be making a decision.

YmhhZjgg 2023-03-16

May I ask, will the articles be reviewed and processed into "decision in process" every other week? What does "处理到decision in process" mean in this sentence? Is it a rejection? My submission has only been in this status for a few days, but I also received an email on the same day stating that it is being handled by an assistant editor.

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