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stellar1994 2023-05-16

There are two possibilities when it says "没有讲过外审直接decision in process" in English: 1) direct acceptance and 2) rejection.

WU JIE 2023-05-16

Hey guys, I submitted it on May 7th, and it was assigned to editor Zita Vale on May 11th. However, it's been almost a week and it's still "Decision in Process." Why is that?

stellar1994 2023-05-14

Received at Editorial Office: 19 Dec 2022
Article revised: 6 Apr 2023
Article accepted for publication: 13 May 2023

太空人 2023-05-12

5.10 One reviewer's opinion is normal, while another one is friendly. The editor has given the suggestion to revise.

不够丿纯 2023-05-12

On May 9th, the reviewer was invited and finally submitted for review. It took nearly a month to invite the reviewer for submission.

夜未阑 2023-05-11

Congratulations, boss! May I ask, after this re-investment, are you still the same expert as before?

YYDS.. 2023-05-10

2022.10.01: Submission;
2022.12.25: 3 reviewers, rejection, but the editor gave a slight chance for resubmission;
1) 2023.01.20: Massive revisions due to anti-revisionist criticism, resubmission;
2) 2023.03.02: 3 reviewers, major revisions;
3) 2023.03.11: Working overnight, revisions;
4) 2023.04.13: Added 2 more reviewers, a total of 5 reviewers, still major revisions;
5) 2023.04.23: Numerous overnight revisions, returned for further revisions;
6) 2023.05.05: Received general approval from reviewers and editor, minor revisions;
7) 2023.05.09: Returned for further revisions and accepted immediately.

一缕阳光 2023-05-07

Mine too, it has been more than 20 days with the editor, but there is still no change. Wasn't this journal supposed to have a fast review process?

不够丿纯 2023-05-05

Then I estimate that it will take about a month to submit with the editor, and I have only half a month left.

骑着AK去撸猫 2023-05-05

It has been a month since I submitted my work to the editor, and now it has been over a month since it went for external review, but there is still no result.

夜未阑 2023-05-05

1.30 Resubmit (Previous opinion was reject and resubmit)
2.28 Reviewer invited (Currently in this state, it has been two months since the invitation was sent)

Friends, I want to ask, I resubmitted on January 30th this year, and revised the model based on the review comments. Then on February 28th, I started inviting reviewers. It's still in this state until May 5th. On April 19th, I contacted the journal through Elsevier's customer service to inquire about the status, and they replied that they are still inviting reviewers. Energy-related journals usually have a lot of work, so has anyone else experienced this situation? I'm feeling very anxious waiting for a response.

tianyu4774 2023-05-02

I also 4.19 with editor until now.

Xiao 2023-05-02

I have been with the editor since 4.11 and it hasn't changed till now. It's also in the energy field. It's frustrating.

不够丿纯 2023-05-01

Until now, this speed is really unbeatable. It is really too slow, waiting without patience.

jack333333 2023-04-30

Has the result of Brother Dip come out?

sen zhang 2023-04-28

May I ask if you have refused and then reapplied?

六分仪 2023-04-27

I also don't know if there is any difference. I saw someone using this method to urge for a manuscript on B station. I hope this urge won't irritate the editor.

太空人 2023-04-27

No, not yet. But I'm not in a hurry. If you're really in a rush, you can remind me.

jack333333 2023-04-27

Bro, did your dip yield any results yet?

Xiao 2023-04-27

3.9 Submission
3.11 with editor
Status remains unchanged until now...

JOTARA 2023-04-26

2021.9.10 Submission
2022.1.12 Received review comments from two reviewers, one with 4 minor revisions and one with 10 major revisions.
2022.1.30 Submitted revised manuscript.
2022.3.2 Received acceptance notification.

哈利波皮 2023-04-26

4.11投 - 4.11投 means "投" on April 11th.
13with - 13with does not have a clear meaning in English. It may be a typo or a phrase in another language.
24转投 - 24转投 means "转投" on the 24th.

太空人 2023-04-26

What is the difference between Elsevier's promotion and self-promotion?

三叶草2311 2023-04-26

That means the quality of your article is still very good. Indeed, the preferences of each reviewer are not exactly the same. Personally, I feel that luck is also quite important. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you can succeed. Haha.

mimo1121 2023-04-26

The first reviewer said I wrote too much and that some things didn't need to be added. So, I made some deletions based on their suggestions. After resubmitting, the new reviewer said I needed to write more and asked me to reject the submission and start over. After two attempts, I gave up.

三叶草2311 2023-04-26

Haha, it doesn't matter anymore. Since I have been given an opportunity, I should give it a try. I will treat it as a learning and communication process. Even if I am not ultimately hired, it will increase the possibility of my submission being accepted by other journals.

mimo1121 2023-04-26

After revising, most of the time people will find new reviewers, which is really annoying. There was one time when I also resubmitted after rejection, and they found a new reviewer who gave completely contradictory opinions compared to the previous one.

三叶草2311 2023-04-26

I discussed with my supervisor and am ready to revise and resubmit. There are a total of 30 review comments, most of which are minor details. There are only two questions that are challenging to respond to, and they don't even require additional experiments. Looking forward to the next submission.

六分仪 2023-04-26

No result yet. Yesterday, I contacted the customer service in Louisville to urge them, but there is still no result at the moment.

jack333333 2023-04-26

Same as mine. I have been waiting for 23 days, and I don't understand the efficiency of this journal. Usually, it only takes a few days to get the results for a submission, but this journal takes a very long time for the results to come out.

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