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SHUOSHUO. S 2023-06-13

May I ask if you have mentioned that you are a reapplicant in the cover letter when you reapply?

三叶草2311 2023-06-13

June 11th: Required Reviews Complete (two reviewers).
June 12th: Required Reviews Complete (opinions from three reviewers have been received).

夜未阑 2023-06-13

The paper has finally been accepted for review. According to the tracking link, a total of 8 reviewers were invited, and currently 1 reviewer has accepted. I hope for a positive outcome!

I believe that the relationship between the reviewing process and the Associate Editor (AE) is crucial. Some AEs are more responsive and can expedite the review process, while others may be too busy, leading to longer waiting times. I hope everyone's papers can be reviewed quickly as well!

mengxiangqihang 2023-06-12

I also resubmitted after rejection. I submitted on June 1st, and on the 3rd, it was "with editor." And it has been in this status ever since, without being sent for review... Other researchers in the group had their submissions "under review" within three days. Sob sob sob.

tianyu4774 2023-06-10

I have been in this state for over 20 days as well.

初心. 2023-06-05

I have been with the editor for one month.

Pygmalion 2023-06-05

Hello, may I ask how long "with editor" lasts? Mine has been in this status since 06-02.

Pygmalion 2023-06-05

Editor: Vaideki Rajasekar
5-30 Submitted to Journal
6-02 With Editor

夜未阑 2023-06-01

The editor-in-chief helped send an email to urge the handling editor for the manuscript, and also sent an email personally to urge the handling editor. However, the handling editor did not reply and the status of the review has remained unchanged. Can anyone explain what this situation is and has anyone encountered this before? It has been over three months since the reviewer was invited...

12312321liu 2023-06-01

5.23 submitted to journal
5.27 resubmitted after formatting issues were fixed
5.30 with editor
Hope everything goes smoothly..

Devin_AB 2023-06-01

It has been half a month since my required reviews were completed, but there has been no movement.

cfdwt 2023-05-31

The required reviews have been completed for a month already. The tracking system shows that two reviewers have accepted and already provided feedback. Has anyone experienced this situation before? Do I need to remind the editor about it?

漫漫科研 2023-05-30

2023.3.3: After the first review, it took about 25 days for the manuscript to be revised, and the editor provided 20 days for the revisions.
2023.3.20: The revised manuscript was submitted to the journal.
2023.3.22: The manuscript is currently under review.
2023.4.3: The required reviews have been completed, and the decision is being processed.
2023.4.26: After the second review, it took 23 days for the manuscript to be revised. A new reviewer was assigned, who provided 7 comments. The editor allowed 14 days for the revisions.
2023.5.8: The revised manuscript was submitted to the journal.
2023.5.27: The reviews have been completed, and the decision is being processed.
2023.5.29: The manuscript has been accepted.

太空人 2023-05-30

Overall, the speed is acceptable. It took a total of over 2 months, much faster than the first time (which took over 4 months). The main reason is that the reviewers were fast, but the editor's handling was still slow, especially during the dip stage. The first dip stage lasted for over a month, and the second one was also around 10 days.

HalosAidok 2023-05-29

In the past few years, there was excessive flooding of irrelevant content. However, in recent years, the situation has tightened. The review and rejection process used to be quick, but now it has become slow. It takes 20 days for the editor's decision and 10 days for the decision in principle (DIP). To be honest, it's a waste of time. The delays and procrastination are not what one would expect from a top-tier journal.

玖念 2023-05-26

It took less than a week from submission to being with the editor, but there was no "under review" status and it went directly into the dip. After waiting for about 10 more days, the "transfer pending" status appeared. In total, it took around 20 days.

稻花香 2023-05-26

How long will the DIP last, and what happened afterwards, brother?

CCF 2023-05-22

I'm also like this, I don't know what to do, should I reject the manuscript?

梅小虫 2023-05-22

Brother, I haven't written either. Is your current status "decision in process" now?

梅小虫 2023-05-22

Brother, how are you doing? I am also in a situation like yours.

太空人 2023-05-22

5.14 Revision submitted to Journal
5.16 With editor
5.19 Under review
5.19 Required reviews completed
5.20 Decision in Process

5.14 The revised version has been submitted to the Journal.
5.16 Currently being reviewed by the editor.
5.19 Undergoing the review process.
5.19 All the necessary reviews have been completed.
5.20 Decision is being made.

三叶草2311 2023-05-21

Translate the following text into English: 2023
March 6th - Submission
March 16th - External review
April 9th - External review completed and turned into DIP (three reviewers)
April 24th - Rejected at 3 am (major revision, rejection, minor revision)

May 9th - Resubmission
May 19th - External review

一缕阳光 2023-05-21

Not yet, the status of the dip has been two weeks now. If it's a rejection, then hurry up! Wasn't it said that this journal is fast? Why is it so slow for me?

labulashi 2023-05-18

Look at the 328th floor, there is a situation where a buddy's case was transferred by the editor-in-chief Zita to the assistant editor (or deputy editor-in-chief), and the status changed to "dip" at the same time. I feel that this "dip" may be AE's own process. The submission is first assigned to the editor-in-chief (Prof. Zita or Prof. Wu), who then assigns it to the deputy editor-in-chief, who decides whether to send it for review, reject it, or request revisions (this state determined by the deputy editor-in-chief is the "dip" of this journal).

Of course, my understanding may also be wrong.

chenzzz 2023-05-18

How are you doing? Mine also just dipped straight away. Reject it decisively if you have to reject it. Have you changed your mind? Do we have to wait so long?

一缕阳光 2023-05-17

After the editor, I didn't check for a few days and saw that the status changed to "decision in process". Does this mean I was rejected? However, it has been more than ten days and the status is still "decision in process". What should I do?

一缕阳光 2023-05-17

After using the editor, I haven't seen any changes for a few days, and it went straight to "decision in process". Does that mean I have been rejected? But it has been stuck on "decision in process" and it's really annoying.

labulashi 2023-05-17

Complete the remaining two questions:
4. Has the article been checked by a native speaker with expertise in the field?
5. Are you available to review at least three other articles for Applied Energy during the current year?

labulashi 2023-05-17

Did you write the cover letter according to the five questions in the author's guide? I feel a bit worried because I didn't follow those questions.

Devin_AB 2023-05-17

Posted on May 8th, it is still with the editor. It's much slower than before. How about everyone else?

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