注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

ym12 2022-07-07

It's really very slow!
Submitted in January 2022, it has been almost 6 months since the first review, and it is still Under Review.

wxs 2022-07-07

The manuscript number is very small.

科研乐 2022-06-27

The status of "Under review" has not changed, but the time has. What could be the reason for this?

才华高价回收 2022-06-24

No need for remuneration; 3 reviewers.

科研乐 2022-06-16

Hello, may I ask how many reviewers are there?

科研乐 2022-06-16

Family, may I ask how many reviewers there are?

云朵奥 2022-06-15


云朵奥 2022-06-10

Can we communicate through QQ?

云朵奥 2022-06-09

Excuse me, how long does it take for this "with editor"? It has been two weeks already, and it is still "with editor".

App 2022-05-24

I would like to ask if there have been any recent submissions. Is there now a requirement to limit the word count for original research articles to 5000?

crystal han 2022-05-16

May I ask if this requires a fee?

ZL1 2022-02-08

2021.09.08 Submitted
2021.09.08 With Editor
2021.10.14 Under Review
2021.12.04 Revise – Major
2022.01.10 Revision submitted
2022.01.12 Under Review
2022.02.07 Accept
A total of 5 months, directly accepted after major revisions.
A very good journal, the review comments are very professional and the modifications to the manuscript were very helpful. The publication volume is relatively low, but the quality is stable.
My work content is solid, and it aligns well with the focus, so I am confident in publishing. Wishing everyone success.

hanson94 2022-01-25

2021.9.13 submitted to the journal
2021.9.16 with editor
2021.11.5 under review
2021.12.3 revise-major
2021.12.31 revision submitted
2022.1.24 accept

2021.9.13 - Submitted to the journal
2021.9.16 - Under review by the editor
2021.11.5 - Under review
2021.12.3 - Major revisions required
2021.12.31 - Revised version submitted
2022.1.24 - Accepted

必过必中 2022-01-04

2021.9.3 submitted to Journal -
Submitted to the journal on September 3, 2021.

2021.9.4 with editor -
With the editor on September 4, 2021.

2021.9.5 under review -
Under review since September 5, 2021.

2021.11.23 revise-major -
Major revisions required on November 23, 2021.

2021.12.6 revision submitted -
Revision submitted on December 6, 2021.

2022.1.3 accept -
Accepted on January 3, 2022.

炳江 2022-01-03

Hello, can you please provide the article link? I would like to learn from the experts.

啊分 2021-11-02

Hello, boss! May I ask if you can share the link to your article? I would like to learn from your writing approach. Thank you!

给我过 2021-10-29

Hello, boss. After the major revision is uploaded, it has been "With editor". Will there be "Under review"?

一若枉然 2021-10-18

Accepted, just making a note.
In the management direction, the VSI on carbon neutrality is one of the series of carbon neutrality articles in the supervisor's sub-topic. Other articles have been submitted to CER, JCP, JEM, EE, and JEEM respectively.
2021.6.30 Submitted
2021.7.1 Under review
2021.7.22 Under review
2021.8.24 Major revision
2021.9.22 Revision submitted
2021.10.12 Decision in process
2021.10.12 Accept
Recently, the feedback on the submitted articles in the carbon neutrality direction has been relatively good, maybe because it is a hot topic. JCP was directly accepted, and JEM and EE have already provided revision feedback.
For the first time in my life, JEEM has entered external review (I have previously submitted two articles, and the rejections were faster than my submissions), while CER is still under external review.

ZL1 2021-10-14

2021.09.08 Submitted, on the same day With Editor, 2021.10.14 Under Review
The reviewer may be difficult to find, hoping for a smooth outcome.

sci accepting 2021-09-28

It's probably two weeks with the editor.

ZL1 2021-09-23

Hello, may I ask how long is your with editor time?

sci accepting 2021-09-23

The progress of the article submission is as follows:
Received on March 4, 2021;
Received in revised form on May 29, 2021;
Accepted on July 15, 2021.

It took a little over 4 months from submission to acceptance, with the first review completed within two months. The second review was faster, but there was a delay in making self-revisions.

Here are the links to the article, provided for reference:


TENCAT 2021-09-08

How long have you been looking for a reviewer?

ym12 2021-07-28

Just submitted the paper, it took about a week for the review. There were two reviewers, both gave positive evaluations, but had some suggestions for the discussion section. Unfortunately, the paper was rejected by the associate editor, it seems that the requirements were still very high. The whole process took almost 2 months, which is quite long.

wlovl 2021-07-13

High efficiency, constructive review comments.

晨曦阳冲冲冲 2021-05-25

May I ask how long it will take with the editor?

晨曦阳冲冲冲 2021-05-25

5.24 submitted, 5.25 with editor, how much longer?

Yvonne_bjfu 2021-04-07

Submitted on March 1st, reviewed on March 10th, revised on April 7th. The review process took about one month, which was much faster than expected.

Yvonne_bjfu 2021-03-07

May I ask how long the time is for this journal with an editor?

环境工程 2021-03-05

When did you submit it? I submitted it yesterday. Today, with the editor.

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