认证评论 - Acta Biomaterialia
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ZHAO J C 2021-11-12

I just submitted the article yesterday and am anxiously waiting.

小肥腿 2021-09-22

How are things going, brother? I submitted it on September 16th and it's under review on the 19th.

英特纳雄耐尔 2021-08-29

The article was rejected by ACS nano and Small. I just submitted it today, hoping for good luck.

做最好的自己123 2021-08-23

A very good journal, smoothly accepted one article, hoping to improve more and more, and achieve a rating of over 10 soon, surpassing AHM!

唐南阳 2021-08-07

Hello, I would like to know what are the formatting requirements for the journal, such as font size, page margins, line spacing, etc. After reading the author's guidelines, I seem to understand but not completely. Is there a word limit? Thank you all, I'm really struggling.

唐南阳 2021-08-07

I want to know about the format requirements for journals, such as the font size, line spacing, and word count. I find it difficult to understand the guidance provided on the official website. Are there any important points to note regarding references?

笨奇奇 2021-06-20

Posted in October 20, a major revision was done a month later with four reviewers and approximately 50 questions. The number of experiments needed was significantly increased compared to the original version. It took five months to conduct the additional experiments, during which two deadline extensions were requested. After revising the paper, feedback was received again after two weeks, this time with only six questions remaining, but additional experiments were still required. After another month of conducting experiments, the paper was revised and accepted 10 days later. Both the editor-in-chief and the reviewers were very diligent and responsible, raising meaningful points and improving the quality of the paper through the additional experiments. The editor was accommodating, usually approving reasonable extension requests.

Baowie 2021-06-10

It is indeed difficult to submit. There were four reviewers in the first review, with over 30 questions. There were even more experiments added on top of the original ones.

Lykan 2021-06-09

Translate the following text into English: Submit 16th March
Under review 20th March
First decision Major 16th April
First revision 8th May
Under review 11th May
Required review completed 3rd June
Major revision 3rd June
Second revision 5th June
Waiting editor decision 8th June
Accept 9th June
7 reviewers + editor, around 50+ issues from 4 reviewers and editor's comments, not easy at all.

wuzt 2021-05-31

In the field of biomaterials, there is no involvement of cell or in vivo experiments. The review process is of normal speed and the reviewers' comments are professional. At first, I was a bit worried if my submission would align with the journal's theme because most papers seem to have biochemical experiments supporting their findings. However, based on the current situation, it appears that pure biomaterials with appropriate application experiments can be submitted.

flixews 2021-04-17

The journal speed is really fast. Submitted on 3.28, under review on 4.1, under editor complete on 4.14, received comments on 4.17, 3 reviewers, all of them provided constructive feedback, just need to supplement some experiments.

开心 2021-04-02

After 7 days of submission, it was under review. After 40 days, it received a request for major revision with a deadline of 2 months (usually, major revisions are given a 2-month timeframe). There were 2 reviewers who provided many comments, but all of them were very nice. I made the suggested modifications and added some additional discussion content. It took 2 weeks to complete the revisions, including a break for the Spring Festival. Finally, after a little over a month, I received an acceptance email.

原心 2021-03-29

Hello, I am currently reviewing a manuscript. It has been 15 days already, and I am anxious to graduate. I am eagerly waiting and would like to ask if you could provide detailed information about the review process. How long does it usually take for a manuscript to be under review? Is there a major or minor revision after the first review? How many reviewers are involved in the process? How long does it usually take to receive the revisions after the first review? Is there a second review? If so, how long does that usually take? If it's convenient for you, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to answer these questions. Do you require the original data to be packaged for submission?

开心 2021-03-28

Rejected from AS after submitting, did stem cell differentiation. First review took a little over a month, and the reviewer's comments were constructive. After revising, it took about another month to be accepted!

瓦嘿哒 2021-03-11

Hello! I would like to ask, do I need to upload the original data after receiving it? Thank you!

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