注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

LightChaser 2021-06-17

May I ask how long you have been using production? It has been seven to eight days in this state, approximately how long until it can go online? I would appreciate your response!

LightChaser 2021-06-14

May I ask how long each state takes, how long the revision takes, and how long the production takes? Thank you for the communication.

hitzhuozhuo 2021-06-13

3 of them, all were quickly approved.

yangfeng 2021-06-10

How many reviewers did you find in total?

hitzhuozhuo 2021-06-06

Final Manuscript Decision: 30 May - 04 Jun, Manuscript Accepted
Author Revision: 26 May - 30 May, Author Revisions Complete
Preproduction Review: 25 May - 26 May, Author Revision
First Manuscript Decision: 25 May, Major Revisions Required
Rate Reviewers: 25 May, Reviewer Rating Completed
Peer Review: 12 May - 25 May, Peer Review Complete
Assign Editor: 12 May, Editor Assigned
Quality Check: 12 May, Quality Check Passed

云朵奥 2021-04-29

I'm just so foolish. I directly forced it to be single-column and submitted it in 4 pages. Now thinking about it, I feel so stupid.

二十五桥明月夜 2021-04-28

I recently received an article. I submitted it as a double-column, 4-page format and it was not rejected due to formatting.

云朵奥 2021-04-28

Excuse me everyone, is the current submission layout for OL (Office Lady) required to be in double columns? Or is it directly in single column with a 4-page limit?

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