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谈天论季 2022-06-23

The speed is very fast, with a one-week review time. The opinions of the three reviewers are not very sharp. According to the reviewers' requirements, I made point-by-point revisions and responses, and waited for a week for the feedback. I submitted the paper on April 25th and it was accepted on June 16th. Overall, the experience was very good. The submission process went smoothly, to the extent that it gave me a feeling of having lowered my expectations like an OL (office lady).

shuaihuo 2022-06-16

The article I submitted on the theory of quantum optics was reviewed by six or seven reviewers, but only two agreed to review it. The reviewers were really professional and their comments were very sharp. The editor requested major revisions, giving me 10 days to complete them. After finishing the revisions, it was sent back for review again. The whole process took almost three months.

JOnata 2022-05-22

Excuse me, does the original poster have any updates on assigning a new editor for review? It has been a month since I submitted a job, but currently there is no reviewer who has agreed to accept the review, as they are all too busy!

attitude-1 2022-05-21

In the field of optical devices, the manuscript is peer-reviewed within a day. The reviewers have 7 days to review the article. Initially, no one accepted the review, causing a delay of nearly 1 month. 8 reviewers were eventually found, and 5 of them accepted the review directly. By the deadline, 3 reviewers provided their comments. The article required major revisions, which took 10 days. After the revisions, it was accepted for publication. The speed was acceptable.

xslclc 2022-05-04

This is not necessarily the case. Recently, I encountered a reviewer who took 22 days to provide minor revisions in the first review, and probably applied for an extension without carefully reviewing the comments in the second review. It has been 12 days and there is still no news. The other two reviewers responded within 3 days, one with minor revisions and the other accepted it directly.

Lythao 2022-04-18

My Optics Letters went through two rounds of review, with two reviewers in the first round and four reviewers in the second round. It has been one week since all four reviewers completed their evaluations, but the editor has not taken any action yet. Does anyone know what is going on?

optics 皮卡丘 2022-03-31

The reviewer's cycle is usually 7 days. Keep it up!

OpticsAnalysis 2022-03-05

I heard that the speed of the online publication is fast. I would like to inquire about how many days it takes to see the manuscript's review status after entering peer review. It has been half a month since my peer review started, but I still cannot find the specific review status. I am graduating and feeling anxious!

Freaky618 2022-02-25

First major revision was resubmitted, and coincidentally, it was during the period from Christmas to Chinese New Year. The peer review process took a whole two months... but the subsequent process was faster. Wishing you all the best.

February 23, 2022: Manuscript Accepted
February 15, 2022: Author Revisions Complete
February 9, 2022: Author Revision
February 8, 2022: Provisional Acceptance
February 8, 2022: Reviewer Rating Completed
February 8, 2022: Peer Review Complete
December 7, 2021: Editor Assigned

pipigo 2022-02-17

OE will also not guarantee the top position, not much.

Freaky618 2022-02-15

Oops, I submitted it in early December, and it took a total of two months for the peer review process to be completed after being urged numerous times by one reviewer. Finally, I received a conditional acceptance, and I plan to make the necessary revisions and resubmit it in the next couple of days. What were your thoughts on the matter, OP? I wonder if this time the response will be quicker.

将明将旦 2022-01-14

Why is this journal no longer top-ranked? Its reputation is still decent, isn't it?

guangying 2022-01-06

May I ask, if three manuscripts have been submitted for review and two reviewers have not yet agreed to review, should we find new reviewers? Or should we just keep waiting?

Tepeapu 2022-01-05

The efficiency of editing is still good, but the reviewers are really troublesome...
Three manuscripts were submitted for review. One reviewer agreed to review the next day, another agreed on the deadline day, and there was no response from the third reviewer.
On the day before the reviews of the first two reviewers were completed, the third reviewer agreed to review. However, there was no further response for two months. The editor sent reminders seven or eight times, but the peer review process lasted for more than two months, and in the end, the third reviewer never appeared...
After revisions, the manuscript was sent back to the first two reviewers and was accepted within about a week.
At the time of submission, I thought the process would be fast, but the review time ended up being three months...
... It's really frustrating...

opm 2021-12-29

Yes, I haven't found a new reviewer.

Ganshang si 2021-12-23

Hello, may I ask if it is a major revision or the previous reviewer?

opm 2021-12-03

After the major revision, it was resubmitted and the speed was very fast.
14 November 2021 Submit Manuscript
15 November 2021 Quality Check
16 November 2021 Assign Editor
16 November 2021 Peer Review
26 November 2021 Rate Reviewers
26 November 2021 Manuscript Accepted

你喜欢晴天嘛 2021-11-14

Hello, I would like to ask if there is a page requirement when replying to OL's comment.

晴天kk 2021-11-13

In the upgraded version of the Chinese Academy of Sciences division, why did Optics Letters become a non-top journal? (ಥ﹏ಥ) It shouldn't be like this!

你搞么子 2021-10-12

ol is under major renovation.

Sen 2021-10-05

Very good journal, the reviewers are very professional, the articles in it are also very good. Everyone should reference this journal more. I suggest publishing innovative articles. Wishing all researchers good results!

be-a- cheetah 2021-09-22

I had an idea and the boss said to give it a try with OL. Unexpectedly, it was accepted and became my second SCI paper during my master's program.
The manuscript was submitted on July 6th.
The first reviewer finished reviewing on July 31st, and the second reviewer finished on August 16th. Their comments were relatively fair, suggesting revisions before acceptance. The editor provided major revisions, and I had one week to make the changes.
The revisions were completed on August 19th and resubmitted. It was accepted on August 21st.
The main reason for the delay was the second reviewer taking too long. Otherwise, it could have been accepted within a month. The publication date was delayed due to struggling with formatting issues. The boss was very happy because this paper saved our chance of having a second-tier paper this year. It is a bit strange that OL has a higher rating than OE, but the impact factor doesn't increase. In the future, I should cite more OL articles.

Xiao-Dong Bi 2021-08-29

Hello, is there a confirmation template for OL?

Gaara44 2021-08-26

I used to have the same understanding as you. Recently, two papers in the OL (Online Literature) have had different situations. In the first paper, there were three reviewers, and each one agreed to accept it. The editor requested major revisions and resubmission. After going back to the reviewers, two of them felt that the revised version was different from before, one based on the writing style and the other based on opinions. They included a bunch of new comments and then temporarily accepted it again. As for the other paper (which was in August), there were two reviewers. One requested major revisions and resubmission, while the other requested minor revisions. The editor provided the process for major revisions, but did not request resubmission. After making the modifications, it was directly accepted for publication. I am focused on the field of lasers.

Gaara44 2021-08-26

I used to have the same understanding as you. Recently, there have been different situations in two articles. In the first article, there were three reviewers, and each one agreed to accept it. The editor requested major revisions and resubmission. After the revisions, two of the three reviewers felt that the article was not the same as before, one based on writing style and the other based on opinions. They suggested additional changes before temporarily accepting it again. As for the other article (in August), there were two reviewers, one requested major revisions and resubmission, while the other suggested minor revisions. The editor provided the process for major revisions, but there was no need for resubmission. After the modifications, the article was directly accepted.

apishi 2021-08-20

Envy, I invested at the end of June.

apishi 2021-08-20

Everyone says that journals are fast, but hey.
It took 17 days for the repaired manuscript to be sent back to the reviewer, and it has been two days since the review was completed, but the status of the manuscript has not been processed.
Why did I have to experience this?

meatball 2021-07-27

Are you not an OL? OL shouldn't have major renovations.

terrior 2021-07-21

Hello, may I ask if you have ever heard of proofs being withdrawn due to non-compliance with page limits? I have sent back a proof consisting of four and a half pages, and have resubmitted it after making modifications in the PDF. If it still exceeds the page limit, will I be asked to make further changes?

hitzhuozhuo 2021-06-23

Production has been ongoing for over half a month. We have just submitted the proof and it is estimated that it will take a few more days to be published.

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