注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

星光熠熠 2021-12-20

I would like to ask all friends, is it necessary for each co-author to click on the confirmation link after submitting the contribution?

小白2020 2021-10-08

Has anyone submitted a manuscript for four months and it is still under review? Why is it taking so long for this journal?

Le0n1s 2021-10-04

Posted on May 31, 2021, it took about a week to enter the "under review" status, and then there was no progress. During this period, two reminder emails were sent to urge the review process. On August 27, 2021, the revision comments were received, with a total of two reviewers and their comments were quite fair. After making the revisions, it was returned on September 8, but it has been dragging on without a decision. Finally, on September 29, it was accepted, taking a total of four months, which is quite a long time.

Le0n1s 2021-10-04

Posted on May 31, 2021, it took about a week to enter the "under review" status, and then there was no progress. During this period, two reminder emails were sent to urge the review process. On August 27, 2021, the revised comments were received from two reviewers. After making the revisions, it was returned on September 8, but it has been dragging on without a decision. Finally, on September 29, 2021, it was accepted, taking a total of four months, which is quite a long time.

hey tae 2021-09-27

I would like to ask, what is the average plagiarism detection rate for this journal? Are there any recommended plagiarism detection software?

西安小学者 2021-09-11

Develop a relatively stable journal, you can give it a try!

lanri 2021-08-31

2021.05.30 Submission
2021.07.10 Major revision, three reviewers
2021.07.30 Revised
2021.08.31 Accepted
Special praise to the editor, who handled the manuscript quickly. It was sent for review shortly after submission, and within a day after receiving the review results, it was processed. Overall, the experience was very good. Best wishes for the continued success of OC.

小白2020 2021-08-18

7.25 under review. There is still no result now.

QQ2110171280 2021-08-11

I have already submitted this status for three months, but there has been no response. How about your situation?

小白2020 2021-07-26

I would like to ask those who have already been hired, how long does it usually take to receive the final result after being in the "under review" status?

、在水一方 2021-07-23

I would like to ask, do I need to make any modifications to the format before submitting, such as dividing the article into two columns?

一零二四 2021-07-11

2021.06.06 under review.

长八包嘟 2021-07-08

May I ask how long it takes for your manuscript to change its status with the editor?

长八包嘟 2021-07-08

May I ask how long your manuscript has been with the editor? I submitted mine on June 29th, and it is still "with editor" as of July 8th.

一零二四 2021-07-05

2021.05.30 Submission
2021.06.28 Minor revisions, two reviewers
2021.07.04 Accepted
The editor's decision was made quickly and professionally. After making revisions on July 1st, the paper was accepted on Sunday, the 4th. Overall, the experience was good. Best wishes for the continued success of OC!

jianghe 2021-05-06

May I ask which editor you have? Can you recommend one? I'm afraid of finding an irresponsible editor who will delay the process.

小硕 2021-05-03

Submission Date: Jan 31, 2021
Inclusion Date: May 03, 2021 (Accepted)
The initial review took a little over two months, and in early April, we received the initial review comments (major revisions).
We made the revisions and resubmitted on April 14th. On May 3rd, it was included. Both reviewers' comments were positive, so we were fortunate to have it accepted. The editing process was fast. This is my first SCI paper. Thank you, OC.

jianghe 2021-04-24

May I ask if your thesis has yielded any results?

jianghe 2021-04-24

May I ask which editor you have chosen? The speed is very fast, and I would like to refer to your editing in my cover letter.

kenny_云 2021-04-08

2021.03.31 Submitted 2021.4.1 with editor The status has not changed yet, waiting patiently... Praying.

yjvlc 2021-04-06

Hello, it is said that OC can choose whether to be OA. Is this chosen at the time of submission? Or is it chosen after acceptance and inclusion in the review?

yjvlc 2021-04-06

Hello, it is said that OC can choose whether to be OA. Is this chosen when submitting a manuscript? Or is it chosen after the review process and acceptance for publication? Additionally, if choosing non-OA, will the review and publishing process be slower?

MASTERXD 2021-03-31

Mar 31, 2021 With Editor

MASTERXD 2021-03-29

Mar 29, 2021 Submitted to Journal

Translation: The text is already in English.

oooo 2021-03-25

Hello, may I ask if you have any reference templates? If you do, could you please send me a copy? Thank you.

早日毕业cy 2021-03-10

How do you know who the reviewer is?

dxshi 2021-02-26

I want to ask what's going on with the status date constantly changing? It has been "under review" all along, but the date has changed three times.

Blossom 2021-02-24

Why does February have 31st?

Blossom 2021-02-24

How do sisters perceive real-time IF?

逆风而行_ 2021-02-15

2020.11.26 Submission
2020.12.31 Major revisions after the first review
2021.1.14 Revised
2021.1.31 Accepted
It's quite fast. I've always heard that OC's review process is slow, but this time it seems okay.

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