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小白66 2023-01-03

May I ask what letter does the manuscript number start with?

接收快快 2022-12-30

Have the editors taken a vacation? It has been almost 10 days since the editor was last active. How long does this usually last?

小白66 2022-12-28

Just submitted, any buddies who have submitted before, could you share how long it usually takes with the editor?

米饭 2022-12-28

Submitted on August 7th, the first review took one and a half months. There were major revisions with five reviewers. Three weeks later, it was resubmitted and the second review took another one and a half months. There were minor revisions and one week later it was resubmitted again, and the next day it was accepted directly. The editor was very responsible, and the reviewers were also good. The only problem was that it was too slow. It was submitted in August and accepted at the end of December.

不爱阳光的向日葵 2022-11-14

It's just average. The submission process takes a long time, with one month for the first review, another month for the second review, and still another month for the third review. They provide feedback on the first and second review. Finally, it got accepted.

Evoque 2022-10-24

Hello! The email says that the data in the picture needs to be provided. Does this need to be uploaded?

张一斩 2022-10-13

The second reviewer has been dragging on with the manuscript. It has been almost one and a half months and it still hasn't been completed. I'm truly fed up.

xinxin_ 2022-09-29

Posted on July 19, 2022, received major revisions comments on September 1. One reviewer provided around ten comments. Overall, they were quite satisfied with the paper, but there were some details that needed explanation and correction. Submitted on September 24, and it was accepted on September 28.

张一斩 2022-09-17

It has been a month since the second trial, why haven't I been notified yet?

薛定谔的猫 2022-09-06

After 2 months of submission, the review comments were minor revisions. After completing the changes and resubmitting, it took a total of 3 months to be accepted.

张一斩 2022-09-03

How long does the second review of this journal take?

xinxin_ 2022-07-19

Hello, may I ask if I can still see the submission in the submitted works if not every author has approved it after submission? Because my supervisor is the corresponding author, and I have authorized my supervisor to submit it after I made the submission.

PHYS 2022-05-31

The review process is fast, and the reviewers are generally professional. However, the impact factor is somewhat low, firmly in the third quartile within the evaluation system in China, which is a bit of a pity.

eyinwei 2022-05-19

Received for second trial on the 16th, quite slow.

June槿颜 2022-05-19

I want to ask how long it usually takes to get reviewed. It has been a month and my submission hasn't been reviewed yet. Can I remind the editor?

eyinwei 2022-05-10

Less than a month for the first review, and it has already been a month for the second review, still under review. The second review is too slow.

小顾1 2022-05-09

Submitted for 3 days of review, now it's been 3 weeks and the results are about to be released.

CYD 2022-05-08

Hey buddy upstairs, any news from the editor? Mine hasn't received any updates for a long time either... Which editor do you have?

litiankai 2022-05-06

Brother, did you choose open source?

litiankai 2022-05-06

Brother, did you choose open source?

June槿颜 2022-05-05

Hello, may I ask how long it will be before you submit it? Mine has been in "with editor" status for two weeks and has not been sent for review yet.

nc 2022-04-25

Very good journal

zhangbw 2022-04-21

The first SCI paper is generally satisfactory, except for the slow review speed.

qiqisun 2022-04-19

I would like to ask everyone how long it usually takes with the editor. Mine has been going on for two weeks already, and I need it urgently for the graduate summer camp. I would like to ask when it will be submitted for review.

qiqisun 2022-04-19

I have been staying with the editor for two weeks already. May I ask when it will be sent for review and when it will enter the "under review" status?

随遇而安010 2022-04-13

After three weeks of submission, provide feedback for revisions. The journal's influence is quite good, comparable to Applied Optics but slightly better (with a slightly higher requirement for innovation).

最强大脑中国好声音 2022-02-22

After three weeks of minor revisions following submission, the manuscript was accepted and the process was quite fast. The impact factor has been consistently increasing, and I personally believe that it will reach the second quartile in the next one or two years. It is a very good journal.

YYMMYYMM 2022-02-18

Hello, is the information of the corresponding author and the first author synchronized?

星光熠熠 2022-02-09

It has been recorded, no need to click OK.

洛埃镜 2022-01-22

It seems that it is necessary to mention that the links inside the emails sent to each author need to be confirmed. It is better to ask them all to click the links to confirm.

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