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爱科研的小悦 2022-11-10

7.15 Submission
8.13 Major revision first edit
8.31 Submit first edited draft
9.24 Minor revision second edit
9.30 Submit second edit
11.10 Acceptance

Zn科研xr 2022-10-21

How are you doing now, OP?

Zn科研xr 2022-10-21

under review

manmaner 2022-10-20

Hey everyone, may I ask if I can still submit to other journals under ScienceDirect after this manuscript gets rejected?

潇洒哥 2022-10-18

14/10/2022 submitted to journal
14/10/2022 with editor
18/10/2022 under review, sent 2+, accepted 2+, surprisingly high efficiency, hoping for good luck.

巨馍蘸酱er 2022-09-27

Why do you still insist on submitting your work to low-quality journals, when your level is so high? Is it to highlight how outstanding you are among all the mediocre articles? And yet, you were rejected by the very journals you belittle...
I don't know where your arrogant sense of superiority comes from, but first, fix your mindset, Mr. Expert.

SiuChan 2022-09-20

The translation of the text into English is as follows:

"Luck is pretty good, both reviewers are fast.
Submitted on July 22.
With editor on July 24.
Under review on July 31.
Required reviews completed on August 19.
Decision in process on August 21.
Major revision on August 23.
Revision submitted on September 10.
With editor on September 10.
Under review on September 12.
Required reviews completed on September 13.
Decision in process on September 18.
Accepted on September 19."

storm 2022-09-15

The journal is obviously not very good, filled with mediocre articles. As a result, my submission was rejected and I'm not happy about it. The reviewer's comments were fair, except for the writing issues. The reason for rejection was exactly the part that I didn't want to write, and now I want to submit that part as a separate article. However, the original part is already better than many of the mediocre articles in the journal. I decided to submit it to "measurement" as recommended, but I don't know what the outcome will be. If "measurement" also requests that part, then I'll reluctantly add it and submit it again to "olen."

xyxyxy971015 2022-09-02

What stage are we in now, please?

wangfan 2022-08-08

Posted on June 16th, it seemed to go "Under review" a week later. However, the system showed that "required reviews completed" on July 28th. Until now, it has been two weeks and it has remained in this state without any progress. Is this the standard process? Or is it because the opinions of the two reviewers are very different, and the editor is contemplating a decision?

聪明的米哈伊 2022-06-29

You already said it's the Left Chao group, don't you know what relationship their group has with the editing team?

DLDL 2022-06-20

Update, submitted four days later with editor.

eddie_rui 2022-06-07

Does anyone know where to find the LaTeX template for this journal?

eddie_rui 2022-06-07

Where is the LaTeX template for this journal? I couldn't find it in the author's guide.

一只科研狗 2022-06-07

As long as the reviewers are found, the process is very fast. The first review took a little over two months, and the second review only took one day! The entire submission process takes about 100 days. Kudos to the editors and reviewers!

天平天下 2022-05-28

The overall speed is fast, the editors are very good, efficient, and timely; the opinions of the two reviewers are very fair, valuable, and the review process is fast. The quality of the revised article has significantly improved, and there is a lot of gain. Thank you very much to the editors and the two reviewers, the whole process went smoothly.

bingdada 2022-05-24

May I ask which one you have selected for editing?

时光流逝 2345 2022-05-23

Hello, I would like to ask, is there any difference in the publication speed between choosing open source and non-open source after being hired? How long does it take for your publication to be published?

时光流逝 2345 2022-05-23

Very slow, the review process has been nearly a year.

FancyOpti 2022-05-23

I would like to ask everyone if the choice of the article handling editor during the submission process has a significant impact on the speed of the review. You can choose either the editor-in-chief or one of the two deputy editors as the article handling editor. The latest issue of the journal has accepted articles within one year, while others were accepted within three months, showing a significant difference.

I am working on optical engineering related to general processing and forming. There are very few options for high-level journals in this field, with Optics Express (OE) and Applied Optics (AO) being open access. I am not sure about the review process of Precision Engineering and whether it is fast or not.

I noticed that Professor Zuo Chao has submitted many papers on computational optics to this journal, so I came here with great admiration.

一只科研狗 2022-04-12

One year is too slow, my two months under review have been continuously updated, I guess they haven't found a reviewer yet.

时光流逝 2345 2022-04-12

The review process is extremely long, mine has already been almost a year.

一只科研狗 2022-04-03

How long is the average review period for this journal?

flw 2022-03-15

I want to know why there are reviewers who take an unrelated paper to accuse me of someone else having already done my work, and directly reject my submission based on this opinion.

Eric X 2022-02-04

Really fast! From submission, minor revisions, acceptance, to official publication, including Christmas, it's a total of 3 months exactly!

flw 2021-12-25

It has been over a month, and it has been under review all along. Besides the updating of dates, there doesn't seem to be any other changes.

倔强的奥斯特 2021-12-01

How long did you guys take to handle the first trial?

中... 2021-12-01

How long has your second review been? Mine is still in the second review process too, and it has been over a month with no response.

olivercoco 2021-11-15

May I ask how long it usually takes for the second review of this publication among the experienced experts here?

让我中吧 2021-11-11

May submission, it has been six months now, and it is still under review. When I ask for an update, they just tell me to wait, and I don't know if it will be approved before graduation.

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