认证评论 - Ocean Engineering
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kingtonali 2023-06-24

2023.06.20 Submitted
2023.06.22 With editor
I have submitted my manuscript for the second time and it has not yet been sent for review. It focuses on the civil engineering field. I hope the editor will not reject it because of its focus on civil engineering. I would appreciate it if the experts could review it and provide feedback as soon as possible.

无情滴怪蜀黍 2023-06-22

6.10rrc ----- It is now 6.22

无情滴怪蜀黍 2023-06-18

There is always a feeling of something not quite right after being rejected by RRC.

太空挖矿 2023-06-16

Could it be because of the editing? The decision to make changes was sent by the editor-in-chief in an email. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

你说然后呢 2023-06-16

Why haven't I received any notification for 17 days?

太空挖矿 2023-06-16

Apr 03, 2023 Apr 05, 2023 With Editor
Apr 03, 2023 Apr 08, 2023 Under Review
Apr 03, 2023 Apr 16, 2023 Under Review
Apr 03, 2023 May 03, 2023 Under Review
Apr 03, 2023 May 19, 2023 Revise
Jun 05, 2023 Jun 07, 2023 With Editor
Jun 05, 2023 Jun 07, 2023 Under Review
Jun 05, 2023 Jun 13, 2023 Required Reviews Completed
Apr 03, 2023 Jun 15, 2023 Completed - Accept

无情滴怪蜀黍 2023-06-15

I am also in the third review of RRC. It has been a week already.

皮卡丘,使用十万伏特 2023-06-15

I am too, not voting anymore. The college used to regard OE as the top, but now only APOR remains.

皮卡丘,使用十万伏特 2023-06-15

Forget it, this thing's reputation is far worse than APOR now. It did have a good reputation before, but it has been ruined in the past two years. The most important thing for a journal is its reputation, like MS (management science) and OR (operations research), their impact factors are not high, but they are much stronger than OE, which has only a little over 10 points in transportation and ocean journals. When I first started my postgraduate studies, I submitted two papers to OE, which were much simpler compared to APOR. The acceptance rate in APOR is very strict.

JT Geomer 2023-06-15

After the minor repairs are done, it is necessary to return them to the reviewer, because there were too many things going on at that time, and I only spent one day to fix them.

qqqq2021 2023-06-14

Graduated twice, from 5.30rrc until now, will it be rejected or not?

太空挖矿 2023-06-14

13th rrc, it looks like we have to wait.

你说然后呢 2023-06-14

5.30rrc, and it has continued until today.

太空挖矿 2023-06-14

Is it necessary to wait so long from rrc to accept downstairs?

张一了 2023-06-14

I am also like this. Have you made any new progress?

你说然后呢 2023-06-13

Xiao Xiu will give specific minor repairs, but major repairs were not explicitly mentioned.

托雅塔 2023-06-13

How do you distinguish between major repairs and minor repairs? When I received the review comments, there was no such thing... Haha.

太空挖矿 2023-06-13

There are really few journals on ocean engineering.

你说然后呢 2023-06-13

Why haven't I received any notification after 14 days of RRC? Is it still under review?

头发保住 2023-06-13

How many reviewers have you found?

敏锐的大蒜 2023-06-12

Do you need to return to the reviewer after minor revisions?

JT Geomer 2023-06-12

4.11 submit
5.11 minor revision
5.12 revision submitted
6.04 RRC
6.11 accept

This is my third paper, and I mustered up the courage to submit it to a top-tier journal. I didn't expect the review and acceptance process to be so quick. The reviewer's comments were minor revisions and they also asked for more details about the methods.

Although the publication volume of this journal has indeed increased, the speed at which they handle submissions is satisfying. Moreover, after four years of honing my skills, this is the third time I have independently written an article, and both the content and structure, as well as the illustrations and logical coherence, have made a qualitative leap compared to before.

头发保住 2023-06-11

How come, weren't you hired? What happened?

tju 2023-06-10

Can only say that OE is getting farther and farther away on the road of comparison, wasting the reputation accumulated over so many years.

taylor1993 2023-06-08

I looked up the latest Citescore of Scoups, and it shows a significant decline. I hope it doesn't drop to Q2 zone.

May April 2023-06-05

It was still quite fast, I received the first review in about a month. One was rejected and the other required revisions. The editor provided the revisions, but after the revised manuscript was submitted, it was rejected again. The reviewer misunderstood the article. After appealing, the editor gave another chance to revise the article. This time, only the reviewer who rejected it previously reviewed it. It took about a week to receive their feedback. The editorial department delayed for a week in between. I sent an email to the official of Aisiweier and they helped to urge the process. That evening, they accepted it.

chengz 2023-06-05

Submitted on March 19th, received comments from external review on May 15th (17 comments, one suggestion for revision and acceptance, one stating that overall creativity is not high), returned the revised manuscript on May 28th, feeling uncertain about the revised content, one external review completed on June 4th (one more to go), feeling a bit anxious now, wondering if the chances of my situation being successful are high?

托雅塔 2023-06-05

At least two reviewers are required, but in most cases, three are needed.

托雅塔 2023-06-05

The reviewing process itself doesn't take too long, but it takes a long time to find reviewers!

I_AM_YP 2023-06-05

@OKA when did you submit your application? If someone picked it up yesterday, you should be receiving feedback soon. I still have five invitations ongoing and one that is being reviewed. I submitted mine on March 20th.

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