认证评论 - Ocean Engineering
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沉思的托克维尔 2021-02-18

May I ask what kind of journal POF is?

offshore 2021-02-17

20200615 submit
The submitted content focuses on the exploration of fluid mechanics mechanisms, using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and experiments as tools.
Afterwards, there was a long wait. Three months later, an inquiry was made and it was informed that two reviewers had been found. However, one of the reviewers accepted but did not provide feedback, so another reviewer had to be found temporarily. The feedback was received in mid-November, and it required minor revisions.
Due to being busy with another paper at that time, the reply was only submitted after the New Year. After one and a half months of review, both reviewers returned with no further comments, with each of them writing only one sentence. It is unbelievable that it took one and a half months for such minimal feedback, which is quite touching.
20210215 accept
During the waiting period, countless times I considered withdrawing the submission and submitting to POF (Physics of Fluids), as OE (the journal) is really slow now.

tju 2021-02-14

Mine too, very fast. Submitted on September 30th, first review completed on November 11th. Returned for revision on December 22nd, accepted on January 25th.

asceer 2021-02-09

9.9投出 - Submitted on September 9th
9.16under review - Under review since September 16th
11.1required reviews completed - Required reviews completed on November 1st
11.15revise - Revision requested on November 15th
12.24返修 - Reworked on December 24th
12.25under review - Under review since December 25th
2.1required reviews completed - Required reviews completed on February 1st
2.7c accept - Accepted on February 7th

The review process was quick, probably because a nice reviewer was encountered. The entire process took 5 months and went quite smoothly for the first SCI paper.

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