注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

哈哈哈 2023-08-04

Hello, may I ask if the current status of your article is still in the preliminary evaluation stage? Thank you.

笑可笑可 2023-07-30

Thank you so much, Professor Vera R. Leopoldo Constantino and reviewers, for accepting it on July 29, 2023.

大 橘 2023-07-28

Wow, it's so fast. May I ask if it's normal for it to still be in preliminary review after two days?

Energy Sto 321 2023-07-27

Re: [zbt]
It has been approximately twenty days.

大 橘 2023-07-26

May I ask if you have conducted the experiment, Friend Friend? And who did you choose as the editor?

大 橘 2023-07-26

Just invested today. If I win, I will definitely come back. I don't know if I can be reviewed.

ZZULI-2017 2023-07-25

7.8 has been received, but there is still no proof until now.

笑可笑可 2023-07-16

04.18 submit - Submitted on April 18th
06.20 审稿意见回来,一小修,一个对实验设计怀疑,编辑先生找了第三个审稿人大修 - Reviewer comments received on June 20th, minor revisions suggested, one reviewer expressed doubt about the experimental design, the editor sought a third reviewer for major revisions.
小修5条,大修13条意见,可能因为引入第三个审稿人所以花了俩月时间 - 5 minor revision suggestions, 13 major revision suggestions, possibly due to the inclusion of the third reviewer, it took two months.
07.06 resubmit - Resubmitted on July 6th.
接着没几天就in peer review 具体几天忘记了 - Entered peer review shortly after, forgot the exact number of days.
07.16 with editor - With the editor on July 16th.
希望有个好结果 - Hoping for a positive outcome.

小奕在努力 2023-06-13

Accepted to Proof takes about one week, and then another week or so for the first publication.

zbt 2023-06-12

Have you received the proof? How long has it been?

gqgw1101 2023-06-08

As of now, there has been no response from the editor. I have noticed that many others have had their submissions reviewed quickly, so I wonder why there has been no progress after half a month. However, I am hesitant to rush them.

Energy Sto 321 2023-05-26

4.20 submit - Submitted on April 20th
4.25 in peer review - Undergoing peer review on April 25th
5.09 major revision - Requires major revisions by May 9th
5.17 resubmit - Resubmitted on May 17th
5.19 in peer review - Undergoing peer review again on May 19th
5.24 accept - Accepted on May 24th

zjl 2023-05-16

Everyone seems to be quite fast, but I have been submitting my work for over two months, why haven't I received a response?

易挽水 2023-05-13

3.27 Submitted
4.16 Major revision
4.27 Resubmitted
5.13 Accepted

易挽水 2023-05-12

How many days will you review it?

Letme 2023-05-12

It has been 20 days since the second trial, and there is still no news. I don't know if there is anyone in the same situation as me.

易挽水 2023-05-12

It has been 15 days and there is still no news.

易挽水 2023-05-11

It has been two weeks and still no news. Please, I hope to receive the message soon.

易挽水 2023-05-10

It has been 13 days and there is still no news.

aaaaalxy 2023-05-09

May I ask which editor you have chosen?

aaaaalxy 2023-05-09

May I ask which editor it is?

易挽水 2023-05-09

It has been 12 days and there is still no news. The third reviewer is also too slow.

G.E.M.豆豆 2023-05-09

May I ask when will the publishing agreement be uploaded? I haven't received the link yet.

李稳稳冲冲冲 2023-05-08

3.10 Submitted
3.14 With editor
3.17 In peer review
4.4 Major Revision
4.27 Revision manuscript submitted
4.28 Accept

The review process was very efficient. I received the first review comments in about 20 days after submission. However, due to job searching and completing my graduation thesis, it took me about a week to address the comments. Otherwise, it would have been even quicker. It was a great submission experience, and I wish the journal continued success!

易挽水 2023-05-08

It has been 11 days since the second review, and there is still no news. It is almost catching up to the time of the first review. I hope to receive the feedback soon. ??????

zhong123jill 2023-05-04

After sending it, I received it. Thank you to Editor Yu Jinghua and the reviewers! I hope NJC will continue to improve!

zhong123jill 2023-05-04

It has been 16 days since the second trial, and I still haven't received any news. I hope to receive the news soon. [Praying] [Praying]

JillFHF 2023-04-24

3.25 Submission
4.10 Minor revision
4.18 Revised version
Hope it can be accepted.

X1999 2023-04-23

I would like to ask everyone how long their "with editor" status has been. Mine has been three days already and I am unsure about it. Thank you all.

Awukkkk 2023-04-23

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to publish after accepting?

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