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科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-12-11

It is useless for me to rush for the manuscript.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-12-09

Is it the first trial or the second trial??

PPAccepted 2021-12-09

The review is completed, but there is still no final decision. I hope to receive good news as soon as possible!

Berlinzzz 2021-12-08

I submitted it in July of 2019, and it still hasn't gone through the second review. Urging for it also doesn't work, it's making me so frustrated.

什么时候才能中trans 2021-12-08

Submit major revisions in June, currently still allocating editors, sigh.

什么时候才能中trans 2021-12-08

I'm almost the same as you, it's been almost two years, and after submitting the revised draft, it's still "Editor Assigned".

didilala 2021-12-08

On the 12th of July, under review. There have been frequent reminders for the past three months. I'm not sure if it has had any effect.

ハローキティ 2021-12-08

Hey, it's been almost 2 years since I casted my vote. Is there anyone more miserable than me?

Berlinzzz 2021-12-07

In March 2021, the minor revisions continued, and the second review hasn't started yet. Feeling hopeless. Everyone, be cautious about submitting to this journal.

didilala 2021-12-06

Sent n reminders, but they were useless. It would be a pity to withdraw the submission now. The major revision received over 30 comments... It has been 8 months and it is still in the assigned editing status. How can I contact the proper editor?

didilala 2021-12-06

This is too unfair. What should I do?

didilala 2021-12-06

What on earth has happened recently? Is there no news at all? Sigh.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-12-06

Where did the editor go?

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-12-06

I really want to know where the editor went...

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-12-06

The major repair was submitted on March 5th...

福海畅游人 2021-12-04

The editor was assigned for 8 months, but unexpectedly got removed without any explanation? Ah, what a waste of time.

ハローキティ 2021-12-04

Is the person upstairs voluntarily requesting to withdraw the submission?

Panpanpie 2021-12-04

My major revision took eight and a half months, and it was still assigned to the editor. I sent an email a couple of days ago to express my situation and request withdrawal, but they didn't say anything and just withdrew it without any explanation. I am speechless.

福海畅游人 2021-12-01

Are you the assigned editor or has the editor not been assigned yet, OP?

didilala 2021-11-30

Oh, I submitted the revised manuscript for major revisions on April 26th, 2021, and it is still being assigned to an editor... speechless.

福海畅游人 2021-11-29

Did you also submit after the major revision? Have you been Editor Assigned all along? Are you saying that Editor Assigned has been ongoing for so many months? Mine has been ongoing for almost 3 months.

felix@ 2021-11-29

I'm the same, update the comments as the status changes.

lisalu 2021-11-25

@Asuka, have you submitted it for review yet?

hs8945 2021-11-23

The first trial has been almost 6 months now, and it is still under review. The status has remained unchanged from before, which is making me extremely frustrated.

lisalu 2021-11-22

Your speed is considered fast. It has been almost a year for me, but after the major repair, it has not been reviewed yet.

小熊熊media 2021-11-21

The speed is really too slow. It took almost a year from applying to being hired!

didilala 2021-11-17

I have been studying for seven months and still being assigned to edit, speechless.

福海畅游人 2021-11-17

Actually, I have been assigned as an editor for several months, but I still haven't understood why it can't be under review as soon as possible.

飛鳥鳥鳥 2021-11-17

After I returned in early July, I have been assigned as an editor for almost 5 months!

DU-DU 2021-11-17

It has been 5 months since the editor was assigned to revise it, and there is still no result.

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